Chapter 9

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     When I introduced my brother to our grandparents, I didn't expect it to hit off so well. They actually welcomed him in and they couldn't believe that I had a twin brother. They also said that if our parents were here, they would chew them out. But that wasn't the biggest part of it.
     "Our parents are alive." Zander said with a confused face. "Why do you think they are dead?"
     "We felt your mother's link cut off when she died." Tala explained.
     "Of what I know, both of them cut off their links so now one would go and find them. I kind of wished they did it when they had Aiyana with them." Zander said seriously with his arms across his chest.
     Great! Now I find out that my parents are alive! Any more surprises? I mentally growl.
     Speaking of surprises, as soon as I thought that my phone went off. I excused myself from the bombardment of questions coming from my grandparents. Zander gave me a pleading look and I shook my head. He got himself into this mess, he can get it out. I went a good enough distance before I opened my cell. As soon as I hit talk, it was my turn to be bombarded.
     "Aiyana! They are so happy." Cleo bursted out loudly, I had to move my cell away from my ear.
     "I take it my brother's have received their package." I grinned.
     "Yes and they absolutely adore them." Sage said giddy.
     "That's good. How's everyone going?"
     "Well the twins are doing okay. Cleo is starting to show so now the whole pack knows. You're mates are doing better thanks to Alaster." Sage stated.
     "I really need to thank him." I made a mental note of that.
     "And we both are getting married in two days." Shouted Cleo, who was immediately scolded by Sage.
     "Congrats. I wish I could be there."
     "Don't worry. You'll be there in spirit." Cleo said and that gave me a great idea.
     "Yes I will be in spirit. Well somewhat!" I laughed. Sage and Cleo went quiet. Probably looking at each other and agreeing that I had ten heads no doubt. "Remember I can go into Alaster's mind. I'll just watch everything progress along side Victor."
     "So you will be there!" They screamed with joy. I hope they were far away from prying ears other wise they were going to be bombarded with people.
     "And if you want a dance with me, I'll temporarily take over and we will dance to one song each. Deal?"
     "Deal." They said in unison.
     "But of course I would have to get Alaster's permission." I nodded to myself.
     "Of course." Cleo stated. "So how's everything over there?"
     "Well where should I begin? Hmmm..." I thought about everything that happened over the few days. "Well Kawaii is here, don't tell anyone. He's sending fake reports. Two, Ryu isn't getting married to the other girl. Three, I'm bonding with my brother. Four, my grandparents are here talking to them. Five, I've meet the four horsemen of the apocalypse and their brother Grim. Six, I'm mated to Ryu and Sen. And lastly, I found out that my parents are still alive and well."
     "What!!!???" They screamed into my ear, again making me tear it away.
     "Yep. That's my adventure so far."
     "Wow. That's a lot. I couldn't imagine the stress your under now." Cleo sounded nauseous. Suddenly I heard pounding of feet and then throwing up. Morning sickness, got to love it!
     "Well I'm doing fine. Don't worry about me. I would worry about yourselves right about now. You guys got everything ready?"
     "Yes." Sage said for the both of them as Cleo continued to throw up.
     "Hair and make up appointments?" I questioned.
     "Dance lessons?" I harped.
     "The only one who had to worry about it was you girl. Stop stressin'. Everything will be okay." Cleo smirked.
     "If I didn't harp, what would you do?" I smiled evilly.
     "Probably be at peace from not hearing you nag." Sage chuckled. "But in truth we'd be lost."
     "Good." I laughed but became serious. "Did they catch on to my whereabouts?"
     "No. So far but Caelan isn't giving up."
     "Nobody is." Cleo said sadly.
     "Figures they wouldn't." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Well if you do come this way, make it look nonchalant otherwise they'll catch on."
     "Okay." They said in unison.
     "Cleo, where'd you go? Sage?" I heard Caelan's voice come from the other side.
     "Well we got to go girl. Talk to you later." They said.
     "Talk to you later. Love you guys. Bye."
     "Love you too. Bye." They smiled as they cut off the connection. All that rung in my ears was that deafening dial tone. I shut my phone and gave my arms a quick stretch. Sen's face came face to face with mine.
     "Whatcha doing?" He evilly grinned.
     "What's in it for you?"
     "Hey don't answer a question with a question. It's not fun when you do that."
     "Who said I was fun?" I smiled cunningly.  He sighed and rested his head on top of mine. He shook his head with a small smile. Suddenly my phone rang again. I looked at the number and automatically recognized it. I flipped open my phone and hit answer. I stayed quiet until he said something.
     "What no hello?" Jason's voice flowed through the line.
     "I just had to make sure it was you." I giggled as I readjusted the phone to my liking. "So what's up?"
     "Nothing really. Just wanted to talk to you."
     "Aw. Is poor little Jason sad? Where's your machete? That always makes you happy." I teased.
     "Ha, ha very funny." He chuckled. "But there is a reason why I am sad. I think I'm going to end up like my brother. Aiyana I need to find my mate soon." Jason's voice came out panicked.
