Chapter 24

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"That would be me." A familiar voice bounced off the walls of my cell. My head shot up towards the door. My eyes widened, then narrowed as I growled. He smiled smugly at me.
"What the fuck do you want Raoul?" I hissed at him.
"Watch your mouth." He growled at me, the smirk completely disappearing.
"I can't you see because I'm stuck in this cold, dark, damp cell. There is no light for my to see my lips." I evilly smirked. I could see that he was getting pissed off.
"Woman, you are driving my patience thin."
"You have patience? I thought that was long gone. I guess it's as thick as a spiderweb." I chuckled, then repositioned myself on the wall.
"Silence." He ordered. The Omega in me wanted to obey but I was now an Alpha female, let alone the future Queen. I wasn't going to tolerate this.
"Not going to happen Raoul." I taunted. "I am higher status of you. I don't have to listen to your orders."
Raoul walked over and punched me in the stomach, then smacked me across the face in a split second. I coughed up some blood. I think he did some damage. I gritted my teeth together as I held back my scream. I spat my blood out to the side and evilly glared.
"Enough whore." He warned.
"Who you calling whore?" I struggled against the chains.
"You are sleeping with multiple people."
"I have ten mates." I hissed.
"Same difference."
"No it's not. The gods have given me this fate." I glared at him. "And besides why are you caring about your brother all of a sudden? I do know why you brought this subject up. You may not realize it, but you do love your brother. What I don't comprehend is why kidnap your brother's mate?"
"To save him of course."
"Aren't you killing him slowly because of my disappearance?"
"Oh, you've done that way before me. You're the one who ran away."
"To lead the person you're working for away from the people I love. I left to get stronger so I wouldn't have to worry about anyone dying in my stead."
"Everyone dies. You're just being selfish." He spat.
"I know I'm selfish. I rather be selfish if I know everyone can be safe."
"Aiyana, you can't protect everyone."
"I can at least try." I growled as I struggled against my chains again.
"That's the spirit." He smiled. My brows furrowed together in confusion.
"Now I have a proposition for you." His smile went wider. I looked at him like he head ten heads.
*Zander's POV*

I paced back and forth in the bunker that held all the villagers in, well the ones who made it. Children hastily clung to their mothers while the rest of the men shielded the woman and children from any harm. I was starting to get restless. Aiyana has been quiet for some time now and I don't feel her anymore but I am sure she is alive. She must of cut the connection with me before something happened.
A sudden knock on the door brought me out of my hysteria. I stopped pacing and stared at the door before we heard several knocks of the code. I crept forward with Alyan and Zen behind me. We slowly opened the door and Calanon stumbled forward, collapsing into my arms. I quickly looked outside for any spies and then dragged the village chief inside. Alyan immediately started to work on the chief once I placed him onto the floor. Calanon was trying to get Alyan to stop what he was doing.
"Aiyana was kidnapped by rouges. The village elders betrayed us." Calanon whimpered. "I wasn't strong enough to protect her."
"What happened?" I questioned.
"I fought against the Elders and Rouges for a while before Aiyana came to my rescue. She managed to fend them off, taking some serious damage. She then brought me here when she got away. She made sure we weren't followed. She healed my injuries and left." Calanon said as he flinched from pain.
"Then how'd did you know she was kidnapped?"
"I'm the village chief. The trees and earth told me of her kidnapping." He said sorrowful. "And the worst part is that, Roric is probably on his way right now looking for her."
"What do you mean?" Zen inquired.
"The Elders said that they were going to contact Roric so they could get handsomely paid." His bottom lip jutted out in a pout. I could smell his depression before tears escaped his eyes. "I'm a failure. I couldn't even save the queen and villager, let alone my friend." He slumped his arm over his eyes. Whispers started to echo throughout the bunker. The people didn't know how to take their village chief like this.
"You are not a failure Calanon." I stated a little harshly. I made him face me. "You didn't know your own Elders would turn against you. Betrayal happens...even to the best of us." I said seriously but my mind couldn't get the picture of Aiyana's face of hurt and betrayal out. She was devastated that our parents didn't take her with us. I blinked the image away and gently grasped his shoulder. "You were strong when she was there. You stood your ground and fought against rogues and a lot of them too. So don't beat yourself up because I know my sister. She wouldn't like that sad look upon your face."
He nodded, softly smiling up to me.
It has been a week since Aiyana's disappearance. She has completely blocked Alaster and I out of our link. We both couldn't get to her. But I could feel discomfort in my entire body. I rubbed my arms like I had a chill of some sort. I may not have the link from connecting our souls but I can still feel something through the twin connection. Something is wrong but I can't tell what.
I patrolled around the entire village with Zen and Alyan. We took out many rogues along the way. Something familiar flooded into my nose. I skidded to a stop and sniffed the air a couple of times. My sister's scent was still lingering even with all of the rain. It seemed that her scent was going north. I started to follow her scent a bit before all the scents of rogues and something else I couldn't figure out covered hers. I growled with frustration.
Suddenly a man drifted into my vision but instead of being in a forest, it was in a stone hallway. The back of the man's head was all that I could see. Black hair. My eyes wandered around, taking in the place. When that happened, I knew I was seeing this from Aiyana's point of view. I pushed through, hoping to receive some information of where she could be.
"Thank you Stanley." I heard my sister say to the man.
"I'm sorry Raoul is being a jerk."
"It's alright. Can't help who's your alpha." She sighed and leaned her head against his back. I focused on the wall that passed us by. I could feel her fatigue and her pain. She was writhing and yet she was here putting on a strong face for this Stanley.
Alaster. I shouted through our special link.
Ow Zander, no need to yell. He hissed back.
Try tapping into the soul link. I requested. Soul link is the name we came up with for each other. It was a code name.
Ok. He was silent for a moment before the familiar presence was felt. I see a man. Is he carrying Aiyana?
          What is going on? Who is that?
          His name is Stanley.
          Who's his Alpha?
         That bastard!
*Aiyana's POV*

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