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It has been 3 years and 6 months since he has been gone. For some reason it always rains when this day rolls around, the clouds darken, the animals and people scatter, leaving an empty street. The bright light from the little lantern I had was the only source of happiness on this day.

I sat on the couch, a red thick blanket covered my entire body. I laid my head on a fuzzy black pillow and glanced at the photos placed on the side table. I reached over and picked up the smooth brown frame with care and grasped it gently with my other hand. A smile formed upon my lips, a moment I wish I could go back to.

No one really talks about what happened on this day. People didn't want to grieve or to remember a day that changed everything for the people who were involved.

A small sigh left my lips, I got up and placed the frame back down, I got up and made my way upstairs to the bedroom. I looked around and saw the emptiness of the room, no one to be found. I sat on the couch nearest to the doors that led to balcony. A tear streamed down my cheek, a tear that represented the emotional pain I had went through. I balled up my fist and wiped the tear brimming at my eyes, refusing to let them slip.

Victoria always made sure to check up on me, especially when the time was near. With the thought of my best friend, my phone rang. I reached for my phone and cleared my throat.


"Hey Brina, how are you doing?" Vic asked.

"I'm okay V," I said and sniffed.

"No you're not, honey we all know that this day doesn't bring any good vibes but you have to cheer up somehow. How about Quin and I visit later on, we can have a movie night? Like we always do," she happily said and I couldn't help but snicker.

"Sure, sounds like a plan," I smiled.

"Good because I wouldn't have taken no for an answer," she said and she hung up and I playfully rolled my eyes.

I carefully got up from the chair and made my way into the closet. I looked around for comfortable clothing to put on, I glimpsed at myself in the mirror and went closer. Dark circles formed under my eyes, tiredness was super evident and there was nothing I could do about it.

Ever since he was gone, things haven't been the same.

"Everything alright love?" I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist gently.

"Yes Harold, I am fine," I said while giggling and he turned me around to face him. He bent over a little and placed a warm kiss on my cheek. I felt a trickle of water come down onto my forehead and I looked at his soaking wet hair. "What did I tell you about drying your hair before you kiss me? Especially since you grew it back out."

"Sorry, Sorry," he chuckled and dried it quickly.

"You take too long in the damn in the shower, Vic called and said her and Quin are coming over to watch a movie," I explained.

"Alright," he looked at me and then squinted his eyes and got even more closer to me.


"Have you not gotten any rest Brina? And it obviously looks like you've been crying. I told you there is nothing to worry about because he's gone for good sweetheart," he placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "You need to rest because our little one can feel distressed if mummy isn't happy," he knelt down and rubbed my protruding stomach.

I was already 6 months pregnant and loving every bit of it. The only thing that seems to be difficult so far are the mood swings, the constant cravings and the back pain. Harry has been with me through thick and thin with this pregnancy and honestly, he has been on my ass nonstop about what I should and should not do. I tried to do yoga outside with Victoria and he ran outside and told me that I am disturbing the baby and how it must be in so much distress.

Final Love(Sequel to Stages of Love)Where stories live. Discover now