Chapter 10

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**Pic of Michael**


     After I introduced Zander to Raphael and Michael, I was tired. Mostly from working out in my other forms. I fell face first into my soft bed, immediately my body started to relax.
     "I see your making yourself comfortable." I heard Zander's cocky voice. I moved my attention to the doorframe. He smiled devilishly as he leaned against it.
     "Well were else would I be when I feel like I got beaten the crap out of me." I huffed as I buried my face back into the sheets. He chuckled. His footsteps moved over to the bed and the sudden dip in it made me roll over to him. My head laying on his shoulder as we both stared up at the ceiling. "So what do you think of our uncles?"
     "They are going to have to get some used to." He smirked.
     "I figured that."
     "Raphael was too much of a fan girl for me and Michael was so serious."
     "They're always like that." I giggled. We stayed silent for a few moments.
     "So who was that on the phone with ya?"
     "My friends and pack mates."
     "The second?"
     "You ask too many questions." I grinned at him.
     "Well a brother has to know what to look out for. I don't want to kill a friend." He chuckled. "I'm very protective over my sister."
     "I can see that. Well to answer you question, that was my brother-in-law."
     "Vamp." I sighed as I sat up and cracked my neck and rolled my shoulders, making them pop. That at least eased some of the tension in my bones and sore muscles. "He's coming over here. I have found his mate, though I don't know if she'll like him."
     "Well we don't know until we try." Zander said as he sat up and placed his hand on my shoulder reassuringly. I gently grasped his hand.
     "I'm going to tell her tonight. He said he already got on the first flight out here. He'll be here in the morning." I sighed and got to my feet. "Well," I looked down at my brother with a smile. "wish me luck."
     Finding Angelique was a little harder than I thought. I followed her scent trail but when I got to the destination, it seems that she already went to a different place. Sighing, I made my way to the next destination, hoping that she would stay there. Her scent tickled my nose when it grew stronger. So I was actually on her tail!
     "Angelique!" I shouted when I found her walking down the hallway. She stopped in mid-step and turned on the balls of her heels.
     "Hey Aiyana! What's up?" She asked.
     "I think I found your mate." I said in between breaths. "You know you're a hard woman to track down." I took a deep breath as I stood up straight.
     "Did I hear you right? You've found my mate?" Her eyes held happiness and hope.
     "Yes I did. He happens to be my brother-in-law." I said. Her happiness soared high. "You might want to sit down for this." I calmly said as I lowered us both down.
     "You should I put this?" My mind pondered on many ideas on how to tell her that her mate is a vampire but none of them seemed right.
     "Spit it out." She laughed.
     "Well, you see my brother-in-law happens to be a...vampire." I whispered the last part.
     "A what? Speak up girl I couldn't hear you."
     "He's a vampire." I said louder this time and stared at her seriously in the eyes. For a couple of moments, Angelique didn't say anything. I could feel her fear rise but she didn't show it. "Do you have an questions? I can help. I have a mate that's a vampire and he's very sweet."
     "How's the mating process go?" Angelique asked shyly.
     "Well, they bite you like a werewolf but they inject their venom into you."
     "This venom won't change me, will it?" Her voice cracked a bit.
     "No. It's just for other vampire to steer clear. Each vampire has their own distinctive smell. Like me, I smell like limes to other vampires."
     "I don't smell it." She leaned towards me and sniffed.
     "It's because you can only smell it if your a vampire but who knows you might be able to after you mate."
     "Am I allowed to mark him?"
     "I don't see why not. I marked my mate." I paused. "Knowing my brother-in-law, he would wear it with honor." I smiled at the thought of Jason shirtless, showing off his mark to everyone. "I know it's a lot to take in."
     "When is he arriving?"
     "Tomorrow morning. I'm going to pick him up."
     "Wouldn't the sun hurt him?" Angelique asked, worry and caution laced her words.
     "Don't worry. He's an Under Lord. He'll be able to walk in the sun."
     "Under Lord?" Her brows furrowed.
     "He'll explain it to you. Do you want me there when you meet him? I can tell you're nervous and afraid."
     "Yes please."
     "Alright. Make sure you get some rest and look your best tomorrow. I mean you only meet your mate once." Well depends on the person. I slowly stood but was caught by Angelique.
     "What's his name?" She mumbled.
     "Jason." I smiled. "You'll love him."
     I awoke to Zander jumping up and down on the bed. Angrily, I threw a pillow at him and he fell off the bed from the impact.
