Chapter 15

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It was quiet at the dinner table. No one spoke since the incident with Alaster. Thankfully they didn't press the issue about what happened or wanted the truth. I ate uncomfortably as I fidgeted in my seat. Looking down at my food, I kind of missed Seth's cooking. Not hating on Brutus cooking but I missed my mate's.
After done eating, I slowly wandered around the castle. It seemed everyone had something else to do. I sighed as I came upon Cleo and Sage. They smiled at me and held up some food and movies. My eyes lit up as I saw what they were trying to do. I led them to my room and we all got comfortable on my bed. Sage put in the book of life and then plopped herself next to us.
"Thank you." Escaped Cleo's lips as she engulfed me into a hug.
"You're welcome Cleo but you shouldn't be thanking me but scolding me."
"Well if I didn't neglect Alaster, he wouldn't have gotten into that state. What I didn't understand is why he didn't say anything?"
"You know men. They won't admit to how horrible they feel." Cleo scowled.
"Unless they have colds. Then they are dying." Sage snickered. All three of us laughed. "But I understand him for not telling you. He sees how much stress your under."
"Doesn't seem that you do?" I chuckled.
"Girl please! I'm a stress maker not a stress taker."
"Diddo." Cleo giggled as she grabbed a pocky from the snack pile.
"So how's you're guys honeymoons?" I asked as I snitched a pocky stick from Cleo's stack.
"Beautifully. Sorry we aren't spending time with you though." Cleo pouted.
"Hey honeymoons are for couples not couples and a tag-a-long friend. Seeing you guys for a couple hours every now and then is good enough for me." I snacked on the pocky stick and went to get another when my hand was smacked by Cleo. I chuckled and rolled my eyes before trying to open a bag of potato chips.
"You're leaving again soon aren't you?" Sage asked. I could tell it was plaguing their minds. I sighed and placed the bag down.
"Yes sadly. It seems Roric spies are almost upon me. So Zander and I are running in a few days."
"How many is a few?"
"Four max. I wanted to spend what I could with everyone. I know the next two days I'm going to be in Fae territory. Sen wants me to see what it's like before I go."
"Fine." Cleo sighed. "But we are getting you the day before last. That way you can spend the last night with your mates."
"Thank you." I smiled. "Speaking of mates. Caelan doesn't know I'm here, right?"
"Don't worry. I made Travis not to tell Caelan your whereabouts."
"Same with Alaster but I already knew he wouldn't rat you out." Cleo beamed as she ate the rest of the pocky sticks.
"Thank you guys." I smiled before I placed my ear against Cleo's stomach. A little kick to the side of my head told me that there was a baby in there. "Well this one's going to be a warrior just like her mom."
"It's a boy and a girl." Cleo blushed.
"Twinzees." I smiled. "Speaking of twins.... How's Renee and Ben?" I stared at Sage with a smile plastered on my face.
"Well they are able to grasp things now and they can hold their heads up on their own. Times flies. But now the little buggers don't know how to not touch anything."
"Aw, where's the fun in that?" I snickered. "A happy baby is a messy baby."
"True." Sage laughed.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I looked to everyone who just shrugged. I jumped off the bed and ran over to the door. Opening it, I found Zander and Angelique.
"Hi guys. What's up?"
"Cleo invited me to a girls night." Angelique blushed while fidgeting with her nightgown. I smiled.
"Well come right in."
"Thank you." She slightly bowed her head and came inside the room.
"So what do you want?" I stated at Zander.
"Well I just came for a pair of close since me and the guys are having a man night."
"Okay." I let him in. He quickly got in and grabbed his clothes. He ruffled my hair, smiled and left the room.
"No offense but I wasn't married and mated I totally tap that." Sage mumbled and everyone but me agreed. A blush rose to my cheeks but I quickly shook my head to rid of those thoughts. I sat down next to Angelique and smiled at her.
"So how's it feel to be mated?" I asked. Her caramel colored skin grew a shade darker when she started to blush. I took it as she was reminiscing on that night.
"Honestly?...Overwhelming. Never thought I would be shown this much love. He follows me around like a little puppy dog."
"Sounds like Jase." I nodded at my agreement. "But how's it going? He's not pressuring you is he?" I could hear my knuckles crack.
