Chapter eight: Last game...

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* Warning its kinda a lemon*

You blushed and you know what he meant
"I'm g-going to get t-t-the s'mores.." You quickly walk to the kitchen to grabbed the s'mores

"Thank god the s'mores are still hot" you said to your self grabbing the plate and went and going back to the living room

"I made s'mores!!" you said and all of them ran to you grabbing the s'mores, there was none left but that's ok because you have pokey you bought in the store

"Theses are really good!!" Rin said

"That's you can you the stuff and make then"

"There's none left (y/n) what are you to eat?" Shima said

"Dont worry I got pocky for me!" when you said that Bon blushed and (Friend4) had a bad idea.

"Lets do the pokey challenge!!" (Friend4) yelled you, Bon, Rin, (Friend6) blushed.

"Naaaa! Let's do spin the bottle and 10 minutes in heaven mix!" (Friend3) said
"Last game....." You blush more
"Awwww come on!"(Friend2) said
""D-do you think this a good idea?" Rin said blushing
"It depends..." You said
"Let's start!" (Friend3) said, (Friend1) grabbed the bottle and started to spin and she spines to (Friend3).
"You need to use the guests room" we all waited for ten minutes and they got out.
"Everyone has 2 turns" (Friend5) said
"Fiiiinnnne.." You said
"Your turn Shima" she said
"Don't mind if do" he said and he spines and got (Friend5) the went to the room for ten minutes and went out. It was your turn... You spines it and you got......
"WHAT!!!!!" You and Rin said and blush, and (Friend3) and (Friend5) grab both of you and they put in the room closing the door
"Sooooooooooo...." Rin said awkwardly
"Let's get over this" he grabbed by the side and you two were close face to face. You both blushed
"I kinda like you...." Rin said
"Me too......" You said you kissed him he kisses you back you both stop (This only for Rin Okumura X shy smart male reader part and tea it's going to be the same timeline)
"I-I know t-that y-y-your a demon"
"What!!" He said
"The son of satan......."
"Your tale....."
"I'm a demon.... Kinda..."
"What do mean "kinda"?
"I-" they knocked the door
"Time up!!" They said
You both got out not even looking each other... Blah blah his turn blah blah round 2 blah blah it was your turn, you spinned it and it stop at........ Bon. He grabbed you and went to the room and he closed the door
"S-sorry I couldn't control myself....." Bon blushed
"I can tell....." You said and he started to bite his bottom lip . You can tell he's getting impatient. You kiss him on the cheek and blushed,he grabbed you and pinned you down you tried to to squirm out but you couldn't and he kissed you. Putting his tongue in your cavern see what's inside but you fight back
"Tough one hehehe.." He smirked, you look away and he started to lick your neck. You try to hold it in. You feel something getting hard. You blush and kiss him back. You look down and you see a BIG bump and is pants
"I can't hold it.." He said
"It's.....ok.....its just I'm not ready to date someone" you said
"Take your time"
"I need to know you more" you said, and kiss him.
*Time minutes skip*
You both went out they all look at both of you. It's was so embarrassing that you ran up to your room.
"(Y/N)!!"  (Friend4) said
"I -I'm going help him" (Friend6) mumbled and went upstairs

Hey!! It's me the author randomx here I wanted to say sorry I've not been posting lately I was trying to post a chapter per day but I got really busy in school and everyone but sorry tomorrow (may 7) I will try to post three new chapters

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