     "Okay. I'll help but there is one problem. I don't know how vampires find their mates. All I know is werewolves and that is because it's a birthmark."
     "Wait! Did you say birthmark?" Jason questioned.
     "Yes! Why?"
     "I have one of those birthmark thingys. I was one of the very few who got one." Jason explained.
     "What's it look like?" I immediately asked as ran over to my bag and grabbed the book of mates.
     "Like a dolphin jumping out of water." He said, sounded like he was trying to agree to that. I flipped the ought the pages until I came across Angelique's picture. She had the same birthmark as Jason.
     "I believe I found your mate. She's here."
     "I can come if you like."
     "How are you going to do that without revealing my cover?"
     "Well..." He thought about it. "How about I tell Seth that I have a lead on your whereabouts?"
     "It's good but he would demand to come with you so he get the information himself."
     "What if I said it was a contact who don't like Lords?"
     "You're an under lord yourself. How can you accomplish something that Seth can't?"
     "True. I'll just say it's a contact who is shy but has known me for a long time and doesn't like to meet many new strangers."
     "That sounds a lot better than before."
     "Think he'll buy it?"
     "I don't know. I can't pin point his knowledge, let alone his own contacts. I'll change my form when you land so we can meet. I'll have a sign with your name on it." I suggested.
     "That's perfect. I'll see you in..." He started.
     "Ireland. I'll see you when you get here." I smiled. "Be careful."
     "You know I will." He chuckled before he hung up. Once again, I ended the phone call and shut the phone. I stuffed the phone into my bag along with the book of mates.
     "I wonder how Angelique is going to react when she finds out that her mates a vampire?" I mumbled to myself as I bit my bottom lip. "Well I can always ask her tonight."
     I forgot to mention that Angelique was an omega like I was. I think that she'll love Jason but be a little spooked because of the fact he's a vampire. Well I don't know until I tell her. Suddenly I was pounced on from behind.
     "Oomph." Escaped my lips as the air left my lungs front the impact of the earth below me. Once my body went back to normal, I turned my head around slightly to see who landed onto top of my back. I found Zander sitting there with an innocent smile on his face and he waved to me. "Off."
     "Yes ma'am." He said and was off in me in seconds. Picking myself off the ground, I gently dusted myself off.
     "You care to explain why you jumped onto my back?"
     "I needed your help. Our grandparents won't stop pestering me."
     "That's what you get for mentioning our parents, which I'm not to happy about. How come you never mention this to me before?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned on my left hip. "Care to explain?"
     "You never asked."
     "I was told that they were dead. Haven't you heard me in the last week talking about them in past tense?" I pointed out.
     "You know men. We never listen." He nervously laughed.
     "So it seems." I cocked my eyebrow at him. "Anyways, I'm not helping you out. You got yourself in it and you can get yourself out. Don't you think I have enough on my plate now as it is?" I pinched the bridge of my nose before I looked at him. He was giving me the puppy dog face. I closed my eyes and told myself not to look several times. When I figured that he was done with the face, I peeked through one of my eyes. He was still doing it and those few moments already tugged on my heart strings. I sighed defeatedly. "Fine. Tell them you can't answer any more questions because your teaching me how to defend myself in my other forms. Is that better for you?"
     "Thank you." He screamed as he gave me a big hug.
     "You're welcome." I said with a strained voice. He was hugging me a little too hard but I didn't mind. When he finished hugging me, he ran off in a different direction to talk to our grandparents. I sighed as I stated after him. I really don't know what I'm going to do. Seems like everything was hitting me from all sides. A flap of wings told me that an angel landed behind me. Turning around, I saw Raphael and Michael standing before me. "So how's the patrol going? Find any spies?"
     "We've found a few but nothing we couldn't take care of." Raphael said with pride.
     "But I want you to know that I wouldn't stay in this land for too much longer. They are getting closer more and more each time. They should be here within two weeks at most." Michael warned.
     "You mean I have to leave soon?" My voice came out pained.
     "For your protection as well as your mates. We can't afford to lose you now that we've got you back." Michael said sternly.
     "Alright. My brother and I will leave in two weeks." I admitted defeat.
     "You have a brother?!" Raphael asked giddy. He kind of looked like a fan girl to me right now.
     "Yes. He should be coming back soon. He was just talking to our grandparents. You won't believe how much we look similar." I said with a smile on my face.
     "Don't you find it a bit strange how you suddenly have a brother? Why wasn't he with you when you were born?" Michael had to bring that up. That is what has been plaguing my every waking moment. I wanted to believe in my brother more but the way Roric's spies have been getting closer, how could I not think bad of him. I truly don't want to but I have to be prepared with everything even if I have to bury my emotions.

