Chapter 38

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Travis POV

After I put them in the car I sped off to the nearest hospital.They rushed her out back and took way to long for her to be back there.

Automatically I was thinking the worst.How will my daughter live without her mother? The nurse kept looking at me and Cassie Burst in "where is she" she asked crying "I can't tell they won't say nothing to me" I told her.

Then Mya and Dre showed up before you know it everybody was hehere the Family of Ariel Johnson" The nurse asked I stood up and we all walked over there "wshe was under to much stress and pressure, the symptoms of this could cause nausea,headaches,her brain would cause her to eat random things and crave and be light headed also dizzy but she is fine she fainted because of stress and had very high blood pressure but along with that the stress may have caused her to completely black out and go into a panic attack but she is awake and talking now but 1 person at a time it's getting late" she spoke I nodded then walked back there.

She was watching tv and eating jello.All this time I'm thinking she pregnant she just having panic attacks or whatever it was but I was happy for my baby.

"Hey" I spoke "sup" she said "so I was wrong you just been stressed why dont you tell me" I asked her "you already have so much on your plate I don't want to add on" she told me and I laughed "baby it's me and you against the world it would never be like that" I told her she laughed.

"Good to know you feel that way cause Im pregnant a couple weeks and have to stay on bbed rests".


Sorry it took so Long to update my house caught on fire.A lot of stress and extra stuff is on the family and I have to be there for them so please vote/comment/follow whatever but i apologize next time it would be longer but in the mean time there is another book, I have on here that is called MADE its a good book I gguess but read that it's updated and all I guess but yeah sorry once again I gotchu next time!!!

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