"He's treating me like a Queen, though I know that position has been filled." She glanced towards me. I face palmed myself. Of course my big mouthed brother-in-law would tell her that I'm the future Queen of both races. What else would he talk about? I nervously laughed. "Don't need to be nervous. I think you would make an awesome Queen."
"Thank you." A blush crept to my cheeks.
I awoke to Sage accidentally kicking me. When I fully woke up, I noticed that all the girls were clinging on me one way or another. I sighed and gently as I could detached them from my side. I shuffled over to my dresser and grabbed today's outfit before going into the bathroom. The warm water pelted against my body as I leaned against the semi cool tile.
"Morning sunshine." I heard Sen smile. I glanced up and saw him flying over the shower.
"Morning." I said as I stretched, releasing tension from my muscles. "I'll be done in a few minutes. Please wait outside."
"Alright." He winked and vanished. I don't know if I could get used to that. Shaking my head, I begun washing my hair.
Ten minutes later I emerged from the steamy bathroom. I was putting my long hair into a long ponytail when I saw Sen staring at the girls as they slept. I rolled my eyes. Sen was a weird one. I pulled out a small backpack Sage gave me when she landed and begun to pack it for a two night stay.
"Sen do I need to pack warmly?"
"No. I think you should dress normally. It's pretty warm in the Fae kingdom." He flew over and hovered above me.
"Okay." I rummaged through my drawers and placed two bra and pantie sets into the backpack. Then I couldn't figure out what I should wear. "Is there anything your people might find offensive?"
"Not really. We usually wear just undergarments. You however would stick out like a sore thumb."
"Gee thanks." I rolled my eyes and looked through my clothes again. I decided to bring a couple of sundresses and sandals. I put a couple of essentials into the backpack and then placed it against the dresser. I put my necklace on and stared at my reflection in the mirror. A loud knock on the door told me someone arrived. I cursed the person out as I walked to the door. From the corner of my eye, I could see that the girls were stirring in their sleep. I jerked back the door and found their mates on the other side. I narrowed my eyes on them. "You realize that you just woke them up." I growled.
"Sorry." They smiled guiltily. Rolling my eyes, I pushed the door open and allowed them to enter. They each grabbed their mates in their arms and left, telling me that they'll see me at breakfast. As they left, Zander entered.
"Have fun?"
"Yes I did. It's been awhile since I had a girls night. You have no idea what's it like being around testosterone twenty-four seven." I smirked as I placed the pack over my shoulder.
"You going somewhere?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Yes. I told you that I'm going to the Fae kingdom in these next two days." I shook my head. "You really need to clean out your ears."
"Do you think Sen will allow me to travel with? I am your guard."
"Why don't you ask him? He's hovering over your head right now." I fold my arms across my chest. He looked up and found Sen looking at him. Sen waved at him.
"Hey. Is it alright if I tag along?"
"I don't see why not." Sen smiled before vanishing. Now that I had an answer, I went back to the dresser and threw in some clothes for Zander and his essentials. Once everything was in the bag, I left the room with Zander and shut the door behind me. We traveled down the many halls to get to the dining hall. I opened the door. "Oh and by the way Zander, don't eat any food outside the Fae kingdom. Like at any parties."
"Why not?"
"Unless you want to be under a contract like I am with Sen." I looked at him.
"I thought you were his mate?"
"I am but I made the contract before that, whether I knew it or not. But looking back, I was actually pretty dumb for eating party food in the middle of the woods." I chuckled as I walked over to my usual spot. Ryu stopped fiddling with his papers and started to flirt with me.
I said my goodbyes to everyone before I left with Zander and Sen. Brutus had to hold Ryu back as we continued to walk away. I knew that he wanted to follow but he had his own kingdom to run. Zander and I summoned our wings and we followed Sen across Ireland. It was relaxing and beautiful. Soon I realized we were heading towards the lake I've been going to in my spare time. Sen slowly started his descent. As we grew closer to the land, we were at least twenty yards away from the lake. When we came thirty yards away, that's when Sen stopped and landed. I knew that the party I went to weeks ago was a little west from here. Sen walked up to some trees that were magnificently arched making a tunnel.

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