NYKO Part 1.

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Chapter 37

Lucas hasn't left my side all morning and to be blunt I wouldn't have it any other way. He's become such a huge part of my life I couldn't imagine him not being around. Even thinking about how lonely I truly was before him scares me, and I don't want to go back there. It's 6 o'clock in the evening and my first fight is at 8. I'm not sure against whom yet, but as soon as I step foot into the abandoned warehouse it hits me that this is my last time. I would like to say it's a sad farewell, but looking into my future I see Sparky and I see me without bruises so I'm really saying good riddance.

I can't go back after tonight. First, Felix would find some way to torture me. Second, I'd have withdrawals and want to shoot up. So it's best if I steer clear. Sparky; Johnson, Jon, Josh, Ace and Blondie are all behind me. It took some serious convincing from Zay for blondie to come, but after he explained everything to her, she didn't hesitate to agree. Josh was right, the death grip on my hand right now wouldn't be able to be removed from just two people. Hell if his adrenaline gets pumping then I don't know if 3 could do it.



"I heard you're retiring." I nod with absolute certainty, "Give 'em hell." Oh if only she knew I can't. For whatever reason she falls into the group besides us, along with Dana and even Tsunami, I don't really remember her real name. I just remember her flipping all over the ring. It isn't until I see Marissa and Missy trudging towards us that I know why.

Sparky releases the hold on my hand and tugs me into his waist. "Rebel."

"Bradford Bitches."

"Ready for tonight?" Missy questions with an arrogant grin.

I smirk, and inhale deeply. "Yeah. Since extenuating circumstances prevent me from fighting with Marissa I guess I'll have to take it out on you. Hopefully." I take a step closer so I can whisper, "I recommend you fucking tap." I realize now why my friends have built a wall around me, they don't want the girls to try anything. It wouldn't surprise me if I got hit with a car that would have prevented me from fighting which would make me become Felix's slave forever.

I lead them all into the locker room. Except Ace and Blondie, she wasn't comfortable with that. I'm getting advice from every direction, Eagle is trying to tell me about my next opponent. Dana is trying to talk to me about 'no mercy'. Josh is trying to go over the game plan. Jon is trying to convince me to have a drink to relax. Johnson is arguing with Josh on the game plan. Sparky however is standing next to me while I warm up. "STOP!" I snap and stand up straighter. "Look, I appreciate everything you are all doing for me. But I'm seriously losing my fucking mind with all the chit chat going on. Game plan stays the same, get in and get the hell out. Jon I'm not fucking drinking. Eagle, thanks for the report right ankle, got it. Dana, there will be no mercy tonight, not until Finals. And sparky," I turn around to face him with a genuine smile on my face, "kiss me."

I ignore the groans from my friends because within mere seconds his lips are pressed against mine. I've grown soft. I admit it, but I have compassion and emotion now. Granted, I'm pushing that to the side tonight but, because of him I can live a life not like a robot. I give him one last peck before getting back to work. It's like he's in a state of comatose. He occasionally smirks but Lucas hasn't really said a word, he just stares at me with an unreadable expression on his face. "Josh come here." I yank him away from the group suffocating me. "You got this under control?" He only nods, "Do me a favor Josh. I know it's early but if the ref doesn't call the fight after a KO threaten to kill him or something." That causes laughter from the both of us and I welcome it with open arms. It's like people are afraid to be happy today. Can't say I blame them, they know I'm probably going to be turned into a bloody battered mess.

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