Chapter five: Cuties!!

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It's been like two weeks of school and your tired as usual, you slept in class sometimes Bon gets mad but you don't care anyways you still get straight A's. It was lunch time you were walking to the tree where you usually eat?
"Hey! (Y/n)!" A girl said
"Oh ummm do you know my name?"
"Oh sorry I think you don't remember me, I'm (friends name)" she said, you think for a second
"Yes! I remember you!" You hug her "Its been a long time! How you been?" You started to catch up with her
" I a surprise for you!" She smiled
"What is it?" You questioned her
"Follow me!!" She ran to somewhere
"Hey! Wait up!" You chase her, but her stop and you see a 6 familiar girls.
"Heeey!" She said
"Sup" she she said and you look at the others
"(Friend3),(Friend4)!?(Friend5)!..(Friend6)! You yelled.
"Hi" (friend5) went back taking selfies
"HEEEY! Best friend!" (Friend3) yelled
"Ummm hi.." (Friend6) mumbled
"Hey cutie!" (Friend4) smiled, you all catch up its been like forever since you seen them. You took a picture and putting in snapchat and typing "quad goals"
"Hey! (Y/n)! Where are you!" Bon yelled, you waved at him
"Over here!" He ran to you
"What are you doing with these girls?!" He got a bit pised off
"Oh! Where catching up with some old best friend" you smiled
"Who's that guy?" (Friend3)
"He's cute" (Friend4)
"Is he your boyfriend?" (Friend1)
"Wha!!" He yelled
"Noooo! It's not that with friends" you blushed
"Suuuuuure...." (Friend3), you hit her on the head
"Jkjk! Ow!" She yelled, went up to him and said
"What's up?"
"Ummm I was w-w-wondering..." He blushed
"Can I h-h-hang around with you at y-your house" you both blush
"Shut up!" You and Bon yelled
"Ummm s-sure...." You blush harder
"CUTIES!!" (Friend3)
"You have 7 seconds to run!!" She started to run
"Oh shit!" She yelled
"1!" You started to chase her.
Bon's POV
"Man he has anger problems like me..." He mumbled
"Ummmm I heard that" she softly spoke
"Uh? Who are you?"
"Ummmm I'm (Friend6)..." She continued softly spoken
"Well aren't you shy hehe" he scratched back of his head
"...please not.."
"Do you like him" (Friend3) said
"Do you?"
"Ummm as a frie-"
" Don't lie to me you were blushing when you were asking him that question"
"Don't know what are you talking about!" He got mad
"Hey! Idiot!" (Friend4) yelled
"Huh?" She grabbed you(Bon) from the shirt
"It's ok you like him but..if you break (y/n) heart I WILL BREAK YOU!!" You(Bon) swallowed hard
"Ok" your voice was shaking
Back to your POV
" Got you!" You started tickling her
"HahahahSTOPhaha!!" She yelled
"Fine lets go back to them" you and her both went back
"Hey we should have a slumber party at house!!" She said
"I'm not su-" she stop
"Please!" All of the girl begged
"*sigh* Fineee.."
"Just girls? You asked
"Bring three boys ok?"
"Ok! When?"
"Ok see you later!"

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