Chapter 19

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*Zander's POV*

     I went back to Ireland using the demonic tunnels. It was kind of like teleporting. I was at the doors of Ryu's castle. I sighed as I went into the castle. On the way there, I saw many familiar faces but none I was looking for. I was trying to find Cleo or Sage or any of their mates. Suddenly I collided with someone and I fell on my ass. I shook my head to make my world become one instead of five. I looked up and found a man with white hair like mine and blue eyes like me. The only difference was that I could feel his vampire nature.
     "Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going." He said as he pulled me up.
     "No it's fine. I wasn't looking so I should be the one apologizing not you."
     "Seth where did you go?" I heard Jason's voice call out.
     Wait did he just say Seth? I thought as my body stiffened. I just ran into one of Aiyana's mates. Seth looked behind him.
     "I'm over here little brother." Seth called. My body stiffened even more. I didn't need Jason to reveal my identity.
     "There you are." Jason came walking around the corner. His eyes then drifted to me. I placed a finger to my mouth before Seth could see me. Jason looked back to Seth. "There's something wrong with Alaster. They want us to take them back to Alaska."
     "Is there something wrong with your friend? I can help." I asked Jason. Seth and Jason looked to me before Jason nodded and led us along. Seth stood by his brother eyeing me the entire time. We came to Cleo's and Alaster's room. I took a deep breath before I entered the room. Cleo was beside the bed holding Alaster's hand. Sage and Travis were standing behind her. Alaster was in a coma like Aiyana. There were gashes all over his body but they were as sever as Aiyana's. I walked over to them, their eyes immediately rested on me. "Don't worry, he'll be in good hands." I stated, sounding like a doctor. They gave me strange looks until Seth walked in.
     "What's has happened?" Cleo asked me.
     "It looks like he was a attacked by a demon and given his comatose state, it was from in here." I pointed to my head. Cleo's and Sage's eyes grew wide, so they knew of Aiyana's secret. "I can at least heal his wounds so they can't stop him from being transported. You might want to get his highness and see if he can transport us." I said to Jason. He nodded and ran out of the room. I walked over by Cleo and stood next to her. I felt some of my attributes change as I called upon Alven. I moved my fingers and little strings of magic escaped from them.
     Placing my hands over Alaster's body, I soon began my work. The strings of magic slithered to any wounds nearby. They began stitching up the wounds by themselves while healing anything else that could have happened. I never used this spell a lot because it drained me quite a bit since I don't use it often. I had to give my sister credit about her healing abilities though. Once the nearby wounds had healed shut, the strings went to the other wounds. After a few more minutes, he was fully healed. The strings of magic retracted back to me and I fell back into my ass, my original attributes coming back to normal. I wiped the beads of sweat off of me.
     "His physical form will be okay. I do not know how long it will take for his mental but he is stable. I need to get him to Kera." I told Aiyana's friends.
     "Zander what are you doing back so early?" Ryu asked. My head shot to the door entrance. He stood there looking at me. I also noticed Sen, Grim and Kawaii behind him. They were all glaring at me. "Has something happened?"
     "You can say that." I scratched the side of my head. Without warning, I was grasped by the collar of my shirt and slammed against the wall. The air escaping from my lungs. I looked down and found a very pissed off Ryu. "This is why I don't understand dragons. Always go for the throat before they can listen."
     "When it comes to our mate, we always listen."
     "By attacking the messenger? How are you supposed to get any information that way?" I taunted. I know it's not the best time to do it but it's the only way I can focus. "Ryu, I need you to transport them back to Alaska. The quicker the better. I need Kera for both ends." I spoke seriously. He growled, shoved me hard against the wall before releasing me.
    "Be ready in five. I'm taking you myself." He growled over his shoulder before leaving the room. I sorely got to my feet and went over to Sage, Cleo and Travis.
     "Get your things. I'm sorry your honeymoon has been cut short." I apologized.
     "It's alright. Being friends with Aiyana, we are used to it. Always a trouble magnet she is." Cleo whispered to me. Sage and Travis nodded in agreement.
     "You have no idea." I pinched the bridge of my nose. Travis and Sage left the room to go get their things. I helped Cleo up and guided her to where ever she needed to go. "I got this, just tell me where everything is."
     She nodded and began telling me. With a snap of my fingers, the suitcases came out of the closet and their clothes and necessities came flying over to the suitcases. Everything started to arrange themselves and then it shut itself.
     "What I wouldn't give for that?" Cleo huffed. "It will be a lot easier to clean up after him and Jacob." 
      The suitcases floated in the air and came over by my side while I went over to Alaster. I carefully and gracefully picked him up in my arms. He was actually not that heavy, giving that he was dead weight but then again I was using all my heritages strengths put together. Sen, Grim and Kawaii watched me carry him carefully.
