Chapter Ten: Embarrassment

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Also Rin ran to you upstairs but you lock the door so no one could open the door. However you only let (Friend6) in. You kinda like you shy smart but she's more shy than you. You reminds as you of your sister Nashi.
You said in your head "I wonder were she is right now, maybe I should call her later" you try to distract yourself.
"H-hey what's w-w-wrong?" She mumbled as usual
"It's just..... It's just....."

"Just w-what? She said

"It's embarrassing...."


"What do you mean 'and'?"

"So it embarrassing e-e-everyone did t-t-the game..."
"It's not that...."

"T-then what is it?"

"I'm fine when senpai notices you but....."


"Likes you? It's like a dreams I thought he will never like me like that...."

"W-who's your senpai?" She asked, right when you about to answer you hear someone at the door.

"Shhhhh!! Shima I'm trying to hear!" (Friend3) whispered yelled

"Hey I'm trying to hear too!" Shima said

"I swear that if you don't leave in five seconds I will kill you both!!!!" You yelled with anger and they both ran stairs. But Rin didn't leave. He knock the door

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Rin said

"Go away!!" You yelled, he listen to you and went down stairs.

Rin's POV

I had fists and look at Bon angry

"Any luck?" Bon said


"Why me?" he said

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO (Y/N)??!?!" I continued yelling


"AND WHY HE'S LIKE THIS??" you(rin) and Bon started fighting

Shima's POV

"And their fighting again......." you said

"Are they always like this?" (Friend4) questioning

"Sometimes" you answer

"Great...." (Friend3) said

Back to your POV

"Their f-fighting.." (Friend6) still mumbling and you stay quiet. You got up and open and went down stairs
"Stop fighting!!" You yelled to both of them, they look at in silence......

"I'm sorry..." You were shock that he said

"I'm sorry too" Rin said

"There both sorry" (Friend3) said

"It's fine....." It's was awkward silence and (Friend5) spoke up
"Let's sleep I'm tired"

"Hey! Where's (Friend6)?" (Friend1) said

"She's sleeping in my room" you said

"Luckyyyyyyy!" She said

"Well were sleeping, come girls" (Friend3) said and they all follow.
"Well will be over here!!" You said to the girls. You all play smash, you sat between of Bon and Rin. You keep blushing. It was midnight there was all sleep Rin and Bon snuggling with you. You don't know how but you blushed fire red but you fell asleep. 

Good night..................

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