This will make you all very mad @ me

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Main POV
Hi. I'm Sapphira Robbins.  I guess I'd be considered a 'tom-boy', but I just don't see why the other village girls oogle over guys who'd never give them one secound. I began hunting at eight for the village, unlike the boys who hunted for sport. I always thought of myself a hunter. Never as a house wife for one! Only going out for flour for bread like the other women do! I'd die!

I like to wear my shoulder length brown hair in a braid down my back, and a brown cloak over my shoulders. I walked into town, my broadsword strapped to my waist. The sword swayed under my cloak as I walked in to town. The villages' butcher favoured me over the boys my age. He said it was because the boys were always cocky, and they called him old man. He told me to go see the strangers in the village square, as they were requesting the thirteen year olds. I walked to the village square, and found three men in black, red, and gold cloaks. They were surrounded by the village teens. I walked up, and got to the front.
The first man said "We are from The Academy of Dragon Riding Excellency, looking for dragon riders. We just ask that you touch the relic in my friend, Shinelys', hand. Then, if we find a dragon rider, they will come to the academy!"
The teens laughed, but the man named Shinely said "Volunteers?"
I felt my hand go up on its' own.
The teens were silenced, and I asked "What do I do?"
The men smiled, and Shinely reached into his cloak....

The man named Shinely produced a silver broadsword, with two small holes and red stains.
I ask "What's that?"
The third man speaks "Violet Dargos' broadsword."
I stare at it. The Violet Dargo! She was said to be a were-wolf who worked with a fairy & a were-cat. They all rode dragons, and Violets' broadsword could sense a rider from ten miles off. I reached to touch it. The third man gestures for me to remove my gloves, so I shove them into my pocket. I touch the sword, and it begins to turn violet. The men were happy, and the teens had long since left. They touched my shoulders.
The third man said, removing his cloak " My name is Phionex. The one is Shinely (pronouced Shin-lee), and the other one is named Maxwell, Max for short."
I noticed his red hair, and wings. Then Shinelys' blue cat ears. Finally, I noticed Maxs' longer jaw and nose.
I siad "Let me go get my bow and quiver."
They siad in unison "Is that all you own?"
I replied "Those, my extra combat boots, and a few daggers."
They began laughing. I ran home, packed my things, and siad good-byes. Nobody really cared. I lived with a lazy lump of a brother, who can't take care of a dust bunny, and his just as lazy cat who hated me. I strapped the daggers under my clothes, the bow and quiver on my back, and ran to town square. The men had a cloak outstretched towards me. I took it, and removed my hunting cloak. It slid over my shoulders, and was rather warm. The material was warm like thick cottons, but smooth like silk. It was coloured like theirs. My name was on the hem. Enchanted, of course! I followed them out them out of town. I thought at least the butcher will miss me, but he has the memmory of a goldfish. He'll forget by tomorrow.
Phionex said, after a days worth of walking "Time to get outta this stinking heap of septicial jack...."
Max growled at Phionex. Phionex was about to finish, but thought better of it. I looked at the full moon, and jumped at the sight of Max. I understand the relationship between were-wolves and the moon & were-cats and the sun. He was practically a wolf walking on its hind legs. Shinely was like a normal guy, but had a few long peices of facial hair, and well, blue cat ears. Phionex had beautiful red shimmering wings, and flew beside us. He whistled, and a red, silver, and black dragons landed in front of Phionex, Shinely, and Max. Phionex offered for me to ride on his dragon with him.
I noticed a saddle, so I climbed onto it, sliding my boots into the stirrups. Phionex crouched behind me.
He siad "If you get dizzy, tell me. I don't want you to fall off."
Shinely twitched his right ear, and said "Let's go before somebody sees us! Them peps are creeps!"
I laughed and agreed with him. The dragons took off, and soon we were at the old castle 100 000 miles from anywhere. The dragons circled, and landed in the court yard. I felt my body pass through something, and saw a illusion feild around the castle. They make everything seem normal around the castle, but if you get in this way, you can see everyone on campus! I stroked the dragon, thanking it for the fantstic ride. It warbled at me, and smiled.
Phionex said "Let's go get you registered. Shinely will take you."

A/n You'll understand my shin-nan-agins later.
MWAAAAHHHAAAHAHAHAAS! Sorry... I know this is a teny tiny bit cruel, but understand later. SRRY!


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