Chapter 11

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     Two days flew passed in a breeze. I didn't understand where the time went. I laid down on my bed, exhausted from my work out with Zander. In these past two days, Jason worked with Angelique and her love started to show. It was good to finally see some results after I introduced them two days ago.
     Good Morning Aiyana!! Cleo and Sage's thoughts bursted inside my head. Happiness coated heavy on their words. So today was the day of the wedding.
     Hey girls. You getting ready. I asked with a smiled plastered on my face.
     Yes. It's nine o'clock. We have to be ready by three. Cleo said ecstatically.
     Awesome. Getting your hair done?
     Nah. Getting some spa treatments. We want our skin to glow today. Sage explained.
     Alright. Just make sure to get your hair done and then your makeup.
     We know. They laughed.
     You sound more nervous then us girl. Sage snickered. Relax or your going to have an ulcer.
     Probably already have one with all that's going on. But another day, another time. You girls get ready. I'll be there at three.
     Okay. See you then. They shouted before cutting off their end of their links.
     I sighed as I placed my arm over my eyes. Tears escaped my eyes and trickled down my cheeks. I knew it was going to be painful to not be there on my friends weddings but I didn't think it was going to be this much.
     After a good silent cry, I shuffled my way to the bathroom. Peeling off my sweaty clothes, I slipped into the semi-warm shower. The cold tile felt good against my pounding head. Zander caught me off guard today and accidentally hit me on the side of my head. Fifteen minutes later, I emerged from my shower and headed to my dresser.
     It was around six now, I had to be ready by twelve in the morning to make it to their wedding at three. I hate nine hour difference. I thought to myself.
     I ran down the stairs and went to the dining room. Ryu was looking at multiple papers again. I was surprised he didn't marry all of his paperwork. It doesn't seem like he had any time to himself. When he spotted me, he waved me over to my new seating arrangement. I sat next to him while Kawaii and Sen sat across from us. Everyone then had a seat of their own. Once I sat down next to him, he slid the papers away from him and turned his attention onto me.
     "So how's your training going with Zander?" He asked politely. I smirked at his behavior. He was honestly acting innocent when in reality he wanted to kill Zander for putting his hands on me. He kind of reminded me of Caelan when I first asked him to train me and he definitely wanted to kill Alaster when he trained me.
     "Aggravating but progressing." I said with a stretch. "I can't seem to win just yet." But it seemed like I had no problem against Roric. Why was that?
     My mind pondered at the many options and all I can conclue is that I didn't want to hurt my brother. If I could some how manage to get into my ultimate form again that would help me a lot. Ryu tilted his head at me, making me realize that I was quiet.
     "What's going through that beautiful mind of yours?"
     "Me being pissed at my brother or was it myself." I paused. "I guess I'm just aggravated that I can't beat my brother once but I can have a stale mate with "The Almighty Roric"." I said sarcastically.
     Ryu straightened a bit in his chair. "Did you just say you fought with Roric and had a tie?"
     "Yeah and I would have won if it wasn't for the threat he gave me." I leaned on my hand and stared at the wooden table in front of me. I examined all the grooves and swirls the wood naturally made in its life. I sighed, then placed my head again the cold wood.
     "What was the threat?"
     "He would kill every one of my mates if I didn't submit to him by the end of three months." I said, not looking up front the table. "So that's why I ran! And I might have to leave again soon because Roric's spies are getting closer by the day. The reason I wasn't found yet was because of my Uncles."
     "What do you mean you're leaving?" Ryu demanded as his chair fell behind him with a crash as he stood up in haste. I glanced in his direction. When I saw that he was angry, I looked back at the table.
     "Just what I said. Roric spies are almost upon me. And in order to save my mates, which include you, I have to go on the run." I mumbled but I knew he heard because of his hearing. His hands clenched into fists as he battled with himself. I knew he was going to go on a tangent but I didn't have a choice.  "And I know what you're thinking. You are NOT coming with me. I repeat NOT."
