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This might be boring but I don't care


Hello I'm RamdomX and this my first book o ever written in Wattpad.. also it was the 1 one year anniversary of this book.. anyways about this book

Right when I started to write one chapter a day- also in one day I wrote 2-3 chapters in one day... but it gets trickier i wanted to write more word than the last chapter. First chapter i wrote 380 some and next i wroteb 400 something... if you get it , a new chapter is 100 more.... Nashi, was from my friend- I wanted her to be in my story, she was the sister.

I want to make the story difficult if you there in the beginning this book was called Bon,(I forgot his last name) x Shy M! Reader, but I changed it cause u wanted the story fall in love with different guys (no, nor like a thee some) it's was supposed to me
Rin, Bon, Shima, and the Mifsto bothers.... with different a ending of the different characters(I'm going to change it back). Also another thing is... if you seen the anime I was about to make lock himself in that giant cellars if you know what I mean.. like 5 years to practice to get stronger... I was about to change it and but I didn't... Blue exorcist x Blind! M! Reader!. Yup!! The you the reader was about to be blind but how???? I was about to do a war- since your mother was a angle, and guess what your dad is going to be??? A Demon. A war of you and your dad....

The true Ending:

I was about to make the Reader fall in love with no one but love them equally. I say your goodbyes since you will never since them again.... about 90 years later(you still look that same) you came back to the place, when you are- you bumped to a little kid. The little kid was lost- you helped the little kid meanwhile asking Zim(I haven't choose a gender for the little kid) questions. Right when you ask when is their name.. it's will be any name, then a last name is Ryūji(Bons last name)  And it will end like that...

That's all that I can think of!!! I'm sorry and thank you are reading!! Make sure to reader my other books, and it's you want to request!! I'm my news book or Dm me!!!!!

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