Chapter 13

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     "Could you tell me what's going on here?" Grim asked. I stared at him confused. I honestly didn't know what was going on. I only did that when I was touched by my mates. My eyes grew wide as I realized what was going on.
     "I don't know but I know someone who might." I said quickly. I ran out of my room, not waiting for Grim and ran about the palace with my vampire speed. I checked almost every room, looking for my grandfather. When I couldn't find him, my foot started to tap aggravatedly.
     "Looking for someone." A familiar voice crept up on me. I turned around and glared at him.
     "Yes." I placed my hands on my hips. "I happen to be looking for you."
     Vladimir tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Me? Why?"
     "I have a couple of questions about the queens prophecy." I interjected.
     "Okay." He sat down on a nearby bench and tapped the spot next to him. I sat down and immediately started the questioning.
     "How many mates did this prophecy say that I will have?" I gave him a stern look. Vladimir flinched and avoided my eyes. "Answer me."
     "Ten. No more no less." He spoke, still refusing to look me in the eye.
     "So you are saying that I have two more mates out there?" I got to my feet, seriously pissed off to the max. How dare he withhold this information for me!
     "Yes and you aren't the only one to have ten. Your brother is supposed to have ten as well since his is the Guardian of the Queen."
     "Why did you hide this fact from us?"
     "I didn't think it was a major thing. You just wanted to know about if you had more than one mate. You didn't ask how many! And the last we knew, we didn't know Zander was alive."
     "Touché." I couldn't argue with that because it was the truth.
     "So why did you want to find out how many mates you have?" Vladimir asked.
     "Because I just found another one. I just wanted to know what I am in for." I sighed and slouched beside him. "I'm sorry for being snappy." I apologized.
     "No need to apologize. I would be angry too if something that important was left out."
     "True." I smiled. "Thank you Papi." I gave him a hug. "I'll talk to you later. Have to go explain something to someone." I gave him a peck to the cheek and ran off.
     I used Grim's scent to track him down. Surprisingly he was still in my room, sitting on my bed staring out the window. Slowly entering my room, my mind went haywire. How was I going to explain this to Grim. Well just go with the flow. I walked over next to Grim and sat down.
     "So did you find out what that was?" He asked. Well he got right to the point.
     "Yes. I kind of figured what it might be but I had to make sure." I paused and turned towards him. "Grim, we are mates."
     He pretended to clear out his ear. "What was that? I thought I heard you say that we were mates."
     "I did say that."
     "You're joking right?" He chuckles nervously.
     "No I'm not. Are you not happy that we are mates?"
     "No, no. I am happy but I just wondering how it can be."
     "It just is. You want to argue about it."
     "No." He went silent. Sighing, I looked away for a moment. I didn't expect for this wonderful moment to go like this.
I fell in love once but with my appearance I scared her away. Grim's words flowed throughout my head. "Grim are you afraid?"
     "Maybe." He whispered.
     "Well I've hung out with you in both forms. Did I run away?" I leaned towards him.
     "No. The opposite in fact." His eyes glanced towards me.
     "Then why are you afraid?"
     "I don't want my heart broken again."
     "I won't hurt you like that." I scooted closer towards him and leaned my head against his shoulder. "But I want to warn you now. I'm leaving in seven days. As you heard, there is an evil man coming after me and he has threatened my mates as collateral if I don't submit to him. I left everyone behind to save them from the threat. Im hoping that he will come after me more than my mates, since he is after me. But please understand why I am leaving."
     "I understand. Thank you for telling me. I best make the most of the time I have with you." He smiled while gently grabbing my hand and kissed my knuckles. A smile crept to my lips as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
     After spending some time with Grim, I was bombarded as I left my room. Cleo was standing there with a sad expression on her face.
     "Is something wrong Cleo?" I tried to make eye contact with her. She avoided my gaze a bit. I was worried. "Cleo?"
     "I'm sorry." She mumbled with her head hung low. I shook my head and lifted up her chin.
     "What is there to be sorry about?" I asked.