     "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He joked as he leaned on the pillow on the edge of the bed. A Cheshire Cat smiled plastered onto his face.
     "Yes I did actually. You shoved me into your spot." I hissed as I got to my feet and cracked my aching back. "What time is it?"
     "Almost time to go pick up your vamp bro."
     "Ten minutes? Five minutes? What?"
     "Hour and a half. Figure you might want a shower and Grim is going to be here soon."
     "Alright." I stretched once more before grabbing my stuff and shuffling to the bathroom.
     Fifteen minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom fully refreshed. I made sure I brushed my hair and teeth. I looked at myself one last time and nodded my approval.
     "Is Grim here?" I asked Zander who was playing a game on the Xbox 360.
     "Yes. He's down in the courtyard talking to Ryu."
     "Okay thank you." I kissed my brother on his forehead and ran down the stairs. Once I made it into the courtyard, I saw Ryu and Grim talking to each other. "Hey boys." I hollered as I ran up to them.
     Ryu turned to me first. He kissed my forehead. "How's my sunshine?"
     "Should of asked me that twenty minutes ago? My dumbass brother made me grumpy." I huffed.
     "Still my sunshine no matter what." He smiled as he placed a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. "Now go get our guest."
     "I will but first..." I called upon Donohue's hair and Dangelo's eyes. "There now I'm ready."
     "Why do you look different?" Ryu tilted his head to the side.
     "I don't know who might be following." I said. I planted a kiss on his lips before I ran over to Grim. He helped me up onto his horse. "See ya." I waved goodbye as Grim took off. "Thanks again Grim for the ride."
     "Not a problem." He looked over his shoulder, a smile spread across his face. My mind still couldn't wrap around how handsome he is. The black hair and red eyes. If I wasn't mated already, I probably would have dated him. But seeing this friendly face, it only made my determination stronger to find someone for Grim. It wasn't only the looks that dragged me in, it was his heart and personality. He looked all big and scary on the outside but he was in fact the purest being I've ever met and I have angel blood running through my veins. "So I get to meet this infamous Jason?" He smiled evilly. "I wonder what he'll be like."
     We arrived to the airport in record time. His pooka was fast. I had to make sure my hair wasn't messed up. Grim walked in with me. Every girls eyes were plastered on him. He looked like a model. But for some reason I had shivers going down my spine and I could only guess it was the girls. Nervously laughing, I scribbled Jason's name across a board and waited at the entrance. Immediately I recognized Jason as soon as he came walking out. He looked for my sign, he obviously looked like a tourist with his hand to his forehead looking for this sign. Once he spotted my sign, his eyes bursted with happiness. He came running over and gave me a great big hug.
     "Hi Yana." He whispered in my ear.
     "Hey yourself." I laughed as I gave him a hug back. "How you doing Jason? No side effects yet?"
     "Just my skin crawling. I just hope your right." He said as he scratched his arm.
     "Awe did my Jason get picked on by bugs?"
     "Ha, ha very funny." He flicked my forehead. He then noticed Grim behind me. He narrowed his eyes and went into Grim's face. The girls around us started to fan girl worse than Raphael. "So is this Ryu?"
     "No. This is my friend Grim." I leaned towards Jason. "He's a dullahan." I whispered.
     "Nah. I heard they were creepier. He's to hot for that."
     I nervously laughed. "We'll see." I winked to Grim, which made him grin evilly. I didn't understand what he had in store but I could guess.
     We made it out of the city and went to the palace. I jumped of the pooka and sat on the sidelines as Grim and Jason demounted.
     "So we're gonna tussle?" Jason smiled wickedly as he threw his suitcase in my direction, which I effortlessly caught. I guess my training did pay after all. "So what's it going to be?" He cracked his neck and knuckles.
     "For the last time, his name is Grim. Not Ryu." I shouted from my spot.
     "Someone mention me." I heard Ryu's voice behind me. I hyperextended my neck to see him standing behind me, glancing in my direction before moving in front of me.
     "Yeah I did." I turned my attention forward. "My dumbass brother-in-law thinks Grim is you."
     "Apparently he doesn't know the difference from dragon and dullahan." Ryu chuckled and sat down beside me.
     "Hey! I can hear you ya know." Jason huffed. "And I can too!"
     "Apparently not!" Ryu smirked as he pointed in front of Jason. Jason followed Ryu's direction and came face to face with Grim's real form. I saw a shiver run up Jason's spine before he disappeared. Suddenly something impacted with my back.
