Chapter 2

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I ask Snow, "What do you mean by that we should cancel each other out?"
She hides her face, and wispers, "The legends that the scholars found say that water and darkness will one day break our enemy by canceling somethig dear to themselves. Is.,,, is it true?"
I look at Hunter, alarmed. He looks just as disturbed. Phionex seems to have heard the story before.

Then Snow stares from me to Phionex. Then a man with graying black hair, and the composure of a hunter approaches us.

He claps Phionex on the back, and congratulates him, "I see you found 'er, Phionex my boy! Your father and mother shall be pleased. That 'tis what they sent yah' for aint it?"
Phionex nods, head down. His human form is tense, and uptight.
I turn to my human form, and ask, "What does he mean, Phionex?"
The man laughs, "So that's what you got 'em callin' yah.? Also, I see yah avent told 'er yet! Not yer wisest move, Felix..."
I sigh. Hunter shifts his wieght. Saber and Luna growl impatiently. Hunter slides onto Saber's back. Hunter is the only rider with a dragon of the same gender. Nobody knows how it happened, but it did.
Phionex notices when Saber begins to get excited and begins to jump around warbling. Hunter's lauhing with joy and embarrassment.
Phionex glares at him like he was interrupting something important. The other man simply smiles.
He says, "You can't be so hard on them. They're only cubs yet."
Phionex grunts.
I smile. The burly man smiles back.
Hunter strokes Saber and asks, "So, what haven't we been told?"
Phionex growls, "Nothing."
I pry, "Bull. What?"
He leads us down a few dark alleys. The road becomes cramped and curvy. Then it straightens out.
I slip onto Luna's back. She warbles with content. I feel a small difference aboyt my appearance as I slip onto Luna. I reach back, and rub my back. Not again!
I feel large bat wings forming under my armour. Soon, I make small openings for them, and they shoot out. I pad the openings so my wings wouldn't get cut during the travel. Luna pauses, and sniffs the air. Then she take off into the air.
I cry, lauhing, "Luna! Stop it! We'll get noticed!"
Luna warbles sarcastically, "And your wings totally make you look one hundred percent human! I mean, I can barely tell sometimes."
I laugh. My wings tuck in against my armour.
I leap off, and glide on them. I don't know why they come back after half an hour of being human, but I think it's because they are a big part of every day life. Then, wouldn't Phionex also... oh right! His human form is a fairy. I guess he does have wings too.
A man screams below. I dive towards him. He freezes. I land beside him. His breathing is rugged.
He cries, "It has begun! All be warry! It has begun! All be wary...."
I feel confusion fill the air.
I ask him, poliet, "What do you mean? Surely this is a rider town. You must have seen a dragon before!"
He screams, "I am the dragon groomer! It is you whom causes the havoc, Terror of the Sky and Night! If TADRE finds you... we shall be pancakes! Now leave my town! Before I report you, corrupt one!"
I stand still. I am not corrupt!
I glare, then take off on my bat wings. Swoooosssshhhh.
The man runs off screaming. Plasmatic Gas builds up in my mouth. All I have to do is rub my tounge against the roof of my mouth to shoot a plasma ball at the man.  I reject the idea. Luna comes up beside me. Phionex is standing outside town, and Willow is growling at me. I flex my wings, and she shreeks.
I ask, "What?"
Phionex points at my large, black, bat wings. They match Luna's, and I have no intention to hide them.
He groans, "You have no idea what you've become... I do know somebody who does though. Oh and Hunter.... be aware of any strange powers coming through from your wolfy form. It can mean big trouble for what I've planned."
Hunter wispers, "Like what kind of strange powers?"
Phionex lists, "Wings, extra abilites, nature abilites, floating, aggressive behavior towards enemies, iris colour changes, X-ray vision, plasma abilities, the ability to comunicate telepathically with anything besides your dragon, that kind of stuff."
Hunter ventures, "Does this count?"
He waves his gloved hand. Water begins to form around his body like a wall.
Phionex groans, "Yes. Come, we need to go home."
We take off, and I manage to hide us.
Soon a cottage slides into veiw.
A lady with grey blue hair trots out. A blue dragon follows her. Both look ancient and wise.
The lady calls, "Phionex?"
I let Phionex come into her veiw, and the lady seems content.
She asks, "Did you find her?"
He nods. Luna scoops me onto her neck. I snarl.
The lady hears it, and seems confused.
She asks, "Well?"
Phionex glares at me. I come out of the shadows, hiding my wings in my armour. They fold in so that they're hiden feom veiw.
