Chapter 13

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Again no one managed to wake me up... Great just great.  Ugh I can't do this every morning!!!  "It would be nice of tomorrow you guys could wake me up... I have school to go to also." I was almost yelling.  "And there ignoring me... wonderful."  Just like yesterday I did my hair and makeup in less than ten minutes and got dressed and ate and was almost late for the bus... What a wonderful bunch of siblings I have here.

When I got off the bus at school my first priority was finding Connor.  I walked into the cafeteria and I saw him standing in his normal spot.  Of course he had to be around all the people I don't like.  I texted him and he looked over at me and I could tell he was telling everyone he had to go.  He started walking my way and I turned and walked toward the door.

"Hey."  He said

"Hey... You seem so surprised." I replied

"No not at all... You just don't usually look for me in the morning."

"Oh well I wanted to tell you that you impressed my dad and he actually likes you."

He shot me a look of amazement. "That's a good thing right?" he asked with an expression of don't laugh at my stupid question.  "Yeah... Sure... Now you just have to keep up with that reputation you got for yourself."  I said as I walked away.  He started to say something and I knew what he was going to say so I shot him a look of I know... Wolf gotcha.


After school that day Connor caught up to me just before I got onto my bus and grabbed my arm and pulled me back up to the grass. "I don't think so... I've already cleared things with your dad and your coming with me." 

I gave him a look of surprise "Wow... You could have talked to me first."  He gave me the most priceless look ever.  "Hahaha... Just kidding... So where you taking me?

"I guess you'll have to find out when we get there." 

I rolled my eyes... I hate surprises, shouldn't he know this.  I followed him to his little beat up pickup and we were silent the whole way there I almost fell asleep.  We came to the same place as last time.  His house... Where we had all the wolf problems.  Doesn't he remember any of that. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked. "Not that it matters but why?"

"I want to take you back out to the woods again."  I had a confused look on my face.  "Yes I remember what happened last time."

"Okay well... Lets do this.  I'm ready for adventure!!"  I giggled trying to not to sound as stupid as I already do. 

We got out of the pick up and made our way to the woods.  It was all so familiar... I remember all the trees and the different places where we had to crawl or jump over because the branches and trees were either too low or too tall.  We slowly made our way to the spot where I first found out that Connor was a wolf.  Just like last time there was a low growl that came from the tall grass and I saw the same evil green eyes.

It jumped out of the grass and tackled Connor to the ground before he was able to change.  The wolf reared up into the air and Connor rolled out of the way.  The wolf fell back to the ground and I was still standing there.  It stared right into my eyes... It seemed to eat at my soul and started to walk toward me.  Quickly Connor turned and rammed into it at full speed and I fell to the ground.  I watched this for what seemed like forever the both of them at each others throats.  Every time Connor got pinned to the ground and I thought he wasn't going to get back up terror shot through every inch of my body.  I finally stood up I was going to make a run for it back to Connors car... He left the keys sitting on the seat.  Now I know why.  He was losing.  He knows he is going to die.  At first I didn't realize it but I screamed out loud. 

As tears streamed down my face.  "CONNOR NO!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!!! CONNOR!!!" He kept fighting... He finally looked at me and he was bloody and beaten.  He fell to the ground and I herd a loud whimper.  I closed my eyes just before it happened.  I opened my eyes and the wolf that attacked him was gone.  I ran over to Connors side still crying but even worse now. "No..... Noo..... CONNOR!!!!!  No.... Your so stupid why.... You knew you wouldn't win."  He opened his eyes and changed back to a wolf. 

"Lydia... I love you don't ever forget it." I put my face close to his and I kissed him just before he closed his beautiful hazel eyes,  before they rolled back into his head and he breathed his last breath. 

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