     "Keep an eye on Cleo. I'll explain everything later. He comes first." And so does Aiyana.
     They nodded and helped Cleo through the castle. Soon we were outside and I saw a big black dragon with rainbow scales around its neck. Judging from the heated glare I was getting from it, this was Ryu. I gently placed Alaster on the ground and waited for everyone to be here. Sen hovered beside me.
     "My sister's anklet looks good on you." He said as he stared at my left ankle. It looked exactly like Aiyana's only mine was on the left.
     "Thank you Sen." I smiled at him. "I'm sorry I am putting you guys through a lot. I also find it amazing how composed you guys are."
     "Well we can't say the same about Ryu." Grim smirked.
     "We know you wouldn't be here unless it was dire and we know you protected her." Kawaii stated.
     "But I couldn't protect her from herself." Tears begun to form in my eyes. I looked away from them and stared at Alaster, then to the ground. I was failing my new family. Few hands clasped my shoulders. I looked from side to side and found Aiyana's mates comforting me. A small smile tugged at my lips. Soon enough, Sage and Travis came out of the castle. A grunt/roar came from Ryu.
     "He says get on his back." Sen translated for us.
     "Thanks." I smiled at him. I grabbed ahold of Alaster and jumped up into his back. Once I knew Alaster was secure, I jumped back down and carefully picked up Cleo. I placed her behind her mate. Then I placed Sage and Travis behind her. Then Grim and Kawaii. Jason, Angelique and Seth jumped onto his back. I really didn't understand why all her mates are coming with but I wasn't going to voice it. Sen and I stayed off since there was no room and we needed to put a barrier around them. I sprouted my angelic wings and looked up to Ryu. I nodded to him. Ryu took to the skies while Sen and I took the rear, focusing on the barrier around them.
     Within two hours we arrived in Alaska, Cleo was directing us towards the packs grounds. She also informed us that the Alpha would be meeting us in the middle of the pack grounds. When the pack house came into view, Ryu circled around a bit before he lowered himself down. As soon as we landed, wolves started to come out from everywhere. A strong proud man stood not to far from us. He was just wearing baggy black sweatpants. His black hair was a messy like he just got out of bed, his golden eyes focusing on us. He casually walked up to us. I helped everyone down as he approached. The last one to come down was Alaster. He laid limply in my arms.
     When his eyes landed on Alaster, he was immediately in front of me, which startled the crap out of me. He looked down at Alaster before he glared evilly at me. I flinched.
     "Caelan no." Cleo growled. "He's here to help Alaster."
     "Are you sure?"
     "I wouldn't have brought him otherwise." Cleo challenged. Caelan nodded and backed away. "He needs to get to Kera."
     "Luka." He called. A warrior came running over. "Go get Kera."
     The guy nodded and left. Moments later, Kera came running up with the rest of my grandparents. Kera looked at me wide eyed before she glanced down at Alaster. Her brows furrowed. Azrael came over to her and whispered into her ear. She nodded and told me to follow her. She led me to a different house and into a room/apartment. A young man around my age came walking out of a room. His short brown hair was spiked and wet, it seems we caught him coming out of the shower. His green eyes settled on me. He looked a little forlorn. I couldn't help but notice the tail and ears sprouting from him.
     "Aiyana?" He asked before he shook his head and stared at me once more. "You're not Aiyana." Then his eyes casted down to Alaster. "What did you do to my dad?" He growled.
     Why does everyone assume it was my fault?
     "Jacob this man is helping your father." Kera scolded the young man. The young man, Jacob, flinched at Kera's words. He nodded and walked back into the room. I placed him gently on the king size bed. I snapped my fingers and he was changed to different clothing. More for lounging since he was going to be there for a while. Kera finished checking everything before she put an IV into his arm. She smiled sadly down at him. "We'll fix you. We have to go to the source. Just hold on." She said to Alaster before she shooed me out.
     We both walked out of the building. Kera was talking to Cleo about what to do. She made an excuse that she needed to go and get some things from Hell to treat him. Cleo nodded her head, playing along with the charade. Everyone around us nodded their heads as well. Before we could leave, Seth came walking up to me and put his face awfully close to mine. I flinched under his gaze. He squinted his eyes at me as he continued to stare.
     "You?!" Seth hissed at me and tackled me to the ground. His claws right at my throat. I stared at him. "Where did you take Aiyana?" He yelled, in front of Caelan and Kawaii.
     "He knows the whereabouts of our mate." A tan skinned guy came walking over. I could feel his warlock nature radiate off of him.
     Great! Another one of her mates! Zac growled. Any more.
     "Tell us boy." Another guy towered over me. I could sense that he was a demon.
     "Indeed." Another one spat, his white wings on his back telling everyone he was a angel.