     "Well I didn't tell you about Ryu and then because of that I made you guys have a fight."
     "That's wasn't your fault. He didn't tell me and that was his fault. So don't get depressed okay?"
     "It's kind of hard not to." She whispered. I shook my head again.
     "Girl what do I have to do to make you understand that it wasn't your fault?" I questioned.
     "I don't know." She shrugged. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
     "Anyways it's your honeymoon now go enjoy it ok?" I stated, hoping she brightened up a bit. "Or else."
     "Or else what?"
     "Let's just say you don't want to know."
     "Now I'm curious." She pouted. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.
     "Let's go before a protective mate destroys this castle." I smiled as I lead her through the halls.
     I was right to lead her back to Alaster. He was going berserk, almost tearing everything out of its socket. I whistled to catch his attention. Immediately he stopped and looked towards us. I smirked as I pointed to Cleo next to me. Once the gears in his head finally started to turn again, he calmed down and came over to his mate. He gave her a passionate gaze and a hug before he made his way to her descended stomach.
     "How's my babies doing?" He said like a child. "Daddy was just being silly." He murmured that part to her stomach. She giggled at his childish behavior. Standing her, watching this moment made me a tad envious.
     "Well Cleo, I'll let you two relax. I'll see you guys at dinner and if you want we can hang."
     Cleo looked like she didn't want me to go but she nodded anyways. I waved goodbye to them before heading out to the training grounds. I knew it was my day off but something seemed to crawl underneath my skin. Luckily there were a couple of dummies around so I decided to do a couple kicks, punches and different styles of combat to keep me occupied. As my training progressed, I switched into my other forms, trying to gain them more experience. Of course ever since his big loss, Loki has been training vigorously.
     As the hours stretched, my body started to ache. I stared at what used to be the dummies. Some were missing their heads, some limbs were hanging by a thread revealing all the stuffing inside them and some of the eyeballs were popped out. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I collapse on my ass and stared at the remaining dummy. I really wanted to tap into my ultimate form again but I didn't know how. The last time I had used it, it was out of pure anger. I really didn't want to tap into that every time I was angry. Sighing, I crossed my legs and got into a meditation position. Closing my eyes, I started to relax my body and cleared my mind. I tried to focus on my ultimate form.
     I could remember the sky blue scales that placed themselves on my body. Each of my wings beautifully stretched out behind me. My hair, black as night with red and white tips making it look like fire. My legs replaced with my wolf's, fur black. I could remember how my nails grew into claws, my fangs grew out and my demonic tail appeared. I also remembered how blue fire engulfed my paws as well the joints of my demonic wing and the tip of my tail. I didn't know what my eye color was so I was out of luck. But gods, I loved that form and I would love to see it again.
     I sighed again as I opened my eyes and got to my feet. For some reason, I felt taller than I was and my feet felt a little weird. Looking down, I saw my black wolf legs engulfed by blue fire. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. I glanced over my shoulder to see if my wings were there and they were. The familiar blue fire surrounding each joint. The glistening of my scales brought my attention down to my body and hair. Everything was here. I was able to summon my ultimate form. I smiled as I looked at the dummy. Extending my claws a little further, I pounced towards the dummy at amazing speed. I could hear the earth crack underneath the insane pressure. I slashed at the dummy a couple of times with all the strength I could muster. Sliding to a complete stop, I turned my head towards the dummy. It didn't look like I did anything to it. I was about to attack it again when I saw lines appear in moments and then the dummy fell apart into a millions pieces.
     I chuckled as I stared at my accomplished kibble pile. Still itching for a fight, I did some training into this form and I could feel my stamina drain a little faster than normal. Ignoring it, I continued to train until my body wouldn't take it any more. I was in the middle of some airborne kicks when I heard a gasp. My attention immediately went to the gasp and my wings caught on the air so I could safely land on my feet.
     My eyes landed on Zander and the four horsemen. I stood up straight, hand on hip and stared at them. Zander, eyes wide with amazement, staggered forward. He walked around me, examining me.
