Chapter 5

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The dullahan rode next to us, talking for a while until we came about a mile from the pack lands. There he said goodbye. I relaxed a bit when he left but he was actually pretty friendly despite his appearance. Once in the pack lands, it was kind of boring since there was no other mythical creatures yet. The pack we were first going to was the Night Walker pack. Where Sarah and Jonathan happen to be. Okay maybe it won't be boring after all. It also is said that they are having a major rogue problem.
When we were getting closer to the pack house, I already saw many warriors on both sides on the carriage. Well I did because I happen to be a werewolf. They were actually pretty well covered with all the trees and bushes. A few minutes later, the carriage came to a halt. Ryu stood up and stretched as he went to the door. He opened it and gracefully jumped down. He turned around with his hand open for me. A blush crept to my cheeks as I gathered my stuff and gently took his hand into mine. The air hit me ten fold, it was so clean but I smelt something I shouldn't have. I looked around and didn't see the two faces I saw yesterday. Ryu looked at me skeptically. I roughly handed him my belongings and kindly asked Brutus and Sen to get off so I can shift. They looked at me weirdly but didn't object. I started to strip off my clothes. Once they were in a nice pile, I started to shift. The pops and cracks rang throughout my ear, no doubt everyone heard it from outside. I gently scraped the door with my paw. Brutus opened the door and was surprised at my form.
Nodding my thanks, I jumped from the carriage and sat down at Ryu's feet. Sen cocked his head as he hovered over me. I growled at the pack, who flinched a bit.
"Where are they?!" I gave feral growl at them. Sen looked from me to the pack then back to me.
"She wants to know where Sarah and Jonathan is?" Sen warned the pack, who looked guilty. My shackles rose, they were hurting them. Suddenly my form began to grow. I was at least as tall as a two story house.
What the hell is going on? I panicked.
You're just going into your true form. Tiana said while rolling her eyes, like it was common knowledge. I so wanted to get here for that.
True form? What?
          You have found all of your mates and now you have reached your status as Queen. So you'll at least grow until you're as tall as the tree tops. Tiana stated as she scratched the back of her ear.
Geez, a heads up would be nice. I scowled. "I'll say it again. Where are they?" I roared.
"Where are Jonathan and Sarah?" Sen shouted as he uncovered his ears. When no one answered, I stood up. Everyone literally has to look up at me. I look down to Brutus. "Tell them that they deal with me or my brother-in-law. Which is it?" Sen whispered what I said to Brutus.
"Who's your brother-in-law?" Brutus asked me.
I smiled. "Elder Quin or my father-in-law Elder Marrok. Either or would be fine."
"Elder Quin." Sen shouted to the pack. "And if that's not enough. She can get her father-in-law, Elder Marrok." He smiled just as evilly as I. But I had a felling that he doesn't know what he's smiling evilly for. The pack looked at each other with worry but didn't say nothing.
"I'm going to find them." I barked at Sen, who nodded as he hovered next to me. I started to walk around, people parting so I wouldn't step on them. I followed the scents to a ratty looking building. Sen went down to take a look around for me. When he came back out, he shook his head no. "Bring me the Alpha, now." I growled at the pack. They didn't have to understand me to know what I just said. A few pack members dragged their Alpha out, who was shouting why he was being brought out. When he saw me standing there in my gigantic wolf, he immediately panicked.
"Who is this?" He ordered.
"The page maker Alpha. She wants to know where the omegas are at." The pack member answered.
"Why should we listen to her?" He sneered.
"She's the daughter-in-law of Elder Marrok and the sister-in-law of Elder Quin." The same pack member answered. "And with that height, she's from the prophecy. She's the future Queen." The pack member whispered into the Alpha's ear with the last two sentences. If my hearing wasn't as enhanced, I probably would miss it even with my werewolf hearing. The Alpha stiffened. He waved over his guards and told them to release the omegas. The guards nodded at their orders and immediately ran into the ratty old building. So they were underground?!
I stood there, staring at the Alpha menacingly. He still had his tensed form, sweat starting to drip off of him. My eyes only left the Alpha when I saw the limping figures of Jonathan and Sarah. They were tossed in front of me. They were scared when they saw the Alpha. The Alpha cleared his throat and turned towards me.
"As promised, here they are." He shouted, making Sarah and Jonathan spot me. They hugged each other as they shivered in fear. Slowly I lowered my snout and didn't do anything. They still looked at me with fear and their shaking wouldn't stop. Sen flew and laid on top of my head.
"Don't worry guys. This is just Aiyana." He smiled as he did a snow angel in my fur and looked at them. They looked at each other skeptically. "Just give her a whiff. It's should be her scent."
Slowly they lifted their noses into the air and took a couple of inhales. Their eyes went wide when they recognized it. That was good sign because they didn't get injected with wolfsbane. They crawled over to me and hugged my snout. I rubbed my scent on them so no one would hurt them. They then moved over by my leg. I glanced to Sen and told him to get Ryu. Sen looked like he didn't want to but he did it anyways. I had a stare down with the Alpha as Ryu came over to my side.
"You wanted me Aiyana." Ryu asked to me. When the Alpha saw Ryu, sweat started to pour off of him again.
"I wanted to know if we can bring the omegas back with us." I asked. Sen translated for me.
"I don't see why not." He smiled understandingly. "Since they already had their pages done they can wait in the carriage or they could stay by you until everyone is done."
"Sound like a plan." I smiled as I looked to Jonathan and Sarah. They smiled and hugged my leg tighter. "Now I'll go get changed. Stay with Ryu." I said and Sen translated. They nodded as they stayed by Ryu's and Sen's side. I walked back to the carriage that was still open. I took a deep breath and shifted back to my human form, quickly diving into the carriage before anybody could see my naked form.
I pulled my hair from underneath my tunic and walked out. Brutus followed behind me when we approached Ryu and he others. The Alpha looked at me weirdly, kind of reminded me of Raoul. A shiver of disgust ran down my spine.
