Chapter two: OOPS! Sorry!

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You bump in to someone.
"Hey watch where you going" he said, Your papers fell and you pick them you saying
"I'm sorry!"
"Idiot and you have glasses!" He said
"I said I'm sorry I was reading my paper that Mr. Feresu gave me!"
"Well that's bit shit! Next time don't read meanwhile walk" he said
You walked away angry not thinking about anything but him. "geez, if he talks to me one more time like that I will rip him apart and maybe showing my demon form.. Spoiled rich kid" meanwhile your cats are calming you down before you know it he yelled at you and chasing you.
"Hey! HEY! STOP!" he said
" what do you want!"
" you miss some papers here" he continue
" oh.....umm.. thanks.."
"Sorry ummm.. For getting in the wrong foot I'm Suguro but call me Bon what yours?"
* the school bell went off*
"Sorry! Maybe next time gotta go!" You ran
* 2 hours time skip*
You see a door "so this is my class and I'm late but anyways stay calm and quiet and sit all the way to the back" you slowly open the door.
" who are you?" The teacher said
"I-I'm (y/n)" you bowed
" your late.." He said and the reason you were left you were meeting your mom again
" s-sorry I-I was m-m-meeting my m-mother"
Since its that fine but don't do it again I'm Mr.-"
"Meow!! Meow!!" Light ( white cat)
" what was that?!  A student said
" N-Nothing! "
" any ways I'm Yukio Okumura but call me Mr. Okumura"  you nodded and went to the back to the class mean while your walking you saw Bon " wow I never knew that he wanted t a exorcist also"
*bons POV* * Time skip

You where look at the new kid" man it's that guy he wanted to be a exorcist too? Wow... But a wonder what's his name I never got a chance to get his name" 

*Your POV*
As the class is continue on you got sleepy but at least the class is finish but there's p.e class witch you hated " alright let's go" you said
"Wait!!" Bon said
"Huh?" You turned around seeing him
" I didn't got your name? What is it!"
"Oh! Sorry...I'm (y/n)... "
" Meow!" They both said
" What was that!?! Are you hiding something?!
" N-No! Not at A-All!... I need to to got to p.e" you walked quickly "
" man that was close but he is kinda cute.... Stupid cute... Hehe" in your head
* Bons mind*
" geez, does he has a cat or something? Wow he's cute... But anyways he's not doing to like me back.... (Y/n) is so cute!"

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