Chapter 17: Sister

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3rd person POV
(Y/n) got out of the house and you started to walk to get your skateboard. When (y/n) got skateboard, Shima stopped by.

"Hey we're you going?" Shima asked (y/n)

"Somewhere" (y/n) replied

"At least can I stay here?"


"I'm bored, I want hangout here"

"*sigh* fine...just don't do anything stupid, got it?"

"Ok.. I can I do?"

"Then why did you come here?"

"Like I said I'm bored" (y/n) sighed once more and tolded him

"Play smash or something.."


"Oh! Shima! I got new characters.."


"What's her name? Yes! Bayonetta! You might like her! I use her all the time she's badass!!" (Y/n) almost yelled

"Cool! How does she look like?" Shima ask

"I will let you figure out yourself!" (Y/n) winked at Shima and left..................................

*Time skip to the airport*
    *Y/n POV*
You made it and waited for your sister...
"My sister.... It's been awhile... I wonder of her travel is going.... I ho-"  you got interrupted in your thoughts when you heard someone calling you!

"(Y/N)!!" Someone jumped on you and hugged you..

"Nashi!" You yelled and hugged her back..

"I miss you.." Nashi said softly..

"I missed you too.." You look at her eyes.. She started to to tear up..

"Come on.. Don't cry.. When people cry I cry.." Your eyes get watery..

"N-no I'm fine.." She wiped a tear off

"Come on!!its been awhile in here lets go!" She yelled happily grabbing your hand and she started to run.

"Hey! Wait up!

Chapter 18: Memories..

Sorry I was so busy I Apologise so Much!!!

Coming soon!

-Male Furry x M!Reader!
-What Gender?

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