Chapter 1

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***picture of Brutus, Raphael and Ryu. Ryu has red eyes***

     It's been three days since I ran into Raphael and Michael. They were on the look out for any Roric spies and whatnot, so they left me alone with this Dragon King. Sure he wasn't bad, but he can get annoying especially when he hasn't had anyone to talk to for over three years. Well no one outside the council, the royal family and the royal staff.
     "Ryu!" I whined as I covered my ears. "It's awesome to hear about your first shift but it gets old pretty quick especially if you repeat it over fifty times."
     "Hey now. Is that anyway to treat your host?" He teased, his red eyes taunting me.
     "Is that anyway to treat your savior?" I mocked.
     Gods if I hear that story one more time, I'm going to rip my ears off. Tiana growled.
    Dramatic much. Donohue snickered.
   We should all talk. It was getting rather annoying. Loki intervened.
     It was good to finally hear from them. They haven't really talked to me since the day we left the pack and everyone behind. They thought I was being over reactive. But what I feared is that I wasn't being over reactive enough. We are being chased by a psychopath that wants us and will kill to get what he wants. He already proved it to me when he killed innocent wolf packs that had nothing to do with shifters. When they finally realized that I might be right, they warmed up a bit to me though no talking until today.
     It's good to hear you guys. I mentally smiled.
    It's good to talk to you. Dangelo smiled back. Latifah and Alvine agreed. At least these guys talked back to me, it's the other three that were still having a hissy fit.
    So what you guys want to do? Go for a run? I hinted to Tiana and Donohue with no such luck.
    Flight? I hinted to Loki and Dangelo. Dangelo was the only one who nodded.
    A swim? Latifah nodded her head furiously.
    Or cast spells? Which Alvine jumped with joy. Since they were the only ones who responded, they got to go first. Okay guys who first and then we go from there? They each thought about it and Alvine raised her hand. Yes Alvine?
     What if Dangelo flew to nearby water, then Latifah had a swim and lastly I'll cast some simple spells. This way everyone could be happy.
     That was really thinking Alvine. Latifah smiled at her. Alvine's cheeks grew red from embarrassment and praise.
      "Earth to Aiyana? Are you listening?" Ryu waved his hand in front of my face.
      "What is it Ryu?"
      "Well I was just telling you about the ball when your eyes did their weird thing again!" Ryu explained. I sighed. I just recently found out that when one of my heritages talk to me, my eyes change different colors. Weird huh?! "What did they want?"
      "Well once wants to go for a fly, then one wants to swim and lastly one wants to do some spells." I stated. I still haven't told Ryu my heritages names because I still don't fully trust him. Well who wouldn't when they basically kind of kidnapped you as you were naked and then to proceed about telling me that I was his mate. Yeah I said mate! Another fricking one! And what's sad I can't tell if it's true or not because I don't have dragon heritage within my blood. All of my heritages have a mate so it's kind of hard to believe then again I wanted to but that was some more major testosterone for me to handle. What's even worse is that Dragons are ten times more brutal than werewolves when it comes to their mates.
      With dragons, if I was gone for a minute, Ryu would go bat shit and terrorize the poor room. So I have to be by his side always. They demand twice the love than any of my mates. They crave more things than I bargained for. So as of right now, I'm living on a high wire, don't know which way I'll fall or if I'll make it.
      "I could join you on your flight if you like!" Ryu's red eyes sparkled with anticipation.
      "No I think I'll be alright for today, maybe next time. And anyways didn't Brutus wanted you in the throne room to discuss on what's happening in the kingdom." I politely declined while reminding him of his agenda.
      "Oh shit that's right." Ryu cursed as he goes around the room to gather some things. "I would lose my head if it wasn't attached. Thank you for reminding me." Ryu said as he ran out the door.
Once he was gone, so was my headache. Boy could that guy talk. Gently rubbing my temples, I walked over to the balcony that was attached to my room. It oversaw the entire kingdom as well as the ocean a little ways. Latifah and I wanted to go swimming in the sea but we knew Kawaii would be there and it wouldn't be wise to be caught now. Dressing in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy tank top I shifted into Dangelo. He stretched and did some quick exercises before he opened his wings. It was good to finally feel air tickle my feathers again. He walked over and stood on the railing. He continued to watch the sunset through my eyes, well ours. I was glad that he wasn't rash like the other three who refused to talk to me still. Latifah, Alvine and Dangelo are the only ones on board with my cause. I ran to protect and lead the horrible psycho away from everyone I loved.