     "Can I help you?" I asked impatiently.
     "What form is that?" He questioned with stars in his eyes.
     "I call it the ultimate form." I shrugged. "It's where all of our heritages become one."
     Zander pondered for a moment before he snapped his fingers. "I got it. Why don't we call it the Abu Huka? It's basically saying what the form is."
     I stared at my brother in amazement. "You're works too. Maybe we will go with that because mine is too long."
     "You're just jelly." Zander smirked and playfully shoved me.
     "What's this?" Grim's voice called out from behind his brothers. His brother's separated to let him come in front. His eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets. "Aiyana is that you?"
     "Yup." I smiled at him. My tail swished with excitement.
     "Awesome." He smiled back as he walked around me to examine me, nodding his approval. "I love this side of you."
     "Thank you." I bent down a bit and kissed his forehead. Did I forget to mention with this form that I stood at least seven feet high? Grim blushed and looked to the side, nodding. "You're cute when your bashful."
     "Are you saying that I'm not cute when I'm not?" He teased, changing the subject.
     "No." I playfully flicked him in the forehead. I chuckled as he stick out his tongue. "So childish."
     "Nuh uh." He argued. I just rolled my eyes and looked over to everyone. They were all puzzled.
     "What?" I was confused.
     "Aiyana? You just kissed him?" Zander pointed out.
     "Yeah on his forehead."
     "Yeah but he's not your mate." Zander stated.
     "That's where you're wrong." I smiled evilly. "I found out from Grandpa Vlad that we each are to receive ten mates. Grim is apart of that list."
     "So you are saying that we are each getting ten mates?" It was Zander's turn to be confused.
     "Okay." He said before sitting on the ground thinking. I shook my head.
     It soon was dinner time and I was gathering everyone up. Ryu was nice enough to let the four horsemen to stay as well, probably as a apology. Once I entered the dining hall, I saw everyone sitting in their seats. I called the four horsemen in and immediately I heard a breath hitch behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Death's eyes sparkle. I recognized this sparkle.
Oh no, He's going to fan girl. Tiana shrieked.
Hush. You're going to scare everyone. I teased back. "Death are you okay?"
     "Is that Azrael?" He shyly pointed in front of me. I followed his finger to see Azrael sitting next to Tala, talking and staring lovingly at each other.
     "Yes." I looked back at Death. He looked like he was ready to jump out of his skin. "Do you want to meet him?"
     "Yes!" He screamed but he caught himself and cleared his throat. "Yes, I would love that." He said normally.
     "Uh huh." I said skeptically. "Wait here." Death nodded as I walked over to Azrael and Tala. "Az? I was wondering if I could borrow you for a moment."
     "Of course kiddo." He smiled at me. "Please excuse me." He said to Tala before kissing her. I still blushed at their affection. I was mature enough not to but how could I not. These moments you don't see often in today's society. For centuries they have been together and still strong. After that brief but touching moment, he followed me back to the four horsemen.
     "Az, I would like you to meet my brother-in-laws the four horsemen of the apocalypse."
     "It's nice to meet you War, Death, Conquest and Famine." Azrael smiled and shook each of their hands. As they were talking, I noticed some tattoo on each of their forearms. I tilted my head in confusion.
     "Hey guys when did you get those tats?" I asked and pointed to each of them. They looked at me questionably before they turned their attention to their shoulders. They shrugged.
     "We received them after we met you." War stated.
     "So you received them right after you met Aiyana?"
     "Yes!? Why?" Famine stared curiously at Azrael.
     "These symbols etched on your skin happens to be like a marking for mates." Azrael explained. "Each one of you have an angel for a mate."
     They stared astonished at Azrael. They were having a hard time trying to process what was going on.
     "So you're saying we have mates?" Famine asked slowly, making sure he understood himself.
     "Yes." Azrael stated confidently while looking closer at their tattoos. "I believe I know who bear these markings as well. I'll be back before dinner starts." He turned towards me. "Can you inform Brutus that we are having four extra guests?"