     Ryu slammed his hands down on the table. From the corner of my eye, I could see his body shaking from his rage. I rolled my eyes as I leaned back into my chair.
     "I forbid you from leaving."
     "I'm leaving whether you like it or not. In ten days, I'm out of here. Either deal with it or I'll erase your memory of me. What's it going to be? It's not fair that you get to keep me all for yourself. My other mates are hurting right now. Share the pain will ya." I growled.
     "You would erase my memory of you?" He asked, scared and worried.
     "Only if you become a hassle. So I rather you accept it." I drummed my fingers against the table. His eyes showed his pain and hurt but he understood.
     "Alright." He said finally and sat back down to continue to do his paperwork, not speaking to me. Well that went better than expected. I still couldn't believe how acceptable he was about this. You should have seen him when I told him that he wasn't the only mate I had. He was livid. It was Castle Rampage Act 2. It took me several hours to calm his ass down. I'm glad I had fast healing because he singed my hair and some of my face from his fire. I remembered that he spent the next couple hours hating himself for hurting me. Well that was enough drama for that day.
     I sat quietly next to him as he scribbled on his papers. From what I could see from the corner of my eye, it was papers for marriages and rogues with a hint of expense papers. Probably from all the repairs we had to do. Zander decided to make an appearance moments later. He smiled at me but it vanished when he saw how I looked.
     What's wrong? He asked though our private link.
     Mate problems! Tiana growled. He accept it easily that we are leaving in ten days.
     Let me guess he wanted to go with you?
     You are correct. Donohue answered for me. It seemed that my heritages wanted to get some stuff off their chests.
     And what did you say?
     He couldn't come because it wasn't fair to my other mates who I left behind. He accepted it in voice but not personality wise. I finally spoke.
     So did you finally make a destination yet?
     We are going to Russia! Latifah shouted with joy.
     You realize that you can't swim. Zander responded with a cocky smile. We are going to be by the Arctic Circle. Unless you like the idea of being a fish Popsicle.
     No thank you. Latifah shivered as she thought about it.
     We'll probably be mostly in our wolf forms until we find a secure place for our human forms. Zander thought carefully.
     Probably. I sighed and slouched in my seat. I don't know what to do any more.
     Don't worry about it now. We'll worry about it in the ten days to come.
     It was close to twelve. I positioned myself in my bed and closed my eyes. Thinking about Alaster, my soul was immediately casted into his body. Looking around, my eyes settled onto Victor who was staring out Alaster's eyes. I quietly walked over to him and sat down next to him.
     "Ready for the big day?" I asked Victor while staring out of Alaster's eyes as well. Alaster was fiddling with his tux, aggravated to the max.
     "We both are but it seems Alaster doesn't like the penguin suit." Victor chuckled.
     "I can see that." I laughed beside him. "You guys wouldn't mind if I tagged along for the ride? I would like to see my friend be married."
     "I don't mind and I think Alaster would be thrilled." Victor said while scratching his ear.
     "Do you think I'll be able to dance with both of them?"
     "What do you mean?"
     "I just want to temporarily take over for two songs." I begged. Victor looked at me like I had ten heads but nodded.
     "Just ask Alaster."
     "Okay." I looked out of his eyes again. He was staring at himself in his mirror. He had a cocky grin plastered upon his face. Rolling my eyes, I smiled a bit at that. "Yo Alaster."
     His grin vanished as he looked around the room. "Aiyana? Where are you?"
     "In your head silly." I chuckled.
     "Oh right." He laughed nervously. "I knew that."
     "You excited?"
     "How can I not Aiyana? I'm about to marry the love of my life!" He smiled as he checked himself out in the mirror again. "So what brings you here?"
     "I've come to see you guys get married."
     "Ah cool."
     "I was wondering if I can momentarily take possession of you body for two songs. I just want to dance with both brides if that's okay with you."
