Chapter three: P.E? Sound like a Death wish

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You finish changing but you put your sweater back on. You don't like p.e but dancing is better. You walk alone to class behind every one you put your backpack carefully on the floor so your cats don't get hurt. But suguro a.k.a Bon was kinda walking with me I kinda blush but he didn't notice. He started to talk to me.
"Hey.... Ummmm.." He said
"Hm? What is it?" You ask nicely
"Never mind... its stupid" he said
" I like your face?" You joke around
" Why you!" He put his fist up
" Calm down! I'm just joking.. Geez but seriously tell what you going to say"
" oh....ummm... dooooo youuuu want to eat with meeee and my friends later? He kinda blushed
" Suuuuuuuuuure" you copy him
" HEY! DONT COPY ME!!" he yelled
" says who? Heheh"
"I SAY SO!!" He continued yelling
" why?" you giggle with evilness
" cause why?" You rase your eyebrow
" why do you ask so MANY QUESTIONS!!"
" Chill... You just teasing you hehehe" you laugh
Bon blushes " he-........."
" Hm? Did you say something?"
" Nothing...."
"Ok don't want to be late come lets go" he nodded.
* 6 mins time skip*
When you went to p.e you saw giant demon frog thing that you always forget the name. You battle since you were 4 years old. But you don't battle that demon it's easy to be friends. You where seeing Bon and Rin they you still fighting. "Idiots" you said
" Don't worry he's mostly like this the people who lack in school" the guy with pink hair
"No, really?..." You said with sarcasm
"I guess you can tell" he said
"And you are?" I rase my eyebrow
"Oh! Sorry I'm Shima, Shima renzō"
"Ok "Shima" tell me more about him Suguro"
"Ok" shima said
* 5 minutes later*
"Oh......" you look down
" what's wr-"
"SHIMA AND (Y/N)!! YOUR BOTH NEXT" the p.e teacher yelled"
First you went to the teacher and said "What ever you do... didn't stop the demon from killing" you show his demon eyes
" N- F-Fine..." He was scared. You went back down
"What did you say to him?" Shima said
" Hm? Oh it's nothing"
" READY!!..SET!!!...GO!!" He yelled. Shima ran but you didn't, you just walked.
"What the hell are doing!! RUN!!" Bon said
"Shut up both of you.." you said, they both got shock and you turned around to the frog demon. It's was right in front of you but you weren't afraid, you and the demon were staring at each other. It was silence not even a peep. You petted the demon and played with the demon. Everyone was shock you playing with a demon.
"Hey! Teacher take a note you CAN Be friends with a demon" you smile at him
"What does he mean by that?" Bun said to himself
"Now come, go back to your back to your cage I will come back to play with you later and bring food" you smile and you bring back to his cage. I walked up and sat down like never happen. Bun grabbed you from the shirt. "What the hell are you where think!?!"
"The demon felt loneliness and sadness and I wanted to help......" He let go of you walking away.
* 2 hours later*
It's was lunch time but you sat alone cause you know that Bon is mad at you, so you didn't want to show your face

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