     I nodded. With that, he ran out a open window and immediately took to the skies. I watched him vanish above the clouds. I've always wanted to see what Heaven was like.
     "We have mates?" Famine whispered. His eyes revealing his excitement. All the brothers looked to each other. Their eyes sparkling with joy. As the minutes ticked by, they grew more and more impatient.
      Finally I heard the familiar flapping of wings before anyone else. Azrael landed first following along with four beautiful women. The tallest one stood at 5'5". She has white hair that was the length of her back. She has purple eyes, almost the color of amethyst. Her body was a little plump, telling she had a little meat on her bones. Her breasts were a medium size. Perfect combination for her pear shaped body.
     The next woman was 5'4" with long, wavy black hair and black eyes. Her hourglass body was a little plump and her big breasts stood out from underneath her black dress.
     The woman standing next to her was 5'4" as well. She has shoulder length, curly dark brown hair that brought out her sky blue eyes beautifully. She was thin but you could see some meat on her bones. Her hourglass figure showed off her big breasts.
     The last woman stood at 5'3". Her body was thin but muscular and a little scarred. You could tell she was a good warrior. She has beautiful long, wavy strawberry blonde hair and sparkling hazel eyes. She has small breasts with her rectangle figure.
     Azrael stepped forward as he folded his wings in. He came up to me and gave me a quick hug.
     "Guys I would like you to meet Chayyliel," the strawberry blonde bowed when Azrael introduced her "Kalaziel," the dark brown haired woman bowed "Naya'il," the white haired woman bowed "and Yehudiah." The black haired woman bowed. Then Azrael moved to my other side so he could introduce the brothers.
     As they continued, I felt my shoulder tapped. Turning around, I found Grim with a big smile on his face.
     "Thank you."
     "I'm glad I could help." I gave him a warming smile back before I turned back at this moment. Nothing was sweeter and more romantic when you first find your mate. Well so I've heard. My experience wasn't to enthralling.
     I awoke the next morning with my body aching. I really started to dislike the mating process. It seems my body doesn't get a chance to heal. Shaking, I tried getting to the bathroom. I needed a nice soak and badly.
     The sounds of water cutting of rung in my ears. Someone was already in the bathroom. Before I could turn around to find out who it was, the door flew open revealing Grim.
     "Hey baby." He said charmingly. "I got up a little early to prepare this for you." He smiled and sidestepped, revealing something breath taking.
     Rose petals were scattered on the floor, making their way to the whirlpool. The steam slowly drifted up, popping some of the bubbles.
No! Fricking way! A bubble bath!! Everyone screamed in my head.
     I rolled my eyes as I continued to look at what he did for me. I saw some candles lit and some soft pretty music playing in the background. On the one side of the whirlpool, stood a wine glass filled half way with red wine and on the other side was some chocolates waiting to be devoured. This was too good to be true. Skeptically, I looked over towards him.
     "Okay! What's the catch?" I teased, trying to straighten up to show off my seriousness. Didn't work!
     "Why would there be a catch? I can't do something special for my mate?" He said innocently. I couldn't tell if it was an act or the truth.
     "I'm sorry dear. I'm just not used to something like this." I said honestly.
     "It's okay." He smiled down at me. Then he grasp me by the waist and hoisted me up, carrying me bridal style to the whirlpool.

** Hey guys, sorry it's been awhile for this chapter but this writer's block won't go away. I really you hope you like this chapter. Please don't be afraid to point out what you don't or do like about it. It really helps me understand what you guys are looking for.

But anywho..... So what did you think of Grim being Aiyana's mate? Awesome right? And look who tapped into their ultimate form again...(whisper).... Oh sorry Abu Huka form. And look it was in the same chapter like in Feral, how awesome of timing is that. Lol. And what did you guys think of the four horsemen having mates? Don't worry I'll explain their roles in the next chapter and who goes to who. And I'll even reveal Grim's mate marking in the next chapter too.

Please don't forget to:





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