     "I don't see why not." He stated as he fixed his tie.
     "Ooo thanks." I screamed in mind while giving him a mental hug. He chuckled as he finished up.
     "Just don't make me look like an ass, okay?"
     "Kill a joy." I teased. He rolled his eyes. A knock on his door brought us out of our conversation. He fiddle one last time with his tie before he went over and opened the door. We came face to face with Caelen. He did look a lot healthier since the last time I saw him. He was clean and freshly shaven.
     "How's the groom?" Caelan smiled.
     "Good. A bit nervous." Alaster admitted.
     "You're nervous?! Pa! I'm the best man in both weddings. You think you're nervous." Caelan eyed Alaster.
     "As I'll ever be." Alaster and Caelan did their bro hug and left for the ceremony. I could feel Alaster's nervousness as he stood at the altar. He constantly fiddled with his tux.
     "Relax Alaster." I said to him.
     Easy for you to say. I'm wiggin out here.
     "You'll be fine. And if your worries about Cleo, she won't ditch you at the altar, okay?"
     Okay. He took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. He glanced towards Travis who was doing the same exact thing Alaster was doing moments ago.
     Geez, men. I chuckled to myself. I gently ran my fingers through Victor's fur, hoping to relieve him from his giddiness too. He laid down beside me and started to relax. He looked like he really enjoyed it but then again how many wolves get petted by their Luna. Caelan had to stand by the pastor since he was the best man for both grooms. I felt bad for him, I wonder what his speeches are going to be like.
     As soon as the music started, everyone's gazes went to the front of the room. I saw some of the bridesmaids walk down the aisle side by side along with an usher from each groom. When it came time for the maid of honor, it was left blank. I stared at the open space with confusion.
     "They didn't want anyone else but you to fill their maid of honor spot." Victor explained when he felt my confusion. Tears threatened to escape my eyes. I wanted to be strong on this day but what the hell no one besides Victor would see me crying. I let the tears flow as the truth sank in. Soon enough, I saw both brides standing next to each other with an older gentlemen escorting them both. It was Fredrick, Sage's father and Bartholomew, Cleo's father. They looked handsome in their suits. I could see the tears silently escaping their eyes as they walked their daughters down the aisle. I already knew that their mothers would be crying their eyes out by now. I could feel Alaster's heart skip when he saw Cleo in her dress.
     "You're welcome. I had a difficult time finding her that dress." I whispered to Alaster.
     Thank you. He said with the warmest tone I ever heard him say. I had to do a double take at Alaster's reaction. This was a side of him I didn't expect.
     After the ceremonies, we went straight to the reception. Alaster and everyone was enjoying their dinner, laughing and having a grand old time. I smiled weakly. I do enjoy seeing everyone like this, I just wish it was my own happiness leaking into me and not Alaster's. Caelan made a nice big speech for both of the grooms and each of them had their embarrassments. When it came to the dancing part, Alaster was pretty good. I was kind of afraid to take over and reveal myself but I made a promise. Everything was so beautiful. After the brides and grooms dances, Cleo came up to Alaster and whispered in his ear.
     "Okay Aiyana. Your turn." She smiled.
     "Good luck." Victor chuckled.
     "Thanks I'm going to need it." I nervously laughed as I focused on taking over Alaster's body. I felt Alaster's soul be pushed back while I was pushed forward. I felt like I was slammed against a wall. I had to blink a couple of times and placed a hand to my head, well Alaster's hand. Looking down, I saw familiar manly hands. I clenched them and unclenched, making sure that everything was fully functional. Once that was out of the way, I looked up and saw Cleo staring at me. She had a smile from ear to ear.
     "Hi Aiyana." She whispered.
     "How can you tell it was me?" I said through Alaster's voice.
     "I don't know." She acted innocently. "Maybe it's because of your blue eyes."
