Chapter Eleven : Im just not ready.............

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You woke cuddling with Bon and Rin on the couch, you blushed tomato red. You tried to get up you can't. You tried again and you got up but Bon was gripping on your arm  and Rin was gripping on your leg. You blushed even more

"Don't......go..zzzzzzz" Bon mumbled

"" Rin mumble also

"C-can you b-both l-let go of me?.." You said

"BOTH??!!" They both yelled and got up, look at each other a ask each question............ And then they started fighting... Again.
You sigh and went to the kitchen, to start to cook breakfast for everything.

"Give it a break guys" shima woke up and with laziness

"Yay, we can hear you in the room." (Friend1) said rubbing her eyes

"Where's (y/n)? Bon said

"Overhere!!" you yelled at the kitchen, everyone went to the kitchen to see you but (Friend6) is still sleeping. You giggled

"Why are you laughing?" (Friend5) ask

"Oh.... It's nothin" you smiled at her, meanwhile everyone is busy talking to each other and Rin came up to you and hugging from the back and surprise. You blushed and then he slide his hand it under your shirt, you blush fire red.

"Can.. I help?" He smirked meanwhile saying it sexually

"Ummm.. S-s-sure.." You said, when he about to kiss you in the neck but Bon yelled


"Fine......" So he helped you with the cook and saved a plate for (Friend6)

"That was good!" Shima said m

"Delicious!!" (Friend3) said

"Hey.. Are you going to eat?" Rin ask

"Na.. I'm fine.."

"Or should I give you breakfast?" He pins you on the wall and bite his bottom lip and he putting his body close to yours. You feel something getting hard on you and you look down.... You blushed like crazy.

"HEY!!! THE PERSON WILL FUCK (Y/N) WILL BE ME!!!!!!" He yelled and they started fighting again.

"Awkward..." Shima said, meanwhile there fighting tip toe to the kitchen, you grabbed the plate and went up stairs and gave her the plate. Talking for awhile and you both went downstairs and guess what there still at it.

"RIN!! SUGURO!! KITCHEN NOW!!" You yelled at them and you went to the kitchen with them. You put your hand on your forehead


"Sorry...." Bon said

"He started it..." Rin pointed and Bon

"Why you!!" He grabbed him on the shirt

"Stop! ...It's just....... I'm not ready to..."

"To? What?" Bon said

"To date anyone... It's just not the right time..." The three of you stayed silent not even a peep..... You went left the kitchen saying

"I'm sorry......"

Chapter twelve: Teacher can you help me?....

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