Chapter 13 : Wings

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"Half?..." He saw wings coming out of your back. One is black and the other is white. He was in shock


"I-I" interrupted him

"Angels are not real... I know.." You walks toward to you and walking around.

"May I?" You ask,  you nodded and he gently touch your wings

"So soft..." You mumble

"Every angle have soft wings but mine, I wash and brush my wings every day..."

"You have time to brush your wings but not combing your hair?"

"Hey! My hair is soft too! I just don't like combing my hair!" He giggled and continue to gently touching your wings

"Can you fly?"

"It's been awhile but I think I still can..."  You both stayed silence for a while

"I-I know your secret..." You said


"You...Rin..... Sons of Satan.."

"How di-" you interrupted him again

"I can see you powers.. But don't worry it's safe with me...."

"Your father was like a uncle to me.." You mumbled



"But one thing.. Are you ok? That black thing is growing.."


"Once again... I can see your powers..." You quickly put your wings a away and acted normal..

"Why did y-" someone open the door and it was Bon...

"Hey are you coming?"

"I few seconds..." And he left

"Please keep it a secret..."

"You have my word..."

"Bye..." You went out of the class and breath

"Come on let's go!" Shims said

"You didn't have to wait for me..."

"Yay but we have a surprise for y-" Bon hit him on the head

"You idiot! I suppose to be a secret!"

"Sorry!!"  Shima said

"Surprise? You didn't have t-"

"No, you just going to complain 'you didn't have to, now I feel bad,  I own you one guys, and I don't like present blah blah..." You complained

"Fine.... You got a point.. Let's go before I break you Rin.." You show him is fist

"Ppptttttt! Like can..."

"Pttssss! Rin don't do it.. Bested up the strongest bullies in the school!" Shims whispered to Rin

"He doesn't look tuff to me.."

"5!!" You yelled, shims quickly grabbed Rin arm and dragged him quickly at the place, you look laughing a bit  and walked a bit

"Hey... What were you talking about?" Bon said

"Oh.. It's nothin,  just my grades..."


"Come before we lose them" you said and you both went after them..."

Chapter 14 s"Surprise!!!

New I'm changing it to

Blue exorcist x Shy!M!Reader! Don't blinded any but soon!!

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