     "Oh right." I chuckled. I grasped Cleo's hand and put my other on her waist. I got into the normal position I was trained. I could already hear Sage instructing me in the back of my head. So far I was doing a perfect waltz. I caught myself glancing at my feet to make sure I wasn't at least tripping or crushing poor Cleo's feet.
     "Relax Yana." Cleo grinned. "You're going to trip over your feet if you don't relax."
     "That's what I'm afraid of." I laughed. After a few more minutes of waltzing, the song came to an end. Cleo and Sage switched partners and I got into the proper position.
     "Hi Aiyana." Sage smiled.
     "Hi Sage." I smiled back. "I miss you guys." I whispered.
     "We miss you too." She took the lead of this song but it didn't look it from a bystanders view. We danced around on the floor and had a grand old time. But as quick as it came, it flew just as fast. When the song ended, I said goodbye to both Cleo and Sage before I was pushed back into Alaster's mind.
     "Thank you Alaster." I said with a smile.
     No problem Aiyana. It was my pleasure.
     I opened my eyes slowly, the dark swallowing me whole but soon faded as my eyes begun to readjust to the darkness. Blinking away what was left of the weight, I sat up and looked around. I found Zander sitting on the balcony railing. Once my brain registered what was going on, I jumped off the bed and ran straight for him.
     "Zander be careful." I screeched as I grabbed ahold of his arm. I looked at Zander and his eyes were staring at the moon. I noticed that he had tears going down his cheeks. Why was he crying? "Zander?"
     This time he heard. He blinked his eyes a couple of times before he turned his head in my direction.
     "Aiyana?!" His tone was distant, like he thought I wasn't here.
     "Yes it's me." I spoke softly as I placed a piece loose strand of his hair behind his ear. He leaned his cheek on my hand and rubbed it back and forth. His tears flowed silently down. "Is everything okay?"
     "I thought I lost you." His words came out choked. He was trying to fight against his pain.
     "Why you say that?"
     "You're eyes. They were white, like ghostly white and your body wasn't moving at all."
     "That was because my soul was in another body. Those are the side affects for sharing a soul."
     "Sharing a soul?" He wiped away his tears and then gave me a stern look. "What do you mean?"
     "You know the extra colors in my Angelic wings. Well they represent life and healing. One of my friends had died and the only way to save his soul was to give a tiny piece of my soul so I could bring his back."
     "So you are now eternally connected to him?" He asked seriously. "Is this friend even your mate?"
     "No. He's my friends mate. But I saw him as a friend as well as a sibling. I would have done the same for you." I answered honestly.
     "Does any of your mates know?" He narrows his eyes.
     "No. And I want you to promise me that you won't say a thing." I hissed through my teeth.
     "You know what you are doing is seriously dangerous."
     "As long as we keep each other alive I don't see the problem. So what I got extra company in my head no biggy?"
     "If your souls are connected, doesn't that mean you both feel everything."
     "Some what. We've learn to shut one another out." I shrugged.
     "I call that a biggy. What if he does something serious and you get killed?"
     "It won't happen." I growled, Tiana was trying to force herself through. We may not be the best Luna but no one talks about our pack mates like that.
     "If you don't tell them about it, I will." He growled back.
     "And I'll deny it. You have no proof." My hands clenched together, almost ready to draw blood.
     "Yes I do. Now spill it."
     "Never. They don't need to know. It's my body. If you lost me and had the ability, wouldn't you do the same for me, knowing you might hurt your mates?"
     "I don't have mates."
     "It was a rhetorical question." I hissed. "Promise me or I leave you behind with everyone else."
     "I'll know where you'll be."
     "Not if I change my destination. And there is three forms you haven't seen, so don't go there."
     Zander was quiet for a moment before he finally nodded. "Fine I promise. But when Roric is good as dead, please tell them then."
     "That is a promise I can keep." I said with a smile, my anger finally diminishing.
