End is near

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We fly into the entrance of the Risen Mountain.
Ava flys beside Snowfire, and refuses to leave him.
Soon, gaurds see me.
I command, "Snowfire, let me hide you."
I slip an invisiblitity cloak over them, and run at the gaurds.
They scream as I turn invisible before passing them.
I bump Ava, and she warbles to Snowfire, who flys up beside us.
The cave zooms by as we fly.
The smell of stale spilt blood greets us as we get close to our master.
I notice a portal open in the dungeon, and signal that we're checking it out.
The entire crew from TADRE spill out of the portal.
I tell them to stay there, and we'd get them after. A chest sits in the corner, and Dark Rider runs over to it as we leave.
I nudge Ava, and we keep going.
I smell spilt stale blood, and close my eyes.
My heart races. I notice a shift in my mental state, meaning my full power has been restored, same with Snowfire and Kali.
I notice a pair of bloodstained white double doors, and swing them open with my mind powers.
Inside, a large beastly thing that resembles a distorted griffon stands.
I leap from Ava, somersaulting through the air. I land on my feet, turning wolf.
Ava snarls like a wolf. I freeze. What?
A black wolf stands where Ava once was. I see.
Then, Kali is in her grey wolf form, and Snowfire turns into a white wolf.
I howl. I howl like a mad wolf.
Then, the pack emerges from nowhere.
Rouge and Healers' dragons are also wolves now, same wih the rest of the packs' dragons. The pack is double the size, a daunting sight.
We advance on the beast, casual.
I ask, "You summoned me?"
I hear a throaty laugh, and it's red eyes glow. I look away from it, and the other wolves do the same.
It soon is in my face. Its' clawed paw forces me to look it in the eyes.
Its' eyes try to control me, but I resist.
I feel the pack raising barriers and staring at it head on. Then, a wave of power hits me. I hide my joy at full powers, and stare  at my master.
It snarls, "Yeesss. I summmonnnedd my best servant. I need you to do sssooommmeeethhhinnng fffoorrr a bbeeeassst. Kill Dark Rider."
I fight his power with the help of the pack. Soon, my head begins to pound.
I howl a barely audible cry, summoning all but Dark Rider.
They all apear, battle ready and armoured.
I howl a loud cry, and break free of the beast.
It cries, " You will regret this day, Shade Wolf!"
I growl. They pack stares on, then drop to a predatory crouch.
We begin to advance.
The beast cries out, nearly deafening me. I snarl, and snap forward.
I wave my paw. The pack's ears are sheilded from him now, as are the oher legends.
He laughs, "Max, you'll never win. Your pack is half as big as last time, and you lost then. Surrender. Maxwell Shade Wolf."
I shake my head, and use my full powers to block him. Growling and whimpering, I resist.
Soon, a harsh head blow knocks me to the floor.
Then, the beast leaves me alone. I heal myself, and stand up. The pack smirks. They know what we can do!
Apollo comes to stand beside me. Kali comes to my other side, and we crouch in front of the beast.
It laughs, "Air, Darkness, and Light? Is this all that's all that's left of you, Maxwell Shade Wolf?"
I growl.
I howl into the winds.
A message of urging hits the wind.
It calls, "Water, Fire, Earth, and Unknown wolves! Join me! We shall be free and never shall need hide again! Bring your home pack!"
Gusts of wind hit me like a wall. 
A pack of wolves that remind me of water dragons appear from nowhere. Their paws are webbed, ears water proof. Gills flare and they're lungs and noses expand and contract.
The legends behind us are backing away now, afrais of the strange legend wolves.
Their alpha, Aquario, stands beside Kali.
A rush of heat comes from my right confirms the entrance of he Fire pack. Their ruby red coats, lava siliva, and fire proof bodies are thier signature. The two new packs merge with my own.
The smell of pine tells me who came next. They're alpha Inferno stands beside me as the Earth pack comes in .
Their fur is long, and thier eyes green. They have silent foot fall, giving them a killer fighting ability.
Then, they too merge with the packs, just as the lights go out.
I smile as a presence joins the Legendary Alphas' ranks.
Then, Kali whispers to the Legendary Alphas, "When the light flashes, attack."
We send the message to our pack. They howl in response.
We join in, and the sound is beautiful and terrifying. Each pack has a different voice, same as each person does. When they join, a very awesome thing happens.
We merge. Yes, we merge into one being thought wise. All we need is light, who will automatically merge when the light flashes.
Then, the light pack merges with the mingling packs, and join he war cry.
The light flashes, and we lunge into the final fight for our home.

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