Chapter 17

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     "Roric will soon get want he wants."
     That sentence continued to play over and over in my head. My grip tightened around her shoulders. Zander came over and roughly grabbed her as I slipped off of her. Zen and Sonia came in and dragged her down to the dungeon. I however sat there on the floor, staring at it like it was the last thing I was going to see. My mind wouldn't stop the thoughts going over and over and my body wouldn't stop shivering.
     Roric knew my location. Everyone here is in danger. I whimpered in my thoughts. Everyone was shivering as well. We all blame ourselves for not realizing it sooner. My body was trembling faster. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me, sparks cascading down my body. My nerves started to slow down and my breathing calmed.
     "We'll head back to the Dragon kingdom tomorrow." Sen told me.
     "But what if he is on his way already?" I looked up to him. My eyes showing my fear.
     "Don't worry my love." Sen engulfed me into a hug. I took comfort in it. Suddenly I felt a poke on my neck and then I was casted into darkness.
     I awoke to the sound of a familiar snore. I looked to my right. I found Ryu and Grim sleeping soundly, hugging my arm. Kawaii was on my left while Sen slept on top of me again. I blinked a couple of times, confused to the max.
     How did we get back here? I asked my heritages.
     I have no idea. They said as they were waking up as well.
     "You're awake." Ryu whispered into my ear. I turned my attention back onto him. His red eyes gazing at me. "Sleep well beautiful." He smiled.
     "Sort of." I softly spoke.
     "Now why's that?" Kawaii's voice rung in my ear this time. His breath hit my neck which made a shiver go down my spine. Sen and Grim were the last ones to stir. They all stared at me lovingly.
     When the sun hit my eyes through the cracks of the curtains, that's when my body decided to get up. I stiffly sat up. I looked around. My mates were scattered around on my bed with the blanket wrapped around their lower halves. I maneuvered around them and then went to the dresser. Sorely, I walked into the bathroom.
     After a quick shower, I decided to take a nice soak in the hot tub. The warmth of the water seeped deeply into my bones, relieving my poor body some of it strain. Once finished, I quietly dressed and did my daily routine before heading back into the room. The bed was empty. I shrugged as I walked over to the dressers and closet to pack everything into my duffle bag. Luckily everything was freshly washed. Making sure everything of mine was accounted for, I headed towards the bedroom door for the last time. I looked over my shoulder and glanced around the room. A lone tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it away and closed the door behind me. I headed towards the dining hall.
     Zander and Lynet were already at the table, sitting a little ways from me. I noticed that he had his duffle bag ready and hanging behind him. Lynet leaned on him, staring up at him lovingly. It really broke my heart that I would have to break them up so soon. I did argue with my brother after he found Lynet to stay with her but he refused. Of course he wanted to stay with his mate but he had his duty to fulfill. Nothing like making me feel like crap.
     I quietly sat down in my usual seat. I stared at the wooden table in front of me, noting each groove and abnormality. It seemed to get my mind off of things.
     "Aiyana?" Lynet's voice called.
     So much for that. Dangelo chuckled.
     "Yes Lynet?" I looked up at her. She softly smiled at me before gently clasping my hand. My eyes moved towards her and landed upon her right shoulder. A white wolf with blue eyes now resided there and it had wing like shape behind it. That was the sign that they were finally mates.
     "It's alright. Please don't worry." She explained. I didn't know if she was talking about the Roric situation or their situation. I sighed.
     "I wish I could." I smiled half-heartedly.
     I shrugged my duffle bag into my shoulder as I got ready to depart. My heart felt extremely heavy. I turned to everyone I loved. Tears threatened to break through their dam. I went to say goodbye to everyone. They were a little torn as well. I said goodbye to my grandparents before they left as well so Caelan and my other mates wouldn't find me. Sen came over with Zen right behind him. Sen gave me once last hug before he kissed my head.
     "Be careful out there okay?" Sen placed a hand against my cheek.
     "I'll be fine. I got Zander and Zen with me." I smiled half-heartedly. Ryu also gave me a hug from behind.
     "No! Don't go!" He screamed.
     "You know I have to." I patted his head. When I felt him tighten his grasp, I sighed. "Brutus?!"
     "Come on Ryu." Brutus shook his head while he pried him off of me. "Bye Aiyana. Be safe."
     "I will." I smiled a sad smile. He nodded and dragged Ryu off. He was already having a fit. Got to love Dragon mates.
     Cleo, Sage, Alaster and Travis were having a hard time letting me go. I smiled and gave a big hug.
     "I promise to be back soon." I whispered to them. They nodded and backed up from me. The last one to approach was Kawaii. His eyes were casted to the ground. I could smell and sense his anger and fear. I knew he understood why I was doing this. "I promise to see you soon."
     "I guess it back to chasing." He chuckled. "You know you're a hard one to catch."
