Chapter 20: Run part 2

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"Ready!" Bon yelled as you slowly getting ready.. Once you were ready..

"Get set!!" Once you blinked everything was get like... Slow motion.... Car driving through, crows flying. People walking.. The soft cool breeze, slowly blowing at your face.. A small warmth from the sun..your hands, feeling the rough cement from your position, your (h/c) going with the motion of the breeze.. Your glasses clearing you vision.. You heard a dog barking.. You turned to Bon.. Then it was back to reality..

"GO!!" He yelled louder than before... You were in the lead just for a few seconds. You trying to be in the lead but, every step you take he's farther away from you

"Damn it! Need to run faster!  I can't loose!!"  You said in your mind.
*6 mins later*
The race was already halfway, you started to catch up..

"Almost!! There!!"

*Bon mind*
"Shit! He's catching up!!"

*back to you*
No each step.. Your feet burns like hell..

"Finished!!" He yelled

"You *pant* win *pant*"

"Can't *pant" breathe"  you try to say

"Here.." He tosses you his water bottle

"Not all of it" you drink the water it and you give its to Bon. He plopped down and started to drink

" So what do I have to do?" You ask him

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" So what do I have to do?" You ask him

"You'll see.." He smirked making you blush a purpose..

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