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     "Roric." I whispered.
     "The one and only." He said arrogantly. He walked towards me. I struggled to get up, it was hard but I managed. I walked up a bit, making sure my mates stayed put.
     "What do you want?" I spat in his face as I straightened up, trying to make myself look intimidating. He stopped in front of me with a arrogant smile placed upon his lips. He gently stroked my cheek, making a shiver of disgust go down my spine. He leaned forward, his breath caressing my skin, riddling it with goosebumps.
     "You already know what I want." He whispered in my ear.
     "I told you before Roric. I will not accept you as my mate." I growled and shoved him away.
     "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." He clicked his tongue. "Now Aiyana, remember what I said if you denied my generous offer." Roric smiled, thinking he won his little battle. He was trying to rattle my cage. I wasn't going to allow that to happen. My fists clenched at my side.
     "The answer is still the same." I looked down my nose at him.
     "You are going to regret it." He warned.
     "I'm going to regret not standing up to you." I hissed.
     "As you wish." He vanished from my line of sight but I knew he came at me. Before I could put up my guard, Zen and Zander put themselves in front of me, guarding me from Roric's round house kick. "Why isn't it the little fairy warrior? How's it feel not protecting your friend?"
     "I won't let you harm my queen while I'm still living and breathing."
     "Then prepare to die." He vanished again. Zander pushed Zen out of the way, turned and placed his arms above him, once again blocking his kick. The ground underneath Zander cracked and he sunk in from the sheer power Roric put behind the kick. I saw Zander clench his teeth together but he didn't say nothing about the kick. "Well, well what do we have here?" Roric pushed off of Zander's arm, back flipped and landed gracefully on his feet.
     "Zander be careful." I warned. "This is Roric we are dealing with."
     "If an inexperienced fighter could have a stale mate with him, I wonder what two trained fighters might be capable of?" Zander smiled at me.
     "No." Roric screamed with outrage. "The Queen's Protector."
     "The one in the same." Zander cockily smiled at him. "Nice to finally meet you Roric. I was wondering who was stalking my sister."
     "I see your the bastard son of Fai and Phelim." Roric jabbed at my brother, who just laughed.
     "Well at least my parents were mates. From what I hear, you mother was a common whore and was impregnated by your bastard of a father." Zander jabbed back. I placed my hand on Zander's shoulder, making him glance over his shoulder.
     "Just because it is Roric, doesn't mean we stoop down to his level."
     "You're right but it just felt right." Zander shrugged but didn't say any more. We both looked to Roric who's fists were clenched turning white.
     "Well I guess Aiyana will be following in her footsteps." Roric smiled. "She is my mate after all." 
     Before I could say anything, Zander disappeared from my sight and reappeared in front of Roric. Thor was in his place.
     "I will not sit back and let you idly disrespect my sister." Thor growled. Loki and I were defensive. Thor was right in front of Roric. They both had experience I training but Roric beaten him by that number of years he has been alive.
     "Shame. You would have been an excellent brother in law." Roric whispered but I heard it plain as day. My eyes widened when I saw Roric move his hand towards my brother.
     "Zander get out of there." I screamed but it was too late, Zander was stabbed in the chest. Roric's hand going straight through him. Zander coughed up blood and I did the same when a gapping hole in my chest appeared. I made sure to cut off the line between Alaster and I before he could get the effects. I slowly looked down at my chest. I was grateful that Roric had bad aim or we would both be dead. With amazing speed, I dashed forward and pulled Zander off of Roric's hand. I jumped a few steps back while healing my brother. "You idiot." I yelled at Zander. "How are you supposed to keep me safe if you're dead? Take responsibility of being a brother than a protector."
     "You're probably right." Zander looked up at me, blood dripping down the side of his mouth.
     "I know I am." I slapped him in the back of the head. Before it happened, I saw Roric go after my mates. Throwing Zander to Gwyn and Alyan, I got in front of my mates and put up my arms. A very sudden weight was placed upon them. I look up and found a very impressed Roric above me.
     "Impressive mate." Roric said.
     "I am not your mate Roric." I spat at him while I threw him off of me. He gracefully landed on his feet again. "And Roric, your fight is with me. They have nothing to do with this."
     "What are you going to do?"
     "What else?" I got into a defensive stance, something similar to a martial arts defensive stance. "Fight."
     "And get a scratch on that beautiful body of yours." He dismissed me.
     I laughed. "It's a little to late for that and I don't mean this gaping hole in my chest." I smirked.
     I think it's about time we showed our real skin. I told my heritages.
     Indeed. They all said. I closed my eyes and I felt the familiar wave of my magic cast off my body. Gasps is all I heard, all except from my brother, Grim and Alyan. I slowly opened my eyes and found Roric staring at me. What's weird is that he didn't seem disheartened by this, he in fact seemed more delighted about it. I mentally cringed.
     "Beautiful." Roric grinned. "My mate is a fighter."
     "For the last time Roric. I am not your mate." I growled.
     "You will once I take out the problems stopping you." He said.
     With that, I felt my body changing. I knew I was transforming into the Abu Huka. I felt myself grow taller as my black fur wolf legs appeared. My canines elongated into fangs as well as my nails grew into claws. My demon tail sprouted from my tailbone. My demon and angel wings tore off Stanley's shirt. I definitely owe him two shirts. The familiar sky blue scales appeared on my privates, and the same scale feeling on my neck. The blue fire went on my tail tip, each joint of my wing and my paws. From the corner of my eye, I could see my hair turn black while the tips of red and white resembling a fire. I knew that my eyes turned to their beautiful rainbow color. My senses were enhanced. The last thing I felt was something sprouting on the top of my head. For a brief second, I used Zander's eyes to see my self. I had ears like Alyan's on top of my head. The only difference was it matched with my hair. Black with red and white tips. I also noticed that the choker scales were not sky blue but black with some rainbow scales entwined in.
