Chapter 20

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*Alyan's POV*

     It's been a couple of days since Kera was brought to my house. She has been traveling from here to a place called Alaska, tending to Aiyana and a person called Alaster. I wondered about what the bond thing they were talking about.
     I looked over and found Donohue eating some eggs. I could tell it wasn't his favorite thing in the world but he was doing it to keep Aiyana healthy. If I remembered correctly, vampires need blood. I mentally flinched at that. Once Donohue was finished with his plate of eggs, he sat there with a frown on his face.
     "I need to feed soon or I won't be able to keep my sanity in check." He mumbled to himself but thanks to my enhanced hearing, I heard it all. Donohue got to his feet and grabbed the dishes before making his way over to the sink. He quietly washed the dishes. He then went over to the balcony and leaned on the railing. He was just staring off into space while the sun casted down on her skin. I remember when he first went outside with Aiyana's body. I literally tackled him down to protect him from the sunlight. He laughed at me but I blushed like a cherry tomato.
     The way the sun hit her, it was beautiful. She looked like an angel but then again she did have angel blood running through her veins. I still not used to her black hair, red eyes, claws and fangs. But when I look at her, I could feel my heart flutter. My heart has made up its mind but it seemed that my brain did not. It was still racking around the idea that she had multiple mates. I sighed as I slouched against the table. I was trying to figure out what I could do to help.
     Suddenly I saw Donohue jump onto the railing and squatted down, staring into the forest. I rose my head and went over to the window. I saw him looking at a deer. My ears perked up when I heard something in the distance. My eyes focused out further and I saw some werewolves running their rounds. Suddenly I saw a big white wolf attack them. I closed my eyes when I realized that group was a bunch of rogues. Zander was help eliminating our rogue problem as well as keeping Aiyana safe. I looked to my right and I see Zen training against some shadows he's summoned. It seemed like everyone except me as protecting her. I couldn't even do anything and I was her mate. I punched the wall next to me.
     I awoke to Aiyana, I mean Donohue on top of me. He was breathing raggedly as he stared at me. I felt the sheets tighten underneath me as he clenched his hands. His pupils were dilating.
     "Donohue are you okay?" I asked. He blinked a couple of times and then stared at me. His eyes went wide as he scrambled Aiyana's body off of me. He went over to the corner of the wall, hiding his face from me. I got up and went over to him. I really didn't care if I was stark naked. That wasn't the thing that came to my mind. My mind registered that my mate was in pain and I didn't know why. "Are you okay?" I knelt down to her...uh him.
     "Don't come near me." He warned as he hid her face deeper into her lap and arms.
     "If you come any closer, I don't know what I am going to do. I don't have my thirst under control. I've been conscious for too long and I hadn't fed since awaking." He glared at me from over her arms. "If you proceed, I won't be accountable for your actions."
     Looking back, I come to notice that he didn't drink any blood since he replaced Aiyana's conscious with his.
     I need to feed soon or I won't be able to keep my sanity in check. I replayed Donohue's words over and over in my mind.  He needed blood and now. I bit my lip as I quickly thought about it.
     "You can have some of my blood." I offered in a low voice but I knew he heard because of his enhanced hearing. Donohue stared at me astonished. "Only if you want to." I mumbled with a slight blush to my cheeks.
     "Are you sure Alyan?" He asked me. I simply nodded. Donohue slowly uncurled from his spot and guided me over to the bed. He told me it was for my comfort when I have him a look. I sat down on the edge of the bed while Donohue climbed behind me. He gently tilted my head sideways and came close to my neck. "You will only feel a pinch." He told me as he grazed his fangs over my skin. A shiver of pleasure went down my spine.
     With a quick motion, he pierced his fangs into my neck when my mind was focused on the pleasure. My mind registered the pinch but instead of hurting, my mind was swirling with pure pleasure. A moan escapes from my lips. I heard him take a couple of gulps of my blood before he pulled back and licked the wound. I could feel my skin already healing.
     "Thank you Alyan." He smiled at me. A blush casted itself back to my cheeks. "I can tell that you enjoyed it as well." He smirked evilly at me. I looked down and I blushed really badly. I guess that effected me more than I thought.
     "I guess so." I cleared my throat and leaned forward a bit. I felt Donohue wrap Aiyana's arms around my neck as he leaned into me, sparks sparking everywhere. 
     "I love you." He said to me. I blinked a couple of times and looked straight at him. "We all love you Alyan and don't forget that okay." He kissed my cheek. I could feel my heart swell with a new feeling, a feeling I haven't felt since my parents were alive but it felt different.
     "I've made my decision." I looked to Donohue.
*Aiyana's POV*

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