     "Sen a little help here." I looked to him. He blinked and I appeared next to him. Thank goddess for Fae Magic.
     "Sen, he knows the whereabouts of our mate." Seth hissed at the Fae King.
     "I know he knows about my Queen. But I accepted it." Sen stood proudly, making him look like he was towering over Seth. "I accepted that she ran to protect us. Like she said countless times, 'I had a hard time going against him. What makes you guys think you can take him?' Accept it." Sen growled.
     Ryu went over next to Seth and the others that didn't agree while Kawaii and Grim stood next to Sen. There was a drift between Aiyana's mates.
     "May I ask who are you?" Caelan asked in his Alpha tone. Any ex beta could hear it.
     "I'm Sen. I am Aiyana's mate as well as Grim and Ryu here. According to prophecy, she is to receive ten mates as well as her brother." He looked to me.
     "Ah, make them all accounted for. She's found her last one." I rubbed the back of my neck. All of her mates flinched. I rolled my eyes, so much testosterone. I didn't know I was going to handle all the my mates with their PMS. "And no offense guys, I need to get back to my sister. She needs her grandmothers help."
     "We won't let you leave."
     "I wish we met on better terms." I sadly smiled before I moved my pointer and middle finger of my right hand. They were stuck on spot. "I'll see you guys soon."
     I grabbed ahold of Kera's waist and we used the demonic tunnels back to Russia. We appeared in Alyan's house. I collapsed to my knees, out of breath. I needed some rest, I've never used this much power before. Donohue sat in the chair where I left him. He was using Aiyana's hand to gently stroke Alyan's head. I could smell that he cried and passed out on my sisters lap. Zen was standing behind them. He looked up at Kera and I.
     "I see Donohue has taken control." Kera stared at Aiyana.
     "Yes. Something has happened and I don't know what." I explained to her in between breaths.
     "Is this her new mate?" Kera looked to Alyan's sleeping form.
     "Alright." She walked over to Donohue and Alyan. "Tell me what happened?" She looked from me to Donohue.
     "And that's what happened." I sighed as I completed the story. I leaned against the back of the other chair. Kera nodded and then looked to Donohue. Donohue leaned back and sighed.
     "After Zen had put her and Loki to sleep, Aiyana tried to go and get Loki to calm down. She wouldn't listen to our cries of protest." He rubbed the back of Aiyana's neck. "She went to him and started to talk to him. He looked like a rabid animal, foaming and salivating at the mouth. His eyes seemed distant. Suddenly he pounced on her and slashed at her face. She continued to talk to him but instead he kept slashing at her for a couple of minutes. She smiled then placed her forehead against his. She whispered something in his ear, then kissed his nose before laying back down. His body shook and his eyes returned to normal. The old Loki was back. He started to cry when he gazed upon her. She spoke again and placed a hand to his cheek. He said something as he held her body close to him. She whispered again and then her body fell limp, she was unconscious. She's been like that ever since." He leaned on her hand. "Dangelo is currently healing her as we speak as you can see that my wounds are barely visible. Loki's condition however is on lock down. He tried to kill himself a couple of times. The girls are currently pinning him down or binding him. How is Alaster?" He focused his red eyes upon Kera and I.
     "Alaster is all healed thanks to Zander but he is in a coma as well." Kera spoke softly.
     "I guess we couldn't block the bond quick enough." Donohue sighed. "I hope we can get everything back to normal."
     "It's good that you are keeping her conscious. Thank you for that my boy." Kera smiled weakly.
     "It's alright." Donohue looked to Alyan. "It's not his fault but he keeps blaming himself." He stroked through Alyan's hair. "I wish he would understand that every spell is different and would effect different Mystics. His healing enchantment does work but I think it was the type of herbs he used. His enchantments didn't harm us before."
     "What's the solvent he use?" Kera asked me. I went up to the bedroom and brought down the solvent. Kera took the bowl from my hands and examined it. She sniffed it a couple of times before sticking her fingers into the mix. She hissed as she ripped her fingers out of it. "It's a mixture between calendula and garlic."
     "But I thought garlic doesn't harm us? If it does, then wouldn't it be Donohue affected and not Loki?" I asked my grandmother.
     "Garlic is one of the banishing or exorcising herbs against demons. What Loki did was a normal response. His body was fighting against the substance. Like when white blood cells fight against a virus. He was trying to protect himself as well as his host."
     "That would explain Loki having his outburst but that doesn't explain why Aiyana is in a coma." I looked at my grandmother. She frowned.
     "It's because she was attacked by her demon heritage. When a demon attacks someone especially inside the mind, it can do a lot of damage to the hosts mentality or brain. She's in a coma to survive. She needs a reason to come back to us." Kera said.
*Alyan's POV*

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