     "That's what makes it fun." I smirked. I gave him a hug. When I pulled back, I placed myself by Zen and Zander. "I love you all."
     "Love you too." Everyone shouted back.
     "Aiyana, Zander, Zen." Raphael shouted from the sky. He hovered above us. "You have to leave now."
     Grim came around on his pooka, ready to leave. I climbed on and waited for Zander to say his goodbyes. Once he hopped onto the back of the pooka, Grim whipped the reins. Zen flew after us. The pooka sped off to the airport, leaving my life behind me.
     As we rode, I couldn't help but bury my face into Grim's back. The tears finally pushed through. A wet spot started to form on his shirt. I gently tightened my hold onto him. I didn't want to let him go. He was the last part of this island I was going to miss. I even missed Brutus, the only friend I made in the Dragon kingdom. It hurt saying goodbye to him as well.
     Suddenly something tackled me, throwing me across the ground. Luckily I let go of Grim. I summersaulted across the ground, cuts and bruises already forming on my skin. I crashed against a tree, making my head slam roughly against the bark. I looked ahead and I could see a blurred figure coming towards me. I tried to get my mind to focus on the figure in front of me instead of spinning around in circles. Finally the figure started to blur in and out between two to one before it fully became one. My breath hitched when my eyes landed upon the one person I didn't expect to see here. My hands tightened against my duffle bag strap, palms already sweating.
     "Seth?!" My voice came out a little high. His blue eyes glared angrily at my small frame. I stiffly got to my feet but I didn't move from my spot. I held up a hand when I saw Grim grasping his sword that was attached to his saddle. Zander had a hard time staying put. Zen had his hand on his katana. Seth elegantly strode up to me, his body language showing his anger. He slammed his hands against the tree on each side of my head. I could feel the tree crack and splinter underneath his strike.
     "Do you realize how much panic you have caused?" Seth hissed.
     "Seth, I left for a good reason. Just like I am leaving now. Roric is coming and he will kill you."
     "I don't care Aiyana." He growled before he pulled me into his embrace and kissed me hard against the lips. He inhaled my scent. "Do you know how much I missed you?"
     "I miss you all too. That's why I have to do this." I whispered into his ear.
     "Do...?" He said before he passed out from my spell. I caught him in my arms. A tear trickled down my cheek. I gently placed him to the ground before pulling out my cell and dialed for Jason.
     "Hey it's me."
     "Oh hey. Did you get on your flight yet?"
     "We have a minor problem."
     "What could that be?"
     "Seth." I whispered through the phone.
     "What?" He screamed. "I'll be right there."
     "Just follow the horse tracks."
     "Okay." He cut off his end of the line. Within two minutes, I could pick up Jason's scent. I heard Seth start to stir.
     Gods damnit Seth. I mentally cursed as I started to back up towards everyone. Jason was already in sight when Seth sprung to life and looked at me. His eyes were no longer blue but red. Jason pounced onto Seth before he could go after me. He was struggling against him.
     "Go now." He screamed as he pinned down Seth. I nodded with tears in my eyes as I turned and went over to Grim. He quickly helped me up and sped off once Zander got on again. Zen following us fast. I closed my eyes hoping to get everything out of my mind. Another darkness washed over me.
     I awoke to a yammering female over a loudspeaker. I jolted up, looked around and only to find out that I was on a plane and Zander and Zen on each side of me. I blinked in confusion. Zander was fast asleep whereas Zen was wide awake, reading a magazine.
     "How long was I out?" I asked him.
     "The whole plane ride." He stated as he placed the magazine back into the pounce in front of him.
     "Wait we are in Russia?" I looked out the window. It was still daylight out. It was actually pretty fast.
     "Yes. We are beginning our descent." Zen said.
     "You know you can be normal around me. Just because I'm your Queen doesn't mean I'm not your friend." I whispered the last sentence. I didn't want the humans to look at us weird.
     "I know but it's hard to break habit." He rubbed the back of his neck.
     "There now you are getting comfortable." I smiled as I poked his cheek. He rolled his eyes at me but smiled.
     "Aiyana not to hurt you but who was that vampire?" He whispered.
     "That was one of my other mates." I whispered back.
     "Oh. Sorry."
     "It's alright." I smiled warmly at him, though on the inside it was killing me. "Did he follow us?"
     "I don't think so." He shook his head. "I don't sense him or see him." I nodded. "Oh Aiyana?"
     "What was that weird thing that happened with your eye?" Zen asked while leaning closer to me.
     "It's a side effect. You see I'm currently share a piece of my soul with someone I love. It usually appears when that person is either contacting me or their soul is inside my body. But if you see my eye like that and my body isn't moving. My soul went to their body." I explained while keeping it a whisper. He nodded.
     "Really? That's it?"
     "I'm sure you have your reasons and no reason to harp on your about it. It's already been done."
