Chaper 2

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I woke up at 5:00 a.m then took my shower and fixed Tae a nice little breakfast. Eggs,sausage and toast, I walked out of the kitchen.I had to be at school before 7:45 and Tae had to be at school at 7;05 because she likes to play with her friends early. I curled my hair then put it up in a ponytail I slid on my white True Religion skinny jeans, my spiked wheat and leopard print timbs, and I slid on my white tank with my blue jeaned true religion jacket. I looked in my mirror and I was crispy. I let my hair down and let it frame my face. I grabbed my PINK shoulder bag then slid my wallet,cell phone and books in it.

I walked over to Taes room and woke her up "no I dont wanna"she said and I laughed then she woke up and hit me with a bear. She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth. I helped her get dressed.MY baby sis was growing up. I put her on some black true religion skinny jeans,a white tank and her black denim true religion jacket with her timbs the same as mine. I put her hair up in a bun then let her eat her breakfast "get your backpack together we leaving in 5 minutes" I tell her eating the last of my toast. She got up and started putting stuff in her backpack.

I walked out the door and to my car I put her in and pulled off.I checked the clock it read 6:45 perfect. It was a 10 minute drive to her school." TAE" I yelled and she got up. I laughed and opened her door. I walked her in the building and signed her in "Thank you Mrs.Jones" Miss Lisa said I kissed Tae on the forehead "Call me if you have any problems" I told her and she laughed "be careful and good hun love you" I told Tae handing her her backpack and lunch money. She smiled "Love you Elle" and ran off to her class room.

I got in the car and the clock read 7:10 I drove to school. I got out of the car then walked into the building with my head phones in my ear. I just started going here this trimester and I didnt talk to no body.Everybody had their eyes on me as I walked to my locker. I put my first hour books in my bag then swapped my homework in. I decorated my locker with mirrors and pictures of me and Tae. I started putting on my makeup and lip gloss that was a soft pink that made me look 10 times better.

I walked off to the school library "hi mrs.Romelle" I said to the school librarian she smiled and waved "wassup" I laughed at her. She was a straight thug "need any help" I asked "yea these bad ass kids done fucked with my computer" she said I laughed I loved Mrs. Romelle she was the chillest teacher in this bitch "fucking bastards" I tell her and she laughed.

I helped her organize the books and she wrote me a pass and I walked to my first hour class.I walked in chewing some gum that Mrs.Romelle gave me "your late" this bitch Ms.Landon said to me with an attitude "bitch please" I mumbled she looked at me "watch your tone" I laughed "did you push me out yo coochie" I ask and the class irrupted into laughter.

"do you want to go to the office" she asked " do you want me to answer that question" I snap back she sighed and mumbled under her breath"just ignore it" I laughed "thought so" then sat in my seat and started texting. I had math and all this shit was easy,I already knew the shit. I was texting my friend Leiland and this boy named Charles I met them at this party on the East my friend Isis threw.I still live in Brooklyn and will always be apart of Brooklyn, I just moved closer to my grandma.

"put your phone away" the teacher asked I looked up "why" I asked and everyone laughed "what is the square root of 896 in simplest form" she asked I laughed "29.93326" I answered looking her in her eye. She looked stupid "square root of 1236" I laughed "35.1567916625" I answered. This bitch think Im dumb I was in Honors Math for college credits last year and the year before that along with all my other classes.She looked at me and said "square root of 256 times 12" she said. I stood up walked to her crossed my arms "One hundred Ninety-Two" I said slowly as she just looked at me then rolled her eyes"bet yo ass didnt even know that" I tell her.

"Im calling your mother" I laughed "Call her" I tell her and sat in my desk waiting for my phone to ring I answered "HELLO HOW HAS MY DAUGHTER ARIEL DOING IN CLASS DID SHE SPAZZ ON YO ASS YET" I say and everyone laughed. I put my homework on her desk along with the new worksheet then left "my mom wants me" I tell her laughing then wandered the hall.

"aye waitup ma" I hear a voice yell from behind me I turn around to see this brownskin cutie with deep waves,beautiful teeth and tattoos.He was crispy he had on white trues,a red polo, and some matching jordans I checked him out and I could tell he was built by his arms. I smiled "my name is Ariel not ma" I tell him.

He laughed "you rude as fuck" he said I chuckled "the fuck is that what you came here for then your dismissed" I said he laughed "you must not like that teacher plus you always quiet so I just sit back and wait for you to explode" he said I laughed "why me though" I ask.He stepped in front of me making me stop his eyes were a deep brown "cause you cute" he said. I smiled "Im not cute Im fucking gorgeous" I told him "and your name is " I asked he looked at me "Ivan" he said. I stopped.

Hell no "oh so you dont remember me" I asked him he looked at me like I was dumb"Ariel Jones" I said looking at him "OHH PENCIL STICK ARIEL" he said and I got pissed "nah nigga naomi cambell Ariel duh nigga" I said walking past him "you still mad about that shit that was 5th grade" he said I turned around"man fuck you and that bitch you was with during the time, yea im still on that shit yall put me through hell and hot water you think that shit was gone go away and on top of that I was going through a lot of shit.If i could shoot yo ass right here I would you dirty ass bitch" I yelled walking down the hall.

"MAN DONT BE DISRESPECTIN FO IT BE A PROBLEM"he yelled. I laughed and walked back to em "MAN WHAT FUCKING PROBLEMS CAUSE TRUST ME I COULD POSSIBLY BEAT YO ASS,THEN KILL YOU AND BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE THEN MURDER YO ASS AGAIN DONT GET ME FUCKED UP"I yelled and people began comming out of class. Its the 2nd week of school and I already dont like this bitch.

Some ratchet aeropastale wearing bitch came through the crowd "BITCH GET THE HELL BACK"she said getting in my face, I laughed "and you are" I asked "THE BITCH THAT WILL FUCK YOU UP IN THESE HALLS,I RUN SHIT HERE YOU STANK HOE AND I DARE YOU HOP IN MY MAN FACE" she yelled I yawned "yup well today I will sling yo ass through yo own fucking halls even and Ivan for you you betta get yo lil hoe before I tap dat ass real quick because what you dont know is I grew up to be a fuckin fighter and this bitch can get it google that shit" I said gently and he laughed "SHE WILL BEAT YO ASS " he said chill and I sighed then dropped my bags.


She looked at me and came to me got in my face. I looked at her "swing" I said she didnt respond "okay bitch Imma do it" I said then punched her ass in her face.She started swinging and I just kept getting that bitch in the face. I wasnt stopping if the world was ending.

she grabbed my hair and I just kept punching her ass in the face. I tossed her ass to the floor and kept punching her face with my head down above her head because this bitch wasnt letting go. I kept punching her in the face then she let go. I let her get up and her lip was swoll.Imma do some damage to this bitch.

She walked up and I took her by her hair and tossed her to the ground. I got onto of her then started going for a face again.I felt some arms grabb me up but I wasnt finished. I started stomping her in her head "BITCH THERE IS YO L RIGHT FUCKING THERE TRY ME BITCH AND IF YOU WANT ANOTHER ROUND WE CAN THUMP ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT WEAK ASS BITCH" I yelled dusting off my jeans and sliding on my jacket then my bag.

I hear people laughing and what not then I walked to the office and got my suspension letter which was for 5 days I laughed then got in my car and left.I got a call from Tae's school.

LAdy:hello well something has happened to Taella

the teacher says I hear Tae Crying "im on my way" I said putting the phone on the seat and speeding off to her school.

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