      Dangelo fell forwards and hurtled down towards the ground. He didn't pull up until the last second.
     Always with a dramatic entrance. I chuckled.
    Always! He smirked as he slowly flew to a nearby lake. He took his time on getting there and I didn't blame him. He wanted to enjoy the outside while he could. I made it each of them would have fifteen minutes each until we knew it was safe to do it for a long period of time. As Dangelo's time was nearing its end, he gracefully landed on the ground and went behind the nearby tree to strip. Once fully unclothed, I switched into Latifah and walked over to the lake. We gently poked our toes into the water to check the warmth, it was actually pretty cold. Alvine moved my hand involuntary, did a spell on the water and told us to try again. Poking our toes into the water again, we found it to be rather warm. Slowly I walked into the water so it was up to my waist before Latifah fully took over and my tail grew out.
      We took our time down underneath the water. It was amazing what you could find if you actually looked. We found a couple of artifacts down here but that was meant for another adventure someday. There were several types of fish and plant life down here. Maybe I would look into the types when I ever visited the library again with Ryu. Latifah swam back up to the surface to start drying off for Alvine's turn. Once fully dry, Alvine took over and casted some spells from left to right. Doing light spells to help see while doing some advance plant growing to other things like levitation. Wouldn't that be cool, I wouldn't have to tire out my back from flapping my wings that much any more. It would give a lot of people some rest. But so far Alvine could only hold the levatation for two minutes. She said that is the suckiest record in witch culture.
     Hey I may not be a witch like you but that's still hell of a good job. Without you guys, I'd be an ordinary human and no ordinary human could do that. I whispered to Alvine, which made her smile a bit.
      When her time finished, she allowed me to change back and get dressed back into the grey sweatpants and black tank. I tried to call upon Donohue's abilities but it seemed it wasn't going to happen. I guess I can't control it at will any more as long as they are still mad at me. So I guess I would be walking back. I was about to head out when I heard faint music flood into my ear. At least I still had my werewolf senses, then again they were a permanent thing. I turned towards the heavenly music and jogged towards it. You know the saying that curiosity killed the cat. Well I was a cat waiting for its impending death as I walked towards the growing music.
      It seemed the closer I got a light appeared and continues to grow with each step. I toned down the sensitivity of the loudness of the music when I was close enough. I slinked behind some bushes and looked over to find no one but there were lights, well lanterns and torches, tables with food upon it and music playing from out of no where. I slowly slipped out from behind the bushes and looked around as I headed to the open field. The music continued so I decided to do the best I could with my dance moves to the Irish music and I must say I didn't do half bad without Loki's help. I continued to dance until my dance meter was broken and my stomach churned when my nose caught a whiff of the food. With no one still in sight, I crept over to the table and grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl while whispering a thank you.
      As soon as I bit into the apple, so many different flavors exploded into my mouth like never before. I never tasted an apple like this before. Soon enough my eyes felt funny. Using the back of my free hand, I gently rubbed my eyes and blinked away whatever it was. When the weirdness stopped, I shrugged and went back to eating the apple. I went to take another bite from the apple but I happened to look up this time and found many upon many people here. How didn't I notice this before?
      I rubbed my eyes a couple of times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. When they still wouldn't go away, I disgustfully looked at the apple. I think someone slipped something into it. I set it back on the table and walked away. It got creepier after that. It seemed like the people started to notice me as I walked away. Their eyes landed on me and they whispered amongst themselves. I slouched a bit as I jogged out of the field. Whatever that was I didn't like it and I needed to get out of there fast. Everyone agreed so I summoned my wings to take flight. As I took to the skies, I looked back over my shoulder to see the light burning brightly still and everyone still looking at me.
      But what really caught my eye, was a boy about my age staring at me. What was fascinating about this boy was that he had wings too but it wasn't like a demon's or an Angel's, it was like a butterfly's. Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I left for the dragon kingdom with the boy's gaze still firm on me.