"So you're the page maker?" The Alpha asked me.
"Yes." I folded my arms across my chest. "You've got a problem?!"
"No not at all. I just didn't expect you to be pretty." He wolfishly smiled. I rolled my eyes.
"Ryu I think it's time for you and Brutus to have the meeting and I'll start on the pages." I stated as I grabbed the things out of Ryu's hands. Ryu nodded and walked inside with the Alpha and Brutus. Once the Alpha and all the higher ups were inside, I noticed that everyone seemed to relax. That wasn't a good sign. They were afraid of their leaders. I wonder what they did to these poor people to be like this. It's understandable with the omegas but everyone. Something is not adding up.
Suddenly Jonathan and Sarah hugged me. I laughed and hugged them back.
"Thank you." They whispered in my ear as I felt tears hit my skin.
"You're welcome. I promise you'll have a better life with us." I gently released them. "Are there any more omegas?"
"Yes a few." Sarah said.
"Good they are coming with us." I smiled. "Once we are done here, you need to get them. If you can, you might want to tell them to pack whatever they can."
Sarah and Jonathan ran off to find the other omegas. I went by a nearby picnic table and set my stuff down neatly.
"Alright. File in one single line." I bellowed. Everyone scrambled into one line and it went on for a while. Mentally sighing, I got to work. This was going to take a while.
Hours passed by and my hand started to cramp. There were at least thirty more to do and I already did twenty including newborns. When my hand couldn't take it anymore, I recited a spell in my thoughts and magically the pen stood upright to start to draw the people in front of me. I should have thought about this earlier, would have saved me a lot of time let alone my hand. Right now I can't feel the poor thing. Once I finished everyone, I placed the spells into their pictures and began looking at some of their birthmarks. So far besides Sarah, no one matched. Well that's what I get for only having three packs in the book so far. When I didn't find any, I reassured them that I would inform them if a mate arises. All that was left now was the higher ranks, who still happened to be in a meeting.
          "Yes Aiyana?"
          "How'd you understand me?" I asked Sen.
           He laughed. "Aiyana! Isn't it obvious?"
           Uh no! Otherwise I wouldn't be asking, now would I? I thought to myself.
           "Well it's because I'm a fairy. Fairies are supposed to be one with nature, are they not?" He smirked at me.
While I waited at the picnic table, I talked with a few of the Warriors and pack mates. They were actually pretty friendly. But that friendliness vanished as soon as the higher ups came out. Before the higher ups came over to us, I promised them to try to get them a better life. They nodded and departed, leaving the omegas behind me. Ryu and Brutus took their place beside Sen and the others while the higher ups sat down in front of me. The Alpha smugly looked me up and down, which irritated the crap out of me but I was a good girl, though I don't know how long my patience will last.
I snapped my fingers and the pen automatically started drawing the Alpha, who stared at it amazed. It recorded that he had shoulder length blonde hair and striking blue eyes. He had a evil smile for a birthmark. It also wrote the status as well as the pack under his name, which was Arthur Quinsy. Once the page was done, I flipped through the pages to see if he already had a mate and he did. And you wouldn't believe who it was but then again you could. I mentally laughed but cringed at the same time. It was my old acquaintance, Josie from the Nightshade pack.
"You have a mate. She is from the Nightshade pack, who just registered. She is in Alaska which happens to be in the United States." I stated.
"Really?" His eyes grew wide. "What's her name?"
"Josie." I turned the book towards him and he smiled, but he got confused when he saw the wolf ears.
"What's with the wolf ears? Is this some kind of a joke?"
"No, it's no joke. It's a side effect."
"Side effect to what?"
"Becoming a half shifter. A wolf becoming a shifter."
"So she was a regular wolf?"
"Yes before she became a half shifter. Has almost all the qualities of a shifter only they have wolf ears and a tail."
"Okay." He said but his tone told me that he wasn't too happy about it. When I was finished with his pissy ass, I moved onto his Beta. He was actually a lot friendlier and happier than his Alpha. I flipped to a new piece of paper and snapped my fingers again. The pen did its thing, recording that he had black hair and green eyes. A cat shaped birthmark. Then stated his status, pack and his name, Greg Ambers. Once his page was done, I searched for his mate.
"Sorry Greg. No mate yet. I only have three packs in the book so far. I'll inform you if your mate surfaces."
"It's no problem. I knew you were just starting." He smiled. "But I will hold you to your word about the informing." He chuckled as he got to his feet and let the Gamma take his seat. The pen automatically started to draw him, listing that he had red hair and green eyes. Typical traits of the Irish blood in his veins. It then wrote his status underneath pack and name, Wynne O' Riley. His birthmark happened to be three dots in a triangular shape. He didn't have a mate yet.
"Sorry about that Wynne. I'll inform you once I have more packs in the book."
"It's alright." Wynne said in his Irish accent and smiled before he got up into his feet. I closed the book and collected all of my stuff.
"Well now that we finished here, we will be on our way." Ryu held out his hand towards Arthur. Arthur reluctantly took Ryu's hand and shook it firmly. I could tell that Ryu wanted to pummel Arthur's ass but he hid it well behind that smile of his, though I could see it shining brightly in his eyes.
When we left there were at least five other omegas besides Jon and Sarah. Three of them happen to be kids. I was so happy that I got them out when I did. Brutus, Ryu and Sen choose to fly since there was no more room in the carriage. The omegas tried to deny them but they said that they needed to stretch their wings and they were family now, so they wouldn't take no for an option. Of course, we met the dullahan on the way back. He mostly talked to me because everyone else was afraid. I found out that his name was Grim. Kind of ironic isn't it?! He was actually pretty funny.
When we started to get closer to the palace, Grim had to head off to scare more people. I giggled as I rolled my eyes. I waved goodbye as he rode off to I don't know where.

