Chapter Six: sleepover disaster Part One

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It was 7:37, you almost have everything in ready.You had chip,(like 14 bags) videos game on the wii and Xbox360 food(dessert etc.) and other stuff you can't count them all.
"Ok! Almost finished! I just need to sort out the ro-" someone knock on the door
"I'm coming!" You ran to open the door
"Hey! (Y/n)!" Rin said
"Hey come in but your a bit early but it's ok" he went in shock and amazed
"This is awesome! There is you bought the food?!" He said with full of excitement
"Actually I made it myself..l love cooking hehe" you felt a bit embraced
"Awesome! I didn't you like cooking two!" He yelled
"Huh? Wait you cook?" You asked
"Heh... yay I do I cook since I was little.." he stated to scratch behind his head
"Meow!" Shadow talk to you
"Huh? Yes was is it shadow?"
"Nya! Meow! Nya! Nya!" He complained
"What!! I won't but, if you misbehave I will" he gives you the sad face face
"Aww come on.. don't give me that face" he continued to give you that face
" chance..."
"Nya" he yelled
"Wait! What!?" Rin yelled
"Oh sorry I can speak cat language"
"Meow?" Light asked you
"Uh? I'm not sure if your able to do that"
"What's wrong?" Rin asked you
" she wants to wash my clothes.."
"I can help her.."
"Really thanks! I will be right back I need to get the drinks! Oh if any one comes tell them I buying the drinks" you told him
"Shadow! Make sure that no one eats the food yet!"
"Meow!" Shadow said
"Wait why h-"
"Bye!" You closed the door.
Rin's POV 
You(Rin) thought in his head.
"What really! Making a cat  in charge  for the food? The other cat really want to wash his clothes? Man those are some weird cats.."
"Meow!" The white cat look at me
"You really want to wash his clothes?" She nodded
"Wha-! You really mean it!?" I got shock and look at the white cat and followed the cat
"Hey where hey going?" You ask the white then you see the white cat dragging a few clothes to the washer
"Oh got it.." You(Rin) got the other clothes and put in the washer and you closed the top, the you saw the white cat click the button and it started to wash.
"Is that it?" You ask and the white nodded, you someone knocking on the door. You open the door
"Hey! Where's the pretty girl?!" He ran in
"S-Shima why your going here?!"
"(Y/n) invited to I didn't want to do but he said the his friends ate going to girls so I didn't want to skip the opportunity!"
"Well that figures but your early"
"What! early?! By the way where's (y/n)?" Shima asked
"He's buying the sodas" you heard the door
It was Bon
"Why your here?" Bon yelled
"Funny! I was about to say the same thing!" You yelled.
Shima's POV
"Man.. There at it again... Guys don't fight hey invited all of us for a reason"
"But I don't want to hang around with this idiot!" Bon yelled
"Who you calling idiot! The only the idiot I see is you!!"
"Why you!!" Thy both started to fight again, you(Shima) saw food you wanted to get some but a black cat attack you
"Ahh! Get off!!! They both started stop and to help you
"What his problem!!" You yelled
"Oh yay! (Y/n) told shadow to protect the the food that he made" Rin smiled
"He cooks!!" You and Bon yelled
"He does I know, I acted the same way I was surprised also" Rin scratch the back of his head
"Hey I'm back!" (Y/n) opened the door.
Back to your POV
"Oh hey guys! I was just buying the sodas!" You smiled
"Oh and pokey! It's for me I want a snack" you put the sodas in the kitchen meanwhile Bon blushed and the pokey.
"Hey Shima! Hey Bon!"
"Hey where's the girls?"
"Sup" Bon was a bit nervous
"There coming geez it's barely 7:52, it starts at 8:23 so wait" you said
"But tell them to come faster!" Shima complained
"Uggg! Just go play with the Xbox or wii!" You yelled
"Fine" he started to play with the Xbox
"H-hey where are we going to s-sleep?" Bon ask nervously
"I have four guests room I'm going to use to for you guy and the girls" you told him
"And you?"
"Basically anywhere in the house I can sleep on a rock since I'm that lazy" you laugh
What's wrong you been acting weird and you face is red, are you ok?" You put your hand on his forehead to check his temperature. He blushes hard
"It's just it's the first time I been in a sleep over..." He grabs your hand and puts down
"Hehe well.. This is my first time too... anyways go outside if you need fresh air" he nodded and you blush a little. You heard the the door.
"I will get it!" You yelled you open the door and saw the girls
"Hey bestie!" (Friend3) said
"Come in!" You smiled
"Hey this Rin, Shima and Bon he's outside getting some air"
"Guys this (Friend4), (Friend3), (Friend6), (Friend2), and (Friend1)"
"I'm in heaven..." Shima said and you hit him in the head hard
"Knock it off!! Will you!!"
"Owowowowow..fine" you told they can eat and play video games meanwhile you check on Bon.
"You ok?" He turned around and look at you
"Yay I'm fine..."
"You you want to stay here for awhile cause there already eating and playing video games"
"No I'm fine I will go" he blushes
"Come on I can't to reck all of you guys in super smash" you laugh evilly
"Ptttts sure you can.." You laugh
"Hey I will defeat you with pikachu!!" You got a bit mad
"Ppppptttttt that little mouse?" He laughed harder
" I bet you you choose a weak girl" he grinned. He started at you
"What did you say?"
"You heard me"
"Why you!!!"
"Hey on! We will do this a a battle with the others" he nodded when you both started walking you "accidentally" trip him
"Whoops" you laugh
"Now your going to get it" he got up and chase you, you ran

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