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(The Bahamas: Part 8)


I awoke with the bright sunlight beating down on my face. I groan as I turn on my other side but immediately felt sore in my lower region. Images of last night cloud my memory. I smile to myself actually proud that I lost my V-card to Harry, it was like a dream come true.

When I sat up as best as I could I saw Advil and some water at the end table near me and reached for them. I popped the pill in my mouth and chugged down the water and prayed that the pill will start to work fast. I looked to my right and saw an empty bedside and huffed. Today was Thursday. That stupid deliver Harry was talking about, I wonder if I should worry.

I took a deep breath and got up making my way to the bathroom. I nearly screamed when I saw myself in the mirror. My hair was a total mess and my make up was smudged, why did Harry have to be so good at sex? I guess it was a gift.

After freshening up I slipped on a red short dress, not wanting to put on a bra. Sometimes they get so uncomfortable like damn.

While walking to the kitchen I felt so lonely and hoped that Harry was on his way back. I quickly fixed up a fruit salad and sat on the living room couch and ate away while watching 'Empire'. I don't know why but I found that tv show so interesting it was hard to stop watching it. Even Victoria is watching it all the damn time.

After a few laughs, yelling, and tears the episode for today was over and Harry still wasn't back yet. I sighed and thought to myself.  How could a business deal take this long?

I put the plate in the dish washer and walked back to the room going over to the window to look at the most beautiful view I've ever seen.

All of a sudden I heard a crash come from the kitchen. Confusion struck me hard. Maybe it was Harry? I exited the room and made my way slowly to the kitchen. Little did I know that was the biggest mistake ever. Two men dressed in black were searching around he kitchen like crazy. I covered my mouth and when they turned around I recognized them instantly.

The two guys from the beach.

I ran as fast as I could to the room shutting the door and locking it. I headed straight for my phone and called the Harry. The phone rang and rang and went straight to voicemail. I've never been so scared in my life. I looked around for some sort of defense and took the glass that I left on the end table and broke it. I took the sharpest and longest piece there was left from the shattered glass and the door busted open. I screamed bloody murder as the two guys made their way to me taking out a gun from the waistband of their pants and I quickly went to stab one of them until I heard a gunshot go off.

At first I thought I got shot but I felt no pain. None at all.

Another gunshot

Another one

Another one

The deafening sound ceased and the two guys who had attempted to kill me were on the ground dead and surrounded in a pool of blood.
The sight of it made me want to throw up but some had grabbed my wrist and I sobbed louder.

"Sabrina! Sabrina! It's me Harry, darling look at me," he shook me as I glanced up at him. He had blood on his shirt and he was sweating bullets. Not to mention he had a gun in his other hand.

"H H Harry? What's going on!?!"

"There's no time to explain babygirl, go pack your stuff quickly," he rushed to his suitcase  and grabbed every ounce of his clothing and just stuffed it in there.

"No, Harry who were those guys?" I asked softly.

"There's no time," he sputtered and that's when I lost it.

"Tell me now!"

"Sabrina stop being difficult damn it and let's go!" He slammed his fists on the dresser scaring me half to death. I didn't say anything more. I quietly but quickly packed my stuff and made sure I had everything before leaving the hotel with the man I thought I knew.

Only to later find out, this wasn't the end of my torment.


On the jet...

Not a word.

Not a sound.

Not a breath could be heard on this jet and the silence was killing me. I was currently sitting on the bed staring at the black tv screen and looked at my reflection. Harry was sitting in one of the chairs with his reading glasses on examining a book that he has packed in his carry on bag.

How could I trust Harry? Why can't he just tell the damn truth? I used to blame myself. Thinking I was just stupid to push him away—
thinking he needed another chance when in reality I should leave him. Burn the memories I've made with him! But it's hard, I can't just forget the past so easily. The things I was so afraid of doing with a man, the stuff I've never experienced I can't just throw that away. Tears pooled in my eyes. I blinked and let my eyes shut for moment letting the warm clear liquid cascade down my face.

Confidence built up in me. I needed answers and I needed them now. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Who were they?" my voice holding no emotion.

"No one you need to worry about," Harry responded nonchalantly. I huffed and got up— wrapping my arms around myself to try and keep me sane I asked him again but a bit more serious. "Who were they?"

"Sabrina, please let's just dr-," I slammed my fist on the table in anger and I was so close to screaming my lungs out.

"Fine," he replied lowly. "I'll tell you."

"Their Jason's men, and yes I do mean Jason from high school. Him and Quin own a business, if you like to say that, where they sell illegal drugs and weapons to other drug dealing groups. One day they paid a visit to my office begging me to sign a contract with them. I didn't realize it was a contract for drug dealing until they told me their guidelines and rules." He cleared his throat.

"I threatened to call the police if they didn't let me back out of the contract but they threatened to kill me and everyone I love. So I've been doing missions. That so called business deal I had to do today was for me to deliver a case of drugs and weapons to them. Knowing Jason, that dickhead, he always has a devious plan B and that was to make the two guys come and ambush you to only frighten you, not to kill you. But I have to keep doing this to save my life and yours. I never meant to bring you into this Sabrina I swear I didn't! But I basically sold my soul to the devil and there's no why I'm getting it back. I love you so much you have to understand," By the last sentence he was already on his knees in tears.

"Understand what?! That you basically put my life in danger! That you lied to me?! That my best friend is dating a drug dealer and I can't even tell her because that could get her killed!" I yelled and fall back into a chair completely at loss for words. "I can't trust you and I can't be with you if you continue living this way."

"What can I do to fix this? Tell me please Sabrina," he pleaded and I looked at him.

"Give me Gemma's address."

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