     "Alright my brother and I will leave soon in two weeks." Aiyana said defeatedly to the two angels. They looked familiar but I couldn't place their names.
     "You have a brother?" The one angel with black hair said. He awfully sounded like a fan girl to me.
     No kidding! Thor agreed.
     "Yes. He should be coming back soon. He was just talking to our grandparents. You won't believe how much we look similar." Aiyana said bashfully with a smile on her face.
     "Don't you find it a bit strange how you suddenly have a brother? Why wasn't he with you when you were born?" The one angel with blonde hair said. Aiyana's smile vanished seconds later. She stared disbelieving at the two angels.
     "I admit it does plague my mind." She stated. My heart clenched from hurt. "But he's my brother all the same. If he happens to be a Roric spy, so be it. I won't lose family over assumption. You know what it says when you assume." Aiyana folded her arms over her chest. A smile crept to my lips as I saw my sister defending me but then it faded. Why did they think I was a Roric spy? Of course I did appear out of no where but I wouldn't side with something so evil and corrupted.
     "It's makes an ass out of you and me." The blonde sighed with defeat. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. But one screw up he's toast by my hand."
     "That's going to be a little hard Uncle Mike." Aiyana giggled. "He can whoop my ass. Why do you think he training me?"
     So the blonde one was our Uncle Michael. Rude much. I thought to myself. You shouldn't judge about people until you've met them.
     "So when can we meet your brother?" The black haired angel asked.
     "He should be back any minute now." Aiyana stated, her tone a little curious.
     I peeled myself away from the tree and walked out like I actually came straight from our grandparents. I know this looked a little suspicious but I didn't want to be caught. I made it back earlier than expected and that's when I saw Aiyana talking to two strangers. I stayed back for back up and since she wasn't fighting they were friendly.
     All eyes were plastered onto me.
     Well I better get to the introduction, shouldn't I?

***Well here's the new chapter. Sorry it took so long. Had a bad case of writers block! Hate that. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and give your thoughts. Maybe you guys could suggest something and I'll try to put it into the book.

So what did you think of Jason? Do you think he's going to make it in time and will his mate Angelique be okay with him being a vampire? I wonder how Aiyana is going to break it to her. And the big question is:
      Is she going to finally meet her parents?

Stay tuned.

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