Chapter 14: Suprise!

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"Come before we lose them" you said and you both went after them, you chase and chase until...... Some cover your eyes....

"Haha Bon come let come if me.." But there was on answer back

"Bon?" You grabbed the hand and you felt long nails, when you notice it want him. You ran turning around getting ready if it's a demon....

"Aww.. I thought you were going guess that it was me.." A familiar voice said. You look at him... His face emotionless, nothin but the power he is strong.... Demon....

"W-who are you!!"

"Don't don't remember me?" You look at him once more but more careful. He has a spike of hair which is lightly colored compared to the rest of his dark green hair and has long claw-like black fingernails. He wears a jacket that has cross bones as buttons. He also wears green arm warmers and a black and pink short sleeved shirt. under his jacket, with rips at the ends. His blue eyes...


"It took you awhile..." You walked to him.. Looking kinda up.. You hug him

"It's been awhile.."

"4 years to be exact.." You let go quickly blushing

"Do you want a lollipop?" He said

"Sure, you should stop eating them"


"Cause you eat them like every day.."


"Never mind, W-why your here?" You asked  nervously.

"I saw you..."

"Where? " He pointed up at one of the big building


"You always do crazy things, why can't you be normal..." You got kinda shock but he always do something crazy

"I thought being yourself is normal? " he told you,

"Never Mind.." You walked for awhile with me

"Where are we going?" He asked

"What do you mean 'we'? I'm look for my friends"

"And why is that?"

"They said they have a surprise for me.."

"And what is it?"

"Amaimon, reason they call it surprise cause I wouldn't know.."

"I thought you didn't like surprises?"

"I know but they complained I should get a reward cause I've been avoiding that?"

"I would tell them no anyways"

"Of course you will"

"And why is that?"


"I have feelings.."

"Then smile.." He smiled

 "Never mind!"

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"Never mind!"

"What is it? Is ther something on my face?"

"No.. Just don't smile.."

"Who are your friends?" He changed the subject

"Why are you asking a lot of questions?"

"Cause I can.."

"Anyways its Rin,Bon, and shima told me to come"


"I don't kn-"

"(Y/N) THERE YOU ARE!!" Bon yelled You turned around and you saw him running to you, you turned back

"Well" he's gone

"Who are you talking to?" Bon said

"No one why?" You lied

"Come on let there waiting!" You both went to the place we you both made it you covered your eyes so you can't see

"Trust me, just keep walking.."

"Fine..." When you not made it he lets go...

"SURPRISE!!!!" Every one yelled, some how you were surprised. And blush a little..

"Guy you sh-"

"NO!!" Every yelled, we all look at each other for like 5 milliseconds.....everybody started to laughed. Then something caught your eyes. It was a huge cake says merry X-mas...

"It's not Christmas.." A drop behind your head

"We ran out of ingredients, heh" Rin said scratching back behind his head

"Cause someone doesn't know how a celebration cake looks like!" Bon kinda yelled

"Hey it's not my fault!" Rin yelled back

"It's fine.. B-but do you think it's a bit..."

"What?" Shima said


"Naa! It's fine" shima said

"Since you think it's a normal size, you get all over the left over of the cake" you look at him evilly...

"Welp I'm screwed.." Shima said, everyone laughs.., fun,... Heck Rin party hard and he's knocked out, he's not wake up any time soon... You drew a mustache on him and took a picture and post in Facebook, snap chat, Instagram blah blah...

Amaimon POV

"He deserves a party heh" looking at you then at Rin

"He doesn't look strong..."

"Just wait" Mephisto said

"Yes brother..."

Chapter 15: BROTHER!?!?!?

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