Chapter 1: Recap

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**This chapter is for those of you who have not read Daddy Did It which is the book that this is a sequel to. I recommend you read it even if you already read the other book, it may explain things better. This chapter goes out to ayalipop for her support. If it wasn't for her this story would not be possible**

I sat silently on the small, bed like sofa. I never liked coming here. Remembering the hell that I encountered all those years ago is bad enough, but being here means that I have to face those memories. I have to embrace them so that I may over come them. I am here for Michael. He is the only reason I keep coming to this place.

Michael is now eleven, which means I am nineteen. It has been three years since my father died and these three years have been horrid. It's not the fact of having to come to therapy that makes them so displeasing, but that I almost lost Michael. Once the FBI had left and the press got wind of everything that happened. I'm not sure how they found out all the things they did, but I suppose a lot of people will do anything for money. Even if that means making someone elses life a living hell.

They found out that Michael wasn't my full blood brother, that his father was the guy that Mother had an affair with. I will be honest Carl Stevens is a great man, but he didn't come off as that when he showed up wanting to take Michael from me. He came off as a real prick, but that is for another time.

My almost losing Michael is why I am now taking part in therapy. I don't want to take the chance of losing him, not again, not ever. Michael is my life, he is my brother whether or not we have the same father. It was Michael that asked me to come here. I guess he noticed my unnatural paranoia and wanted me to get help. So here I am talking to a random stranger about my 'Daddy Issues'.

Yeah, yeah I know what you're thinking. This is about the dumbest thing you have ever heard, but let me tell you this. My 'Daddy Issues' aren't because my father skipped out or because he didn't get me the car I wanted. My problems are much bigger then that and yes, I admit I have problems. That is one of the many steps in my therapy.

You see my father was a drunk and when he wasn't abusing the bottle, he was abusing Michael and me instead. Life was hell after our mother left him, but it turns out that mother didn't leave. Mother was killed by my father because she was unfaithful and had another man's child. We grew up thinking that she had abandoned us, but no, that wasn't the case at all.

After my father disposed of our mother he realized that Michael and I were constant reminders of what she had done. This led to us becoming the victims of his abuse and it went on for years. I never thought it would stop and then one day... It all stopped. It turned out that my father had found a new outlet for his rage. He took up the sport of killing any and all unfaithful women that resembled our mother.

I tried stopping my father from killing one of his targets and got myself arrested in the process. The police thought that I was the one killing the women. After a lot of silence during my questioning, I finally decided to come clean. I don't know why I tried to defend that sorry excuse for a man, but I will never do it again.

After receiving my statement, the FBI went to our house to stop my father before he could kill again. Agent Morgan was hit over the head and had dropped his gun. He fought with my father trying to defend Michael and from what I was told, Michael killed my father. He shot him in the heart without hesitation. I guess it was his way of assuring himself that my father would never hurt anyone ever again, us included. Our life was hell back then. Though it's not so great now a days either. Anything is better then what we went through then though.

"You ready to start?" My therapist asked as she entered the room.

I looked up at her and nodded. "What are we going to discuss today?"

Mrs. Rose sat down next to me and crossed her long legs. "How about your fear of men?"


Hey my lovely readers. Yeah you guys. You know you are amazing right? Oh yeah you are :) So hit me up my awesome comrades. Let me know what you think so far, did it sum up what happened good enough for you? I hope it did. Comment or Vote my lovelies. If you follow me I will follow you :)

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