Finding Friends

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Max's POV.
We take off for the Risen Moutain. I lend Ava Legend Speed, speeding up the journey. The world speeds by, but it seems like forever. I shift around in the saddle.
The wind whistles by my ears. Thankfully, the sun's out, so my human side can come out.
I feel weird being human, but I decide to be a were wolf for a while.
Ava laughs, "I like this look on you."
I reply, "Very Funny."
I tap at her sides, and she hurries her flight.
Then, she hovers. I nearly loose my balance. The emergency aids hold me on. Forcefield.
We dive down, finding a way under the barrier.
The mountain range seems desolate and cold. I feel my hair ruffle as the wind flicks it around.
I tap her sides, and we shoot to the mountain.
A gentle white glow in the air draws me to a small crevice in the mountian.
We go to fly in, but I check Ava back.
The enterance is covered by steel bars.
My eyes flicker to the unconscious being in the back of the cavern.
No! We're too late!
I pry at the bars, and they bend away. I pick up the prone form, and rush it back to Ava.
I strap it to the saddle, and hop onto her back.
We fly to a smaller mountain, and I call on a secret power of mine. Healing.
I know, not the best secret power, but it's helpful.
I call a green ball to my paws. I push it into my friend's chest.
The ball sizzles, then disappears.
My friend wakes up, and gets to her paws. Yes, her paws.
She croaks, "Thank you."
I reply, "No problem."
We smile at each other, then she calls her white male Ice dragon Snowfire.
Ava and Snowfire rush off before we can stop them. We burst out laughing after.
I smile, and remark, "I think they're going to be gone a while."
An image of a pair of dragons flash in front of me. Then another picture. A pair of dragons in the mate ceremony.
I collapse to the floor. What! What! AVA!?!!?!!?
She replies, "You knew it was going to happen sometime."
I let my head rest on the wall.
I tell my friend what just happened. She bursts out laughing.
She whispers, "So, should we retrieve our dragons?"
I cry, "Yes! Before anything else happens!"
She luaghs some more, and we summon them back.
Snowfire growls, "What, Kali?"
She growls, "You do realize you need our consent right?"
He nods.
I see Ava wheel around and drill me with the dreaded question. I nod. She'd kill me otherwise.
Kali nods as well.
I growl, "Before you think any further, we have to go."
Ava growls. I hop onto her back, and tap her sides.
Snowfire growls, and spreads his white wings.
We take off for the Risen Mountain.

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