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Being able to have someone beautiful as Sabrina is really amazing. Even waking up next to her is like heaven to me. My angel started to stir in her sleep and I tightened my arm around her waist, bringing her closer to me and she wrapped our legs together. She was out like a night light by the time I played the second movie so I decided to lay her bed and stayed with her to keep her safe.

"Harry," she murmured in her sleep rubbing her eyes trying to regain her vision from her deep slumber. "Yes my love," I moved a strand of hair away from her face and kissed her head and she lazily smiled and I returned a cheeky smile to her.

"You didn't have to stay you know, I can handle myself," she played with my curls and I shook my head no and pulled her as close as I could to my body and hid my face in the crook of her neck and she wrapped an arm around my neck gently. "I would love to wake up to this every morning," I mumbled and kissed where I marked her.

After an extra 10 minutes of cuddling we finally got up and she decided to make breakfast. Luckily she had an extra toothbrush because I wasn't prepared for this night at all. I sat on the kitchen counter and watched how focused she was. "Harry get your big ass off the counter, please," she smacked my knee and I laughed and slid off and landed on my feet. "I know I got one," I smirked and she smacked my ass and I groaned and she laughed and handed me a plate with an omelette with a side of bacon.

"Thank you darling," I kissed her sweet lips and she smirked and I sat down on at table and she joined me and sat across from me. We ate in silence, comfortable silence though.

But then after a couple of minutes Sabrina broke the silence. "Don't you have work or something?" She asked sipping on her orange juice and I shook my head no putting the last piece of the omelette in my mouth. "Nope, I wanted to take today off," I shrugged and pushed my hair back and she grabbed the plates and cleaned them off and put them in the dish washer. "And you don't have any clothes I assume?" She raised an eyebrow and I chuckled. "I do but it's in my car so I have to go get it, I'll be right back princess," I kissed her and grabbed my keys and jogged to the elevator.

I went to my car shirtless and only in my skinny jeans. There were people staring but I could care less. I opened the trunk and grabbed my duffle bag full of clothes and closed the trunk and felt my phone ring. I took it out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" I walked inside and got into the elevator.

"Harold, nice to hear your voice again mate," Jason's voice echoed and I tightened the grip on my phone. "What the hell do you want?" I spat and pressed the button that goes to Sabrina's floor. "Nothing....maybe something, but I heard from Quin that he saw your little lover at the bakery yesterday, is that true?" He snickered.

"Listen to me and listen to me carefully, if you dare lay a fucking finger on Sabrina I will end you and Quin's life do you understand!" I yelled and all Jason did was laugh. "Calm down Styles, how about I make a proposition for you. You help me sell a case of drugs and weapons to another company in the Bahamas and then we won't bother you or Sabrina. But if you fail to do the mission then it's sad to say you won't see your darling ever again," he laughed. "I'll have Quin drop by your office on Thursday, he'll have the case and your private jet ready for you and your sweet Sabrina next week, tata Harold," he hung up the call and I just wanted to scream and yell. I felt my anger boil up inside me. Jason didn't have to bring my babygirl into this. I cursed at myself for being so dumb for accepting to do a 'business' deal with them in the first place. I can't let Sabrina find out I have to keep this from her or she would leave me and tell me to fuck off like last time.

When the elevator door opened to the 6th floor and I stormed out and walked to Sabrina's door and took a deep breath and calmed down and walked in and closed the door behind me and found her sitting on the couch watching Law and Order: SVU. "I never knew you loved that show," I went up to her and she turned around. "Why do you like this show?" She asked and I nodded. "I love it, I'll be with you in a minute just gotta take a shower," I kissed her head and went into the bathroom and took off my pants and boxers and rubbed my face in frustration. I turned on the shower and turned the faucet to warm and washed my body, the warm water calming me down.

Finishing my shower I turned off the water and dried my body with a towel Sabrina laid out for me.I put on my boxers and slipped on my basketball shorts and a white shirt. I walked out now seeing Sabrina sprawled out on the couch with a blanket over her. I walked over and smirked and sat her up and slid underneath her so she could lay back on me and she did.

"So guess what?" I asked watching tv. "What?" she held my hand and kissed it and looked at the tv. "I got us a private jet to take us to the Bahamas next week Friday, we're gonna be staying there for two weeks," I smiled and she squealed and sat up and faced me "Are you joking Harry, we're really going!" she jumped up and down and I laughed and nodded. "Yes princess we are, but I have to do a little bit of work there so I'll be leaving early in the morning and won't return till late at night on some days but we'll spend time together don't worry," I felt guilt rise in the pit of stomach. That so called business work could put not only my life on the line but also Sabrina's life.

"Harry, I know that your trying to make things better between us ever since the incident and I'm glad that you are, I'm glad that you're really trying to redeem yourself and just saying this to you now I've never stopped loving you, not one damn bit," she held my hand and I pulled her to me and hugged her and she giggled and hugged me back. "I love you more kitten, promise me you'll never leave me no matter what," I pleaded and she nodded. "I promise Hazza," she lightly kissed my lips and I held the back of her neck gently so she couldn't move away and deepened the kiss. Her hands found a way up to my curls and tugged on them from time to time.

I slid my hands up her shirt and rubbed up and down on her hips and she slid her tongue in my mouth causing us to kiss in pure bliss and perfection. Sabrina moved her hands down to my hips and placed her hand on top of my hard member. "I'm ready Harry," she breathed and I looked at her. I was ready for her, I've always been ready for her but I wanted to make her first time special and something to always remember so I wanted to wait till we got to the Bahamas.

"I'm all ready for you babygirl, but I wanna make it special so how about we wait till the Bahamas, yeah?" I patted her bum. "Agreed, but I want your lips though," she placed her finger on my bottom lip and kissed it making her giggle and I smashed my lips onto hers more.


"Do you really have to go?" Sabrina pouted while I put on my jacket. "Yes I do darling, I've been here since yesterday, but I'll swing by after work okay, please stay safe if you see Quin call me immediately," she held out her pinky and I looked at it and looked at her in confusion. "It's a pinky promise and then we seal it with a kiss," she explained and I laughed and intwined our pinkies together and kisses her and let go.

I walked to the door with her following behind me and I heard moaning and screaming come from next door. "Sounds like a couple is celebrating," I smirk and Sabrina huffed "oh please I deal with those noises almost everyday," I laughed and held her chin and kissed her perfect lips. "I love you babe," and she smiled and said those 3 words I've been dying to hear.

"I love you to Harry."

Final Love(Sequel to Stages of Love)Where stories live. Discover now