The lady smiles at me.
She calls, "Welocme home, daughter! I see your brother brought you well. He said you have a special ability and a new friend!"
I freeze. Luna drops into a preditory crouch, ready to defend me.  The lady screams with suprise at Luna. Her eyes seem to fill with fear. I tap Luna in front of her wings. Luna protests, but relaxes.
Oh Luna.
I shift in the saddle. My wings suddenly pop out. I hide to prevent her from seeing them. No way!
The lady scowls. A bright flash occurs, and my power fails me.
My wings pop out. Great. I'm dead.
The lady shakes her head. Wait! Hunter!
Hunter seemed suprised by the sudden light. He shakes his head. Wow. I'm on a horrible roll today.
I glide off Luna, signaling Hunter to come.
I ask her, "Who are you to call me your child?"
She seems taken back. Phionex looks down.
She turns to Phionex, and scolds, "Did you not inform her of who you are? Of who I am?"
He turns as red as Willow. I notice he has a pair of wings hidden behind his back. Dragon like wings, like mine.
I ask him telepathically, "You have wings too?!"
He looks at me as if telling me to shut-up. The lady smiles at me.
She introduces, "Did you know I can hear telepathic communication?"
I turn red.
I mouth at Phionex, "Sorry."
Phionex glares. His wings do the same thing mine did. I burst out laughing at his suprised expression.
He flexes his red wings. Willow warbles approvingly. She flexes her wings as well. I look at the woman.
I ask, "So, who are you? Who is he?"
She clears her throat. Oh man.
She begins, "I am Silver Robbins . This is Felix Robbins. I don't know why he always talks about his imaginary adventures... but.."
I intergect, "They are not imaginary! Trust me I know! He was inside my head AND Hunter's head for the longest time! I know how he thinks!"
She cries, "As do I, Rider of Dark! I know him better than a person like you could!"
I stop dead. A black smoke fills the air. What was that?
Luna disappears. Zap. Zap. Zap. I feel fur replace my clothing. Ahhh... that's better! Natural form!
The lady panics, and Phionex stares. He seems rather helpless at this point, by looking at him. I hear the lady reeming him out.
I growl. The lady raises a broom. Oh, is this how it is?
I leap up, and spread my wings.
She runs to he village, screaming, "NIGHT TERROR ATTACK! HELP! MONSTER!"
I see Phionex being covered in a red mist. A red dragon is soon in front of me.
I growl, "I'm finding the truth with Hunter. Come if you desire to."
It ends in a menacing hiss. A wolf is soon in front of me, a blue mark on his face.
We take off, and Phionex races behind us.
I ask Hunter, "Does your human form have wings?"
He nods.
I smile, and ask, "Could you use them? We need to move... before somebody tries to stuff us and stick us on a wall."
He nods. Wings pop up from the wolf's back. We take flight.
Soon, we slow down... but that's our mistake.
The air around us is full of dragon riders. With swords. Big swords.
I snarl.
A man cries out, "The Beast! It's The Beast! Men, stand down! I repeat lower your weapons!"
The men drop thier swords into thier hilts. I hiss.
The man from before asks, "What do you seek, Dark Rider?"
I snarl, "Why do you carrreee?"
The man smiles, "Because, if you don't respond... we have to distroy you."
I make a decision. Not to say anything. I make my friends and I disappear.
The man growls in anguish. He turns around, but can't see us. Soon we land in a peaceful pine grove.
I stare at Phionex.
Then, I scream, "What did you take us there for!"
He recoils, "To get answers. I thought dad was there too. That's why!"
A mn stumbles into our camp.
I stare at him, and swish my black tail.
He wispers, "Sweet heart. I see your brother found you."
I stare at him, in awe.
I turn into my human form. Sometimes, I still turn into Sapphira... just to have fun.
That's what I did now.
The man hugged me with he force of a frieght train.
I choke, "Ak. Hi... dad."
He holds me at arms lenght. A black dragon stumbles out of the woods. Oh. Okay.
Hunter bows to the man. I look at him, questioning his actions.
He straightens, and wispers, "King of Night Terrors."
I gape, and bow.
I apologize for my foolishness.
He stares at me with confusion.
He booms, "Why do you bow to me? You are as important as I."
I rise up, looking at my feet. My wings are slowly poping out. I transform to my truer self . Dark Rider in human form. He looks at me again. My wings deploy. They flare out, and my father gasps. I curl them back in. Luna comes up behind me. Then my friends come up behind me. Phionex stares with a unreadable expression, and Hunter just looks at the floor.
I smile at him.
A/n The media pic is Dark Rider's Armour

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