Chapter 20: Run part 3

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This part is lemon!! Juicy stuff!!

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He took to his place..

"Why his place?  I want to take a shower, Im sweating eeww.. "

"Can we get over this?" You sat in his bed crossing your arms..

"First let me take a shower" he said

"Just great.."

*few minutes later*
Hey went out the bathroom with a towel
around his waist.. You started to blush and
he started to to grin evilly, putting his clothes
on. You try to not to look a at his muscular body. 

"I don't know why I took a shower and got dressed

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"I don't know why I took a shower and got dressed.."

"They why did you took it?" You said

"Cause I'm getting dirty again.. If you know

what I mean" he smirks getting close to you..

You got up and walk backwards but you

where cornered..
He licks his lips quickly and started to to bite
his bottom lip..

"Ready?"he ask evilly but you didn't answered..

He grabbed you arms over you..h-he started
kissing you. Soft gentle kiss it's not rough..
Strange.. You kissed back when you did he
let go.. Now he kissed roughly, biting your
bottom lip.. You let him in, he started to
search around.. His tongue inside your
mouth feels sooo  good, moist, soft, slimy,
you just can't get enough.. You started to kiss
back roughly. He pick you up rapping your
legs around him, and you slowly wrapped your arm around him as well. He did the same with his arms. He started walked to his bed, slowly putting you down. He slowly took off your shirt and started to lick your stomach.. Then your chest.. To your mouth.. He kissed you even harder..

"Mmmhhhhh! Mmmffhhhhh~...." You felt
something hard on your ass.. You blushed
even more. He took his shirt. He lick your

"Please don't see my bite marks.."  You thought

He slowly put his hand in your shorts. Playing with your member.

"Uhhggh!" You moan

He chuckles and slow pulled your shorts and
underwear off. Seeing your hard member,
he squatted down and lick your member.
You hold it in, he put your member in his
mouth, but swirling his tongue around and
around your member. You blushed like crazy .  He started to such slowly

"Nngngg!" You continue to hold it in. He bobbed is head up and down...

"Uhhgg!" You slipped out a little form your
mouth. He stopped and got up. He pulled
down his pants and his HUGE member
popped out. You blushed and didn't do anything.

"Well?" He ask... He made it more uncomfortable... You slowly put in your mouth.. Going back and forth.. He moan

"I only can fit halfway.." You thought
He firmly placed his hand on your head

"Oh no.." You thought again
He forced your head to bobbed,  he slowly forced you head, going back and forth. Soon going faster hearing moaning gets you hard, suddenly you got a 'great' idea. You pushed his hand away.

"Oh? Going solo~" he smirk, your going to do the same thing he did to you. You stared to swirl your tongue around his member, hearing him moaning and painting. But you just started...

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