Chapter 18: Memories..

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You two started walking..... Through peace and no disturbance, looking around places giving you happy...sad...good...bad...memories. You both took a big breath...

"It's t-the past....look at us now.." You smiled at her... She nodded back and hugged you..

"Hi mommy..." She said

"Hello Nashi, I missed you do much!" Your mother replied. You placed your mothers favorite flowers and your sisters at her grave... Orchards and tulips.. You three talk and talked..

"Bye mom, come on Nashi lets go"

"K! Bye mom!" Nashi said

"Bye you two!" Your mom said

Time skip
"This is where I live"

"Cool" she said

"And this is where you are going to live here also" you smiled at her

"Is there a catch?" She crossed her arms and look at you..

"Uh? No why?" You ask

"Bills, food, laundry, anything?"


"Ok! Your the best brother!!" She hugged you

"I....can't..b-breathe..!" You said weakly..

"Oh sorry!" She let go. You both went in and-

"Die!!!!" You heard a voice

"You wish!!" Shima said

"You don't have a chance! Give me the controller!" Other voice you heard

"Fuck off!!"

•~~~• Shima POV

"Stop fighting your going to break the controller!!"

"Rin!! just give me the controller!!"

"Get your own!" Soon you heard the door open

".....break my stuff and your gone!" (Y/n) glared at Bon and Rin

_[//:<://]_ Back to your POV
You continue stare at both of them and sigh

"Do I have to treat you like children? Or should I send to Daycare?" You grinned and giggled a little..

"HEY!!!!" They both yelled

"Then ack like adults!" You yelled at him, they both growled

"You know what? I me that!" You took the control from them..

"Shima.. Lets battle.." He choose (smash character) and you choose Bayonetta..

"You have 5 lives and I will have 1 lives"

"Your cra-" you interrupt Rin

"Shut up I know what I'm doing" you said. You both started and you kill yourself four time.

"Ready?" You ask Shima
"Totally" soon you both started fighting, you killed Shima quickly. 4 lives, 3 lives, 2 lives, 1 life.... You did a taunt

"If you want to learn to talk to a lady, ask your mum." Bayonetta says meanwhile she dances..

"Grrrr!" Shima got mad he ran to attack you

"So close!" Bayonetta said

"Wha!" Shima yelled

"It's witch time" you push him to the edge and waited for the witch time to stop.. When it stopped, (smash character) jump but you use weed stop.

"THE WINNER IS BAYONETTA!" You dose he sexy dance..

"Under in a minute.." Bon said..

"That was easy" you got up

"Come on Nashi, let me show you, your room"

Chapter 19: Second round? Really...

Male furry x M!furry!Reader!
Coming at
June 21!

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