Family reunion

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A/n The youtube link is what this chapter is based around. I recommend listening to it while reading this chapter.

Dark Rider's POV.
Wow. Just. Wow.
I smile like the retard I feel like.
My dad smiles back at me.
He asks, "Did you come for answers on what you and Hunter are?"
I nod.
He sits down, and pats the grass beside him. I sit down, and pull Hunter onto the other side of him. Hunter seems too shocked to notice. Hunter shifts his weight. His wings are small, but too big to not notice them.
Dad begins, "Well, being three-quarters Night Terror, you have extremely strong rider powers. The Air rider and the Lightning rider were both three-quarters Night Terror, but the other half was Were-Cat. I understand you've met my best friend Shinely, though. He's the only one who can take you to save the Acadmey. Sorry Felix, but he's the only one who knows the way. Anyways, about your powers. They will continue develop as you grow as a rider. Even as a Second Generation Legend. Felix is a good example. When he was a novice, he could barely make a spark. That was a long time ago, though. I can't recall how long....... Night Terrors live a disturbingly long life. The wings are common in Night Terrors. Some even say they are a sign of power. I think that's true. Your dragons are proof of this. They are big, powerfull. Now, we need to get home and sort this mess out."
I wisper, "She trew a broom at me."
Dad shakes his head.
We walk home. My mother glares out the window.
I walk beisde Hunter.
I ask him, "So. Should we trust Shinely?"
He nods.
I stare at him, and conclude, "Your hidding something."
He turns away. A loud howl peirces the air.
Chills run my spine. Run. I tap my dad, who seems unphased by the howls.
I wisper, "That's the Legend Pack. They were all corrupted during the battle to save TADRE. Wait..."
I spin to look at Hunter. He seems nervous. Too nervous.
I can tell he's chatting with his dragon.
I ask him, "Why weren't you corrupted?"
He freezes. His left hand begins to shake.
I notice he's not moving. Max! He's able to be invisible too!
I turn invisible. I see an angry Charger staring Hunter down. He suddenly sees me. He snarls. His blank eyes tear my heart apart.
Hunter seems relieved at me being there. I drop into Natural Form. I unsheath some dirty tricks on the wolf. Soon, he's confined to a small box.
Then, knowing the affects of Corruption, I stare into his blank eyes.
I whisper, "Get back to TADRE. Take the pack."
I open the box, and he takes off. I sigh, turning to Hunter.
He is slumped against the side of the shack. A small nick is in his fur. A black mist fills the air around the unconscious Hunter. His body is covered by the mist. When it disappears, I gape at what I see. Why didn't you just tell me?
I cast a small spell around the area near the shack. It's a forcefield.
I pick up Hunter. His black wings made it awkward to do. Even more than it already was. What I do for my friends.
Then, I carried him inside. I set him down on a single bed.
I call, "Felix! Dad! Come quick."
They rush in, and slide to a shocked stop.
Dad wispers, "Where did you find this one?"
I whisper, "Under a wolf pelt. A black wolf pelt.
Felix puts it together. He turns pale.
He whispers loudly, "For twenty years... he hid this from us all. Yet we never caught on. How?"
I whisper, "Magic and luck."
I stare at the prone form in front of me. The long tail. The multi-tone fur. The wings. The wiskers. They were all strange to see on Hunter.
Saber charges in. She casts her eyes around for Hunter, then stares at his new look. A look that explains him as a whole. His fur is like a thin metalic layer of paint on a black canvas. His coat shimmers wih multiple colours over black as the sun shifts behind clouds.
Felix sits on the floor, knees to his chest, eyes closed, head against the wall. thud.
His breathing is slow and measured.
I ask him, after sitting down beside him, "Why do you think he did it?"
Felix turns his head and stares at me.
He wispers, "I don't know."

Dad walks in with scrolls galore.
He exclaims, "Well, here's all the knowledge I have!"
He smiles, and trots back out. Felix grabs a scroll and begins to read. I grab a thick scroll, and read as well.
Saber is still here, warbling at Hunter's bedside.


I tump my head against the wall. Ug.
I found the information I needed about me and Hunter... but we're to tired and concerned to care. Hunter is slowly coming around, but he hasn't woke up yet. Hunter groans, and rolls over.
I stand up, and then fall down. My legs are numb from sitting on the floor, beside Felix. Felix now is sitting in the same position as whe we started, but he is now asleep. I sit beside Hunter's bed. He shifts around, his paws trying to get a grip on something.
Then he starts to open his green eyes. They dart around. Then, they stop on me. He groans, pulling a pillow over his face. I pry it loose. He glares.
I ask, "Why did you form shift?"
He looks at himself, groaning again.
He wispers, "Because my family are & were in the pack. It would brake the rules if they saw me.... like thiss.
I snap, "Nothing is wrong with being a Night Terror!"

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