Chapter 15: BROTHERS?!?!

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"Come on Rin wake up" you put pick his face

"Huh? What time it?"

"11: 56 pm.."

"W-wha! Whee am I?"

"At home..."

"And why did you wake me up?"

"This.." You grab him from the shirt and kiss him.. His is eyes widened. In shock. You breaker the kiss and got up and left but before you left..

"Oh yay, if I was you I would Cheka yourself in the mirror..." You said

"Wha-! Why?"

"Cause.." You laughed and left.. Soon you went out of the house you heard

"(Y/N) IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Rin yelled. You started to run, laughing like crazy..

Time skip
You went in class early.. There's no.. So you hid under one of the tables..

"(Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU!?!!" Yelled in the class

"Just in time.." You softly said..

"Where the hell is he?" He lol to he back of the classroom.. It was your chance you ran out the door and bump into someone

"Your here early.." It was the teacher yokio..

"HEY!! COME BACK HERE!! Rin yelled

"Bye see ya later" you laughed running, he shoved yokio to the side and run for me..

(You add that music to Rin chasing him(you the reader) to make it more funny)

You stopped to breathe, you were exhausted..

"HEY!! Come BACK!!" You tried to run back you couldn't take it no more.. You fainted... Falling to the ground..


Time skip
You woke up, no the bed.. You see Rin not noticing your awake

"Man, you ever rest?" You said to him chuckling

"Y-Your awake!" He said

"What I else I could be? It's not like I got shot near bye my heart anything like that" you laughed a little. You tried to get up..

"Take it easy you need rest.." Rin blushed

"I'm ok.."

"No stay here.."

"Nope.." You got up, he grabbed you and putting on the bed meanwhile he was on top of you. You put your hands over you.. You blushed

"Let me go!" You squirmed around to try to break free..

"Your cute.. When you mad" you blushed more. He want to your close to your ear. Feeling his hot breath on you to your cold skin...

"Do you want some fun?" He smirked, you blushed fire red.

"*clears throat* sorry to ruin you 'moment' but he free to go" the nurse said

"Thank you nurse" you turn back to Rin
"Get off me!!" He got off you both left the room embarrassment ..

At class
You and Rin continue blushing not even look at each other.

O time skip O

You walk slowly to home until it slowly to start to rain.

"Man I wish I brought a umbrella.." In a seconds you didn't got wet.. You got confused and look up it was a pink umbrella...

"Why you just standing there?" You turn around a saw.. Mephisto

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