     Focusing my attention back onto Roric, I got into an offense position. I saw Roric's body move before he actually did. I appeared in front of Caelan, blocking Roric's attack. I grabbed ahold of his wrist and threw him against the ground. The earth cracked underneath him. I could hear the faint gasp come from his lips as the air escaped his lungs. With a quick motion, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. He kicked my side, casting me sideways. I tumbled across the ground like a skipping stone. I crashed roughly against a tree, splintering it into millions of pieces. I blinked a couple of times to realign my world back into focus. Shaking my head, I pulled myself back up onto my feet and lunged at him with amazing speed. I dashed side to side, hoping to throw him off course but that didn't work. He tightly wrapped his hand around my arm and twisted it behind my back. I flinched as he continued to push it out of socket. I glanced over my shoulder and found him slyly grinning at me.
     He was distracted for a moment, which gave me enough time to step on his foot. He released me, giving me another chance to aim my elbow into his solar plex. I quickly turned on the balls of my feet and used the palm of my hand to drive upwards into his nose. Because of the sheer force I put into that hit, he was casted into the air. I jumped with all my might so I could be above him. With grace, I spun and roundhouse kicked him in the stomach. The earth rippled underneath him, it slowly collapsing inch by inch as it spreaded out. Everyone had to back up, afraid they might fall into the hole. My wings caught on a gust of air, allowing me to hover above him.
     "Ain't so cocky now are you?" I sneered. Silence lingered in the air. My brows furrowed in confusion. No way would Roric perish from that little bit. The earth explode, cascading pieces of dirt and rock everywhere. Some dirt got in my eyes. I tried to rub it out but it was already too late. I felt Roric's presence behind me. He moved in a swift motion that I couldn't react in time to his blows. He kicked me in the back, throwing me forward. Then his presence appeared in front of me. He palmed my chest, ridding my lungs of the oxygen that it desperately needed. I flew backwards. Again he appeared behind me and attacked. He repeated this process over and over in mere seconds. I could feel some bones break and I could hear some of my flesh tear open from the force. The smell of iron lingered in the air as I was punched and kicked from all different angles. Finally his presence appeared above me. I was not quick enough to stop him from kicking me to the ground. My back hit aggressively against the ground, crumbling the earth out from underneath me.
     As I laid there in pain, my body screaming in agony, I couldn't help but think that my training didn't help me improve at all. I couldn't beat Roric even if I tried. Clenching my teeth together, I made myself get up. I wasn't going down without a decent fight. I wasn't giving up. With all of my strength and speed combined from my heritages, I pushed off the ground, pounced at him and kicked him into the stomach. The sheer force of this kick made him cast back into the forest. He broke trees as he continued to be hurtled back by the unknown force. I chased after him, not letting him leave my sight. We were going so fast, within mere moments were by the sea. He skidded across the surface a few times before he sunk down into it. I flew over the water and looked for his body. A sudden glow came from underneath me and the water exploded moments later. The rain cascaded down on me. I stared ahead of me, finding a very pissed off Roric. Only he had his Abu Huka form on as well. He was finally getting serious about this fight. When the rain vanished, I could see some blood trickle down the side of his mouth. He wiped it away and charged at me.
     My wings blocked his punch. I could feel the force behind it, let alone see the shock wave distort the water and blow back the trees. My tail wrapped around his arm when his attention was focused on my face. With a quick moment, the tip of my tall jabbed him in his arm and then uncoiled his arm. I could see purplish stuff leak out of his arm. He winced the slightest bit before he put on his game face. But that was enough to tell me that I did something to hurt him. Moving my wings behind me, I thrusted myself forward and stabbed him in the gut with my hand. I felt a pulse like wave invisibly leave my hand. His eyes went wide as he looked down at my arm. A sinister smile crept up into my lips as I stared him dead in the eyes.
     "I won't let you hurt anyone I love." I growled as I twisted my hand further into his stomach. He coughed up blood, splattering across my face. "And I won't let you hurt my people." I stated as I saw everyone appear at the cliff not to far away. They must of transported, to be able to get here.
     "There is only one problem with that Aiyana dear." He chuckled, making my attention draw back to him. A pair of hands held onto my shoulders. I looked back to find Rose smiling evilly at me. A searing pain went through my newly restored chest. I coughed up more blood as I looked down to see his own hand penetrating my chest. He smiled as he moved closer to me. My hand fully going through him in doing so. He leaned in towards my ear and whispered. "There is always evil out there. And there is nothing you can do to stop it."
     He ripped his hand out my chest, the only thing holding me up, and I fell down towards the dark blue deep with everyone's shouts ringing in my ears. As my focus faded in and out, I saw Roric slump into Rose's arms. Then vanished from my sight. Their presence no where near here.
     I stopped him for the time being. I whispered in my thoughts as my body clashed against the freezing water.
     And everything went dark.

*Well that was the epilogue for the second book. What did you think? What do you think is in store for the third book? Is Aiyana alive or dead? Well we'll find out in the next book. Please comment on what you thought about this one.

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