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"And then what happened?" Victoria asked shoving more chocolate ice cream in her mouth. I had decided to stay over her house for a bit knowing that I'm still on "vacation" and won't be going back to work till next week. But Victoria on the other hand has work at 1:20 am and will drop me off at the hotel at 1.

Luckily Victoria will believe anything that has to do with gossip or drama because I had told her what had happened between Harry and I. But tweaked it a bit. Instead of me saying how two men almost raped or attempted to kill me because Harry loves to keep secrets I just simply said that there was an emergency at the office and he had to be there by Thursday night. Plus I added how he never was really paying attention to me and the night we had sex was the only night we had fun. Did I feel bad for lying? Yes, but if it could save Victoria's life I wouldn't mind doing it.

"Well Brina at least you finally took a step into womanhood," she ate more ice cream and I giggled and just ate more pizza.

I never want to see Harry again. It's like he's a magnet, bad guys follow him and I am not about to die because of his irresponsible and lying ass. I think I could actually stay single forever, I mean yea I'm gonna probably mess around with a guy from time to time but I won't make it official.

"Well my Quinie is at work again and won't be seeing me till tomorrow," she pouted and huffed. "Every time I ask what does he do for a living he keeps saying don't worry about I won't be doing it for long anyway," she stabbed the spoon into the tub of ice cream with anger and got up probably to get ready for work.

"Maybe it's for the best that you don't know V," I tried to persuade her.

"I know Brina but it still worries me, what if it's something dangerous and it's like my life is in danger and I have no damn clue about it," she took out her red scrubs and took off her clothes and put them one while putting her long black hair in a ponytail. I looked at the time realizing that it was already 1:05 and we would reach my apartment by 1:10.

"Come on girly lets get a move on," Victoria beamed and I got up and put back on my flats and grabbed my purse.

I feel like something bad is gonna happen soon, maybe it's nothing?



A lot has been racing through my mind and most of the stuff that has been worrying me has to do with Quin. He has been acting too strange and I'm fed up with it. I don't want to break up with him, he's an angel who is sexy as hell and really really good at sex. But Brina also has me worried like who is she gonna pair up with now. I think I should cut off Harry's balls for what he did.

Yup definitely gonna do that when I see him.

My life isn't always fun especially when your cooped up in a hospital for almost 12 hours. But the good part about today is that once I fulfill those 12 hours I don't have to work for the rest of the week and half of next week which also means Quin is all mines.

When I reached Sabrina's apartment i decided to park.

"Alright missy stay safe, I'll walk you in," she smiled and nodded while we got out of the car and once we walked in the whole place was dark. "Whoa is this what usually happens at night?"

"No, maybe it was just a power outage," Brina suggested and i shrugged hugging her and she used her phone as a flashlight and she took the nearby staircase. I walked out checking my phone for any messages from Quin but didn't see a single one and sighed.

While walking to my car I noticed two figures that appeared to be men. I hid behind a car and listened closely.

"Were you serious about leaving the drug dealing business?" I heard a raspy voice say. It sounded familiar but I couldn't really put my finger on it.

"Of course I was, I don't want to keep doing this bullshit anymore and putting lives at risk. Jason already threatened to kill my family, I need to end this," as the other guy finished his sentenced my eyes were wide and my jaw was hung low.

That's Quin's voice.

What the hell is he doing here? What drug dealing business? Why talk about this in a parking lot?

I immediately heard footsteps get louder and louder and I realized who's car I was hiding behind.

Quin's Mustang.

"Victoria?" Quin said with confusion and shock and I stood up quickly folding my arms.

"Quin," I tried to lean on the car to look normal but almost tripped and decided to stand.

"What are you doing here, babe?"

"I was dropping off Sabrina, why the hell are you here?"

He looked at me with guilt reflecting in his brown eyes as he struggled to find an answer.

"Why the fuck are you talking about a drug dealing business?" I almost yelled and he came rushing up to me before I could break down in tears. "Babygirl listen to me okay. I had to hide the truth from you to protect you, Harry had a mission to do and I had to basically supervise him,"he wrapped one arm securely around my waist and the other to stroke my cheek to calm me down.

"Quin, I don't want you getting hurt okay," I sniffed and looked up at him. "I love you"

"I love you too Vic," he kissed me softly which caused me to smile and when he let go of me I punched him in the chest and he groaned gasping for air.

"Wow, what a punch," he cleared his throat as I walked back to my car and turned around and smirked. "Ain't no boy get away that easily," I snapped my fingers in a Z motion and got in my car and headed to work.

Final Love(Sequel to Stages of Love)Where stories live. Discover now