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Oh my embers!
Master is being sat on like a sofa, and he's enjoying it?
That must be Arc....
Awkward sudden backstory told to Luan 13 years ago by he Were-dragon, his master.....
The dragon you now see before you was once a wee little dragon. While I was that wee little dragon, I bonded to a budding wizard. That wizard was named Arc. He decided my name was to be Ember. I was an air & Fire mix, rare in my day. Anyways, Arc and I were a tight bond, nothing could split us. Until... until he day he fell for an old witch in disquise as a maiden. She revealed her true self, and was outraged at his dismay. He was sentenced to the farthest corner of the unknown world, never seen again. We lost contact that day. My moral to you, Apollo and Luan, is looks are deceiving....
End of awkward Backstory

A flash soon blinds us through the double doors.
When my eyes open, shock fills my brain. An average fire and Air dragon is where Master once stood.
I guess after reuniting with Arc, he became calm (for once), and reduced to a normal size. I guess he's not our master any more... I guess we're free... but... what about the legend standing here? Who will take care of them now? Man, I'll hate myself for this...
I whisper my plan to Apollo, who seems to agree with it.
Of course he would like it. He loves to play big hero.
Apollo trots right up to Wave, and asks Arc, "We actually do need help... if you don't mind, Pyro."
Arc smiles, and replies, "With what, my good Day Dreamer?"
He looks down, and then explains the situation.
Arc gasps, and sputters. Ember warbles, and Apollo backs up from Arc. Apollo lays down, and points his feet to the sky.
Arc is asking Ember something, and Wave doesn't seem to know the answer...
Arc sighs, amd replies, "I cannot do this alone, dear Apollo and Luan. I will be needing a pair of level 11 rider, which only Apollo is. I will need Apollo and Laun to train Dark Rider to be strong enough, and the right confidence level and knowledge."
Apollo nods,and I nod as well. Arc nods.
He replies, "I will watch her lessons at random, except her first lesson. That will be tomorrow. I will watch to be sure she is progressing quickly and efficiently. Is that clear you two?"
We nod, and Arc walks up to Dark Rider.
He asks, "Present your dragon, young one."
She releases a black dragon, and Apollo smiles.
I stare at it. It has tail fins, and no spikes around it's head like most dragons. It has expressive silver eyes. It's the secound largest dragon I have ever seen.....

A/n Sorry for the shorter chapter, but something is happening back home for Dark Rider, and I want a new chapter to present it!

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