     "Thank you Zen." I smiled as I leaned against him when my grogginess caught up to me again. He flinched underneath my touch but I was trying to keep my head from spinning as we got lower to the ground. This was one of the reasons I didn't like human machines.
     When we landed, we immediately headed towards the outskirts of Moscow. We decided to head north where there wasn't any civilization around for miles. Once out of the city and away from prying eyes, Zander and I shifted into our wolf forms after we put our clothes into our duffle bags. Zen almost flew out of his skin.
     Zen, please climb on my back. It will be faster this way. I thought to him. He nodded picked up our duffle bags and hopped onto my back. Zander and I raced through the forests until we were a very good distance away from any people. We even found a respectable cave for us to live in for now. We climbed into the cave once we smelled for any current occupants, which there was none. We curled up next to each other with Zen in between us. We radiated enough heat to warm him.
     "So how long do we stay for now?" Zen asked as he snuggled deeper into my fur. "Ooo so soft." He smiled. I chuckled.
     I was planning on going to Japan or maybe Greece after a few weeks. Think you can hold out? I asked Zen.
     "Yeah." I stared at the ceiling. "And don't worry about me. This winter is nothing." He said with a yawn. I nodded and once he saw my approval, he fell asleep against me.
     He must of been tired from constantly protecting us. Zander pointed out.
     Well he deserves a well good rest. So do you. I'll take first watch. I nuzzled his snout. He nodded as he yawned and curled his neck around mine. He fell asleep with his head on my shoulders.
     I rolled my eyes and laid my head down, looking at the entrance. Now that I was alone, I could really feel the weight of my reality. Roric was coming and there is nothing I could do about it.
     Yes dear? He responded.
     Please release Rose and banish her from the Fae kingdom. I don't need our kingdom to suffer because of one traitor.
     I have a feeling Roric will come after you if you hold his mate too long.
    True. I know I would if I knew you were held captive.
     And if you can make sure you move the entrance to the Fae kingdom. Don't need her to lead him straight to you.
     Wise thinking. I could hear the smoke in his voice. I'll respond back once I have finished everything.
     Okay. Talk to you soon. Love you.
     Love you too my sweet. After that, his link cut off, leaving me once again in my loneliness. I sighed as I rested while looking out the cave entrance. It slowly started to rain but I didn't care. It was something different from the standard forestry in front of me. A sudden movement caught my eye in the bushes by the tree. I lifted my head and slowly got up, making sure not to disturb Zen and Zander. I put him against my brother's coat before I walked towards the entrance. I sat in the darkness of the cave while I called upon Donohue's sight. His sight allowed me to zoom in towards the bushes.
     I saw two white ears that kind of reminded me of my brothers only a lot different. I zoomed in my vision again and I saw a guy around my age. He had pale skin that made his white hair even brighter. He had light green eyes that reminded me of sun shining on dewy grass. He was beautiful beyond compare. With his ears, it made me wonder what kind of mystic he was. My vision zoomed back out and went back to normal. I got to my feet and walked out. I could see his ears twitch because of my height, so I knew he caught the noise of me moving. When he saw my huge form, his eyes grew wide and he backed up a little. I saw him grab ahold of a bow and notched an arrow. I arched my brow at him, but I proceeded with caution.
     He pulled the bow back when I continued to come towards him. I stopped meters front of him and sat down. He was still down wind from me so I could catch his scent. But I however noticed that all of his clothes were green and he had a different white tail coming from his ass like my brothers. I tilted my head sideways and he mocked me. He slowly lowered his bow and arrow as we continued to stare at each other.
     "Aiyana? You shouldn't be wandering around." Zen said with a yawn. His face, though upside, faced mine. I looked at him and shook my head.
     You should be sleeping.
     "And you should be my pillow. But you passed me off to someone who had stiffer fur."
     I saw something move outside. So I came to investigate.
     "Oh really now." Zen turned right side up and looked to where I was previously looking. "I don't see anything."
     I shifted to my human skin and stared at the spot that used to have the boy.
     "I swear that he was right here." I growled. Zen shrugged his shoulder and hovered over my head like Sen used to. "You two are almost practically brothers."
     "What Sen and I?" He asked while staring me straight in the eye.
     "Yes. I swear to gods that you two are cut from the same cloth. But I'm not crazy. I saw him here." I said while I walked to the spot he just was. "He was staring in this direction and when I came forward he had a bow and arrows."
     "You might have saw an elf." He yawned.
     "Oh." I walked back over to him. I pinched his cheeks.
     "Ow, ow, ow." He whined.
     "You made me think I was crazy you little twerp." I smiled evilly. He just laughed. I think we finally broke the ice between us. We went from warrior and master to friends. "I guess I have to suit up some raid." I sighed. "And a flyswatter."
     "What are those?" He asked.
     "It's a secret." I smiled wickedly as I shifted back into my wolf form.
     "Hey not fair." He huffed as he followed me back into the cave.
*Unknown POV*

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