     "Figures you would be here. My tough guy." I snickered as I turned to see Jason behind me.
     "Shut it. It's my first time seeing one in the flesh." He spat playfully. "And don't tell me you weren't terrified at first?"
     "At first I was afraid then I was petrified." I sang.
     "Ha, ha." He playfully smacked me in the back of the head, registering a growl from Ryu. "He doesn't bite does he?"
     "No." I heard a sigh of relief. "He burns." Then a gulp. "Ryu knock it of. He's a brother." Ryu stopped.
     "Thank you." Jason whispered.
     "No problem but in truth I was afraid of Grim at first because I didn't know what mystic he was. But after I got to know him, he's my best friend." I sweetly smiled.
     "You're too kind Aiyana." Grim said while he placed his head on his shoulders again. He then removed his helmet.
     "I'm definitely not going to get used to that." Jason mumbled under his breath.
     When we finally arrived at the castle, all the omegas came out to greet us. The only one who hovered by the door was Angelique. She shyly hid behind Brutus. I dismounted first and helped down Jason. He hid behind me somewhat. He wasn't used to this many werewolves. I gently touched his shoulder and brought him forward. Slowly I introduced each one to Jason. Once he got more used to everyone, he started to ease into his surroundings. I waved Brutus over. He happily nodded before talking to Angelique.
     "Is that her?" Jason mumbled.
     "Yes." I responded. I grabbed him the collar of his shirt as he tried to dash to her side. "Idiot." I looked down at him sternly. "If you'll do that, you'll frighten her."
     "Why? I won't hurt her." He tilted his head at me.
     "Idiot. She's an omega." He whispered harshly in his ear.
     "Gods you're useless." I pinched the bridge of my nose with my free hand. "Every Were here is an omega, well was. Omega is the lowest of the low on their hierarchy. They are treated worse than dirt. They are the punching bags of the packs. She has suffered a lot of damage, so give her time to bounce back. Take your time with her." I pulled him up to my face and glared evilly at him. "That means take it slow. I know about your illness and it's coming soon. But please as a fellow omega, take some time with her."
     His eyes widened. "You were an omega?"
     "Where are your scars?"
     "A spell is hiding them. If you truly saw me, I would look worse than a shredded up voodoo doll."
     "Can I at least see one?" He pleaded. The way his tone sounded, he truly wanted to understand the status of Omega. I sighed, set him back on his feet and turned to him. I focused on removing some off of my face and hands. His eyes immediately went to my hands, covered in so many scars. Then his eyes lingered up to my face. I knew he saw the big scar going from the lower right side of my jaw all the way up to my hair line. Thankfully it missed my eye. A few more scars were here and there. I immediately covered them up before anyone else saw.
     He didn't speak as he stared down at me. I could see tears fighting their way through but his manly pride wouldn't let them. He pulled me into a big embrace.
     "I understand. I'll treat her like she was the goddess of a thousand moons." He whispered into my ear.
     "Appreciated." I gave him a hug back. I released my hold on him as I noticed Angelique coming closer. He rubbed his eyes furiously, trying to remove the tears that did escape. I told him to stay where he was and walked over to Angelique. "Does he smell good to you?"
     She nodded furiously. "He smells like mint and chocolate." She said with a little drool running down her chin. I took the sleeve of my shirt to wipe her face. She blushes at my gesture.
     "He understands your situation. He won't push you if your not ready. But he would like to talk to you at least. You decide on what to do okay?" I stared into her brown eyes. She hesitantly took my out stretched hand as she made the decision on meeting him. I nodded, giving her my vow to protect her. We slowly approached Jason, who I noticed was struggling hard not to embrace her. He was doing well. Once he was near enough, I saw his pupils dilate, like Seth did when he first met me. I knew he caught her scent.
     "What was that?" She whispered, frightened to the core. She stopped in her tracks. I patted her hand an gave her a smile.
     "It's when they recognize their mate. He caught your scent and is entranced by it. You'll be his forever drug." I giggled. "My mate looked like that too when I first met him. Frightened me at first but I later learn that it meant that their one and only love is before them and their body is reacting to it. Think of it like a symbol of love. He'll only do that for you. Like his scent is a drug to you, yours is to him. So don't worry it's a natural reflex."
     "Okay." She said proudly as she started to walk again.

***So what did you think about Jason? Real tough guy huh! Well what did you think about his and Angelique's relationship so far? Please comment on what you think!
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