Chapter 2

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     "I'm here for the signed contract mate." He smiled.
     Mate?! Another one?! Come on give me a break! "So what is this contract I supposively signed?"
     "When you bit into the apple, you've signed the contract and gave you the sight of Fae." He explained.
     "I know how it happened but what is the contract." I hissed.
     "Hm." He thought about it. "I don't know. I'll think about it." He flew out from the tree and hovered next to me. "Until I figure it out, I'll be by your side." He smirked. I pinched the bridge of my nose and walked down the side of the tree heading towards the kingdom. As he said, he was following me. He was serious about being by my side. I sighed aggravated as I marched through the front door.
      "Aiyana!" Ryu shouted before he pounced on top of me. "Don't leave me for that long." He whined.
      "Get off Ryu." I said while trying to push him off of me but he clinged to me tighter. "Ugh, Brutus doesn't he have royal training today?" I shouted. Brutus appeared next to me with a wicked smile on his face.
      "Why yes he does?" He chuckled evilly. Ryu looked up at me, giving me 'I can't believe you ratted me out' kind of look. Brutus grabbed ahold of Ryu and ripped him off of me. Ryu whined the entire time Brutus dragged him away.
      "Lovely." The male Fae joked.
      "I don't want to hear anything from you." I growled as I stomped up to my room, where I found my Uncle Raphael sitting on my bed. "Make yourself at home, why don't ya?"
      "Well someone woke on the wrong side of the bed." Raphael teased.
      "No I was fine until now." I mumbled.
      "Aw I'm not that bad." The male Fae smiled while looking at me upside down.
      "Stop hovering over me." I swatted at him. He just laughed and flew over and sat down on my dresser.
      "Having fairy trouble I see. So you signed a contract?!" Raphael stared at the male Fae.
       "They should have labels or something." I growled as I plopped myself on the bed.
       "But that's how they get ya." Raphael snickered.
       "Wait how can you see them?" I questioned as I propped myself on my elbows.
       "Any mystic who's aware of their existence can see them." Raphael stated like it was common knowledge.
       "A heads up would have been nice." I paused "What are you doing here?"
       "Azrael wanted to see you. He knows that your in hiding because of the Roric incident."
       "I'm not running away because I'm scared." I bitched. "I ran to save them and hope that psychopath named Roric follows me and leaves them alone." I sighed and laid back onto the bed. "He can come but only if he keep my location a secret or alls for not."
       "Alright." Raphael bowed his head once before he flew out my room to go who knows where.
       I sighed and brought the sketchbook out from underneath my pillow. I opened it up to my brothers pages. Tears escaped my eyes as I continued to stare at their smiling faces. I missed everyone. Biting my lip, I sat up, sat Indian style and folded my hands in my lap. Closing my eyes, I pictured Alaster again. My soul once again left my body and went into his.

       I raked my hand through my hair as I continued to look through the many papers that were piled on top of Caelan's desk. Caelan was sick with worry. He looked horrible. His hair was greasy, he hasn't shaved, he hasn't slept or eaten, so he was thinner than usual. I don't know why Aiyana would run away. What made her do that?
      I sighed, leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling. I don't understand why Aiyana wouldn't at least tell me? I mean we share a soul together, wouldn't that be enough? Kawaii reported that he hasn't seen any signs of Aiyana by sea. The reports from Seth, Kano, Gwyn, and Niru were all the same. Seth also went back to his coven to see if they could help find their Lady.
      "Alaster?" I heard my name being whispered from Caelan's office. I got up and went to his office. I knocked on his door three times before he called me in. His blood shot eyes looked to me, pleading to have some good news. "Any news?"
      "No Alpha." I reported sadly. "But can I say as a friend that you should eat and rest up?"
      "I can't sleep knowing she's out there."
      "And what if she's in danger and she needs help. You're in no condition to fight." I warned. Caelan pondered a bit on what I said.
      Sighing, he got to his feet. "I guess you're right. I'll go and shower then sleep and eat when I wake."
       "Thank you Caelan." I sadly smiled at him. He gave me the same gesture before leaving me alone in his office. I sat down on one of his leather chairs and placed my face in between my hands. Aiyana where are you? I cried as my worry grew.

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