After dinner

Everyone enjoyed themselves at dinner and settled nicely in the guests bedrooms. A smile plastered itself on my face as I kept thinking about how Ryu has done this for me but what he doesn't realize that he helped so many more lives. I rested my head on my hands as I stared at the sun disappearing behind the ocean. The sunset rippled on the water beautifully. This sight could truly take my breath away.
The sound of the waves slapping against the cliff rung throughout my ears. The calling of the gulls mixed well with the waves. It somehow made my body relax, I was actually falling asleep where I stood.
"Epa! You're going to fall if you're not careful." Sen smirked as he hovered in front of my face. I chuckled as I lightly bonked him on the head. He shrugged and flew up to sit on the balcony railing beside me. "Well I might stay here. Don't want you to go plunging into the deep ocean blue."
"You're a worry wart." I smirked as I continued to stare at the sunset. Thinking about the ocean and my words worry wart brought me to my thoughts about my other mates. I wonder how they are doing. Of what I heard, everyone would take a day off to rest themselves before they would go searching again. A gentle breeze flew my hair to the side of me. I really do miss everyone.
"Hey now, no crying while I'm around." Sen said while he playfully nudged me. It brought me back to reality and I realized that I was really crying. I quickly wiped away my tears.
"I'm sorry." I sniffed as I leaned back onto the railing. "Just have a lot on my mind."
"Like what?" Sen leaned against me.
"You probably already realized this but I have other mates besides you and Ryu." I sniffed again. "I had to run away because an evil person threatened their well being. I ran hoping that he would chase me and leave my family alone. I thought I was tough enough for this but I think I was full of myself." More tears escaped my eyes as my depression finally caught up with me. "I don't think you, Ryu or the others deserve me as a mate. I'm horrible. I didn't think about anyone else's feelings except my own. If I died tomorrow, at least I know I did a right thing by running so I could save everyone. But do realize that if he finds me here, I have to run again. I...I just don't want to leave anyone else behind."
"You won't." Sen and Ryu said at the same time. It kind of surprised me because I didn't know that Ryu was behind me. Ryu took up one side while Sen had the other. "Whatever happens we will be here for you." They said while engulfing me in a hug.
"But I can't lose you guys too." I whimpered.
"You won't."
"How can you be so sure?" I cried as I stared at the darkening sky, tears finally flowing like a river now.
"Because we aren't weak." They said. "When we're together, we are stronger. Remember that." They whispered into my ear. I nodded and cried into their shoulders. I smiled and looked to what was left of the sunset. Suddenly I saw something in the corner of my eye. I looked down and saw something that I didn't expect.
"Shit." I cursed.

**Wow, it just got deep. Wasn't that the most moving speech?! Eh, probably not the best but it was pretty good, though I could work on it a little more. Wasn't it cool how she got the omegas a new home? Did you expect Arthur and Josie to be together? And the main question is..... What did she just see? Can you guess?

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