      I woke with only two hours of sleep. Now matter how much I tried to sleep those boy's eyes kept burning in the back of my mind. I tossed and turned in my bed with nightmares or with fantasies. I couldn't tell what was real or what was fake during the night.
      I slinked out of bed and took a shower. The warm water tried to make me go to sleep but I fought it. Once fully refreshed, I got dressed. I placed a black tube top on with some blue jeans and black converses. Lastly I placed my necklace on and then trotted down the stairs to reach the dinning room. Immediately my nose caught the familiar scent of bacon, eggs and home fries.
      Within seconds I was in my seat across from Ryu. He was eating his meal while looking at some important papers. I hated that it was in a language that I didn't know, I kind of liked poking my nose in some business. I sipped my orange juice before I digged into my plate full of food. My entire plate was gone within ten minutes and my next plate was placed in front of me. I smiled at Brutus as he sat down next to me.
      "Morning sunshine!" Brutus smiled at me. "How was your sleep?"
      "Horrible." I frowned. "I think I saw something I wasn't supposed to last night." I said as I ate my second plate.
      "I never seen a girl so much. You definitely have Were blood in you." Brutus chuckled. "But what did you see my child?"
      "I don't know. When I was out for my flight, I heard music so I followed it and then I saw some light. I came to a field and found lanterns and torches everywhere, music playing, tables full of food but no one was there."
      "Go on."
      "Well of course I partied a bit by dancing to the music and I..."
      "Don't tell me you are something from the table!" Ryu looked away from the papers and stared at me wide eyed.
      "Just an apple! What's the problem with that?" I questioned.
       Ryu pinched the bridge of his nose and cursed underneath his breath. "Did you feel anything once you ate the apple?"
      "Yeah. My eyes felt funny and then suddenly I saw people all around me. But the thing was no one was there a few seconds ago."
      "Shit." Ryu placed the papers down on the table and rubbed his temples.
      "What happened?!" I shrieked, completely forgetting about my plate.
      "You just signed a contract with the Fae." Ryu explained.
      "I did what with what?"
      "Signed a contract, which explains your eyes feeling funny and suddenly seeing people. With the Fae as in fairies."
      "I thought those Mystics don't exist."
      "We all aren't supposed to exist but here we are. What's different for them?"
      "True." I slumped in my seat. "So what's in this Fae contract?"
      "Don't know. It's different for every Fae."
      "Great." I sighed and pushed my plate away. "Thank you for the meal Brutus but I need to think."
      "You're welcome." Brutus bowed his head. His blonde hair falling in front of his face, hiding his blue eyes. "I'll see you around."
      "Definitely." I smiled as I got to my feet and went out into the garden. I summoned my wings and went to the lake I was at last night. Sitting in a tree, I thought about what the Fae would want for the contract. I pulled my legs to my chest and buried my face into my legs.
      My thoughts ran through my head. Mostly my emotions about missing everyone back at home. Tears streamed down my cheeks as my sadness finally broke free for the first time since I got here. I didn't know if I would be able to see anybody after the stupid contract. Note to self or anybody: DON'T EAT RANDOM FOOD IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.
      "Forlorn." A male voice rung in my ears. My breath hitched as I slowly raised my head.
      "What?" I said as I looked everywhere for the voice.
      "You're forlorn! Sad, empty!" The males voice came out of nowhere again but this time a little closer and above me. My eyes slowly looked up to find the boy from last night staring at me inside the leaves and branches. I screamed as I fell off the branch. I landed roughly on my ass.
      "Ow." I whined as I rubbed my sore ass. I casted my attention towards the boy, who was chuckling at my dispense. "Where the hell did you come from?"
      "Now, now a pretty lady such as yourself shouldn't be cursing." The boy smiled.
      "I can do the hell ever I want." I said while picking myself up and dusted myself off. "What the hell do you want?" I asked as I walked up the side of the tree and went in his face.
      "I'm here for the signed contract mate." He smiled.

**Here's the first chapter of Forlorn. I hope you like it.
   Wow, a lot happened. Ryu is supposed to be her mate and she unknowingly signed a contract with a Fae. What could go wrong next? Find out in the next chapter.

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