Chapter six: sleepover disaster Part Two

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You pointed your tongue at him, making fun of him.
"Grrrrr! Come back here!!" Bon yelled
"But that wouldn't be fun? Hahaha!" You turn around running backwards making more fun of him, you started to laugh
"STOP!!!" He yelled louder
"You no fun...." You climb up to a tree and he climbed up also but he had a hard time
"Too Bad!!"
"To me it looks like a stupid dog just trying to climb a tree just trying to kill a cat! Hahaha!"  He climbed faster, when the right moment when he is distracted you will go for it.
"Almost there!!" He grunted and jump off back and ran to your house
"Come on!!" He got more angry and he ran to you also. You open the door and took a breather
"That happened?" Shima asked
"Thera no time tell him I went to the back of the house" you ran upstairs and went to your room and lock the door.
Shima's POV
You saw Bon run inside full off anger
"Where is he!!" Bon yelled, and all of us pointed to the backyard. He ran to outside
"Cuties!!" (Friend3) yelled
"Shut up!!" Bon said and he went outside
"Anyways girls I'm still going to wreck you no matter if I go easy"
"Ptttttttttt! You wish!" (Friend4) say
"Like if you can prove it" you(Shima) smirk
"You want to go!! You a can you beat you up in a real fight" she popped he nuckles
"Pppttttttsss! She's the leader of the gang Skulls"
"What!"you got scared.
Back to your POV
You thought "why is he taking so long? I'm getting out...." You got out under your bed and unlock the door and you went down stairs
"Hey! Where is Bon?"
"Thank god your here! But he's still look for you.." Shima said
"I'm going to call him" you got your phone out and dialing his number. He pick up
"WHERE ARE YOU!!" He yelled
"I'm a at the house"
"I was hiding in my room that was s-"
"What happened?" Shima ask
"He hanged up"
"Oh he goes that a lot" you saw Bon opening the door with full of angry sitting on the couch and you sat next to me. He doesn't looks at you.
"You mad?"
"What do you think?" He crossed his arms
"I was just playing around" but he didn't answer.
"Come on!" He still didn't answer, you went to the kitchen to grab (chips) and you went back to sit down
"Fine be that way" you started to eat your chips
"Hey (y/n)! The controller died"(Friend4) said, you grabbed the controller and went up stairs and switch the batteries and went back down.
"Here you go" you gave the controller to her, you saw your chips half eaten and you saw Bon's cheek a bit powder of (chips)
"It's ok if you eat my chips but not all of it" you giggled
"Wha-!!" he was surprised
"There's a little something on your.." You pointed at your cheek. He rubbed his check and he still look away, and you just continue eating your chips
"There's a little some on your" Bon said blushed
"I don't believe you"
"You want to bet?" He smirk
"Ummm n-n-no.." You blushed
"Are you suuuure?" He puts his arm around you and you blush harder . He gets closer to to you
"..........." You were fire blushing red. He slowly licked you on the cheek
"Tasty..hehehe" he licks his lips
"I'm g-g-going to p-play smash" you walk to the others to play smash.
Bon's MInd POV
"Man! He's so cute! I can't believe I did that, I just couldn't control myself....I need too"

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