Chatper 16: this isn't right...

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* warning lemon cherry banana peaches thing ahead*

You blushed.....

"Is there something the matter?" Mephisto smirked

"N-No. It nothing.." You look away, not seeing he bitting his lip. You look Though your phone anything interesting. Mephisto sat normally. And crossed his arms

"Did you post the picture ?" Mephisto asked annoyed

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't" you wink at him

"Tell me..."

"Nope.." You giggled

"Fine but at least how many likes does it has?"



"Fine.." You look at the pic

"60 million likes"


"Wait, I refreshed the page, 10.8 million"


"Refreshing 40.4 million likes"

"OH MY GOD" He yelled


"STOP REFRESHING!!" You start to laugh like crazy.. You turned your phone off as well.. He got more angry so he decided to turn the tables. He took your phone away with his tail.

"Hey! give it back" you got on him meanwhile he quickly laded down. Mephisto stretch his.

"Give my phone back!!" You stretch too but you didn't know your stomach was front at Mephisto face.

Mephisto POV

"Heh right were I want him"

Back to your POV
"" you said an when your about too grab your phone. Mephisto slip up the p.j shirt and slowly... Licking.... Your stomach..... You got surprised. You cover your stomach blush.... You tried to get off but  Mephisto was holding you down meanwhile you feel and bump getting harder and bigger. You blushed more

"M-Mephisto please l-l-let me go...."

"And where be the fun in that?" He smirks. He quickly was on top off you... Holding your hands over you...He started to but his lip cause he can't resist, seeing his lust eyes, you know what he wants..... He went to your eye and said

"I know your a student but I can make a exception" he smirk more... Slowly licking your still feel a rock hard big bump... It made you even to blush like crazy. Then he started nibble on your neck... Then he softly bite bites your neck... You couldn't hold it gently moan.. But Mephisto herd you and bite a bit harder.. And harder.. But you still can' hold it, you moan louder, every time he bit moan louder...

"Ahhhh!"  You moan, so Preventing to moan louder he kissed you.. He started to play with your tongue with his.. You didn't did anything. Then he started to fight with your tongue but you still didn't do anything.. Mephisto got bored and putting his tongue, going to your throat.. You started to fight back because it felt weird... When your not paying attention, he slide his hand on your pants... And rubbed your member. He broke the kiss and lick the blood from the marks he bite you...

"aah!! P-ah! Please s-stop!" You continue to moan

"Where would be the fun in that?" He licked your cheek and rubber faster. You moans louder

"This... I-isn't r-right..."  You try to say

"I said something bad going to happen if your post it, didn't I?"  He pulled you up

"Please... T-this is rape..." He stopped, with a awkward silence

"I h-have feeling for you but... In just not ready to date anyone yet..."  You told Mephisto

"My apologies...  I'm sorry for my actions.." He frowned a little...

"I'm sorry, I have this is for return.." You kissed him in the cheek.. He put your his on your cheek

"I'm truly sorry I-"

"It's fine, I just want to go to sleep.."

""On the couch?"

"Sure.. You go to your room" you replied

"K..... Good night..."


Chapter  17: sister

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