     I awoke with several bodies clinging to me. I look to my right and found Ryu, wrapping his body around my arm and leg. To my left, I had Kawaii doing he same. And on top of me, I found Sen sleeping silently on my stomach. My eye twitched in aggravation when I realized how trapped I was and I really had to pee. On top of that, where the hell was Zander?
     I'm on the ground. Zander said through his link.
     What do you mean you're on the ground?
     Exactly what I said. One moment I was on the bed, then next kapoot on the floor.
     So they kicked you out of bed?
     Seems like it. You know the floor is actually not that bad.
     I'm glad your comfortable. I'm stuck between all of them.
     And that's a bad thing.
     It is when you seriously have to pee.
     Here we go again! He chuckled. I heard a couple of cracks and pops as he stood up, graciously covering my eyes from the sun. I saw him stretch, letting more pops and cracks ring through the air. Cracking his neck, he walked over to the foot of the bed and grabbed one of Sen's legs and one of Kawaii's legs. With a flick of his wrist, they both flew off of me and crashed hard against the floor. A few groans were heard before it was Ryu's turn. Zander immediately went for Ryu's feet, not letting him getting any time to wake up. Just as Zander yanked, that's when I noticed that Ryu had his claws in my nightgown.
     "Wait!" I scream but it was too late.
     Was all that was heard as my fabric tore off of me. A blush crept to my cheeks as my whole body was exposed. I heard another groan.
     "I didn't know that the birthday suit would be coming back in style?" Zander smiled cockily. I grabbed a nearby pillow and launched it at his head. He caught it and his smile grew wider as he looked around the pillow. Already beat red, I sprung to my feet and dashed into the bathroom.
     Minuets later, when I finished everything and showered, I peeked out from behind the door and found it empty. Great!
     Slipping from the bathroom, I made my way to my bag. I pulled out the necessary things, sadly almost all my under cloths were see through. Placing on my matching blue set, I pulled up some black capris and threw on a galaxy tank. I put on my flip flops and out the door I went, but not before I crashed into my brother's chest.
     "You know you could at least warn a girl." I snapped as I held onto my nose and looked up, coming face to face with Jason. Totally not what I was expecting.
     "Hey I'm a serial killer for a reason." He shrugged and gave me a toothy grin. "Jason's the name and slaying is my game."
     "Not really threatening when you don't have your mask or machete." I poked him in the chest.
     "I tried." He chuckled. "I decided to hang with you for a bit. Giving Angelique her space." He answered when I gave him a skeptical glare. Out of curiosity, I tapped into my vampire sense of smell. The potent smell of smokey rose and lime. I knew the lime was from me but something about his smokey rose was off. I took another sniff and then that's when it clicked.
     "You're mated!" I screeched and gave him a big hug. I could swear I heard a couple of bones break.
     "Aiyana I can't breath." He said through a strained voice. I immediately let go of him and he took a couple of deep breaths.
     "Is it just me or you're getting stronger?"
     "I'm probably stronger than you last saw me. I've been training with Zander everyday. Today luckily happens to be my day off. I'm actually going to the airport now. Did you want to join me?"
     "Airport? For what?"
     "My friends! They recently got married and they are having their honeymoon here."
     "That's awesome."
     "You bet. You'll also be able to meet my best friends. Isn't that right brother? Though I can't tell if your an older brother or younger."
     "I'm only seven hundred ninety eight. Not as old as my brother."
     "Really? You hardly look like you aged over nineteen."
     "I'm technically am nineteen. In vampire years that is."
     "Now I'm totally confused." I could almost feel my head spinning at this new knowledge.
     "It's okay." He chuckled. "I will teach you some more. But first we have to go get your friends."
     "Okay." I smiled.

**Sorry about the wait. I had writers block like you won't believe. I hope this chapter was at least a little satisfying. Anywho, what did you think of the wedding? How did you think of Ryu's reaction? Please tell me what you think.

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