Chapter 5: Visiting the Departed

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After my long grueling hours at work I decided to make a trip before I went home. I never took Michael to where I was going, I wanted him to move past what had happened. Even though I'm not quite ready to go on just yet.

I stepped out of Goodwin's Books and pulled my keys out of my pocket. "Have a safe drive home!" Daniel called from behind me. I gave him a wave over my shoulder and slipped unto my bike, not even bothering with my helmet. I didn't want to be near Daniel anymore than I had to, not after today. I started my Ducati and pulled out of the ally, entering the rush hour traffic.

I saw all the same sights on my trip towards Shelbyville. Everything was just on the opposite side now, though green and brown blurs look the same no matter which direction you're going in. My exit came into view and I started to question my choice. I started to leave the lane to get off on the ramp, but remembered the words of my therapist. 'You'll never get better if you don't face the cause for your problems.' In a split second change of mind, I turned unto the off ramp and headed towards my past.

I arrived outside of the small cemetery and parked my bike on the road by section J. I slipped off my bike and started to walk slowly towards the first grave I intended to visit. My heart felt heavy as it came into view and I could just barely read the name on the smooth headstone.

'Jessica Wright'

My heart ached the closer I got to the grave. By the time I was standing at the headstone, I was on my knees. I felt nothing but guilt. I know I couldn't have stopped the murder of my mother, I was too young back then. What I do feel guilty for is the fact that I always thought she abandoned us. I cursed her name several times in my life wishing she was still around, hoping she would return. Of course she never did.

I placed my hand on the smooth headstone and held it there as I stared down at the ground. "I'm sorry m-mom..." My voice cracked as my eyes started to water. This was never easy for me, but I needed to move on. "I'm sorry I lost faith in you. I'm sorry I blamed you for everything. I know it must have been hard on you, I'm sure something was. You must have had some reason to be with that other man. I will always respect that..." I stood up slowly, regaining my composure. "I'm sorry it ended the way it did..."

I wiped my eyes one last time as I gave the headstone a final glance. I stepped around the slab of stone and continued to my next objective. This was always the hardest part and I prayed silently that this would be the last time I came here. The next grave came into view, but someone else was on their knees, trembling in front of the headstone. Who would be visiting my father? Who would be crying over my father?

I approached the masculine figure slowly, not wanting to disturb him, but also not wanting to have to be here any longer than necessary. Is it a grieving husband, cursing my father? My thoughts clouded as the person abruptly stood and turned to face me. I never thought I'd see him again...

Oliver stared at me. His sharp blue eyes were red and puffy, but I pretended not to notice. "Oh, hey..." He said weakly as he wiped the tear on his cheek away. I felt so bad seeing Oliver cry, but at the same time I wondered what upset him so much.

"Hi." I shoved my hands into my sweater pocket and looked at the dead grass. "What are you doing here?" I asked. I realized now that my words sounded cold and accusing, but Oliver didn't seem to notice.

"This man..." He stated pointing to my father's headstone. "This man killed my mother." His face showed no signs of anger, and to my surprise his eyes did not either.

My heart skipped a beat and my stomach clenched as I began to understand what Oliver had said. My father killed his mom... He was the child of one of my father's victims... "I-I... He killed my mother too..." I said before I could stop myself.

Oliver stared at me, his eyes darkening. Does he think I'm lying? "I don't understand how a man could hurt another human being. How he could just stand over another and take their life away for no reason. I'm glad he is dead. He doesn't deserve to live, not after the things he did... but at the same time, I pray for him and his victims every night. I regret his death... He should have rotted in prison for what he did, yet he got his ticket punched." Oliver stared at me. "I'm sorry he hurt your family."

My heart ached at Oliver's words. My father killed him mom and he was apologizing to me. I wanted to tell him everything. That the man was my father, that I could have stopped it, or that I was sorry. But I could not form the words. I was stuck in my place staring at Oliver as he stared at me.

Oliver approached me, and my heart beat quickened. I remember my encounter with Daniel and feared what he would do. Before I could react and move away, Oliver wrapped his long arms around me. He pulled me into an embrace filled with care. I felt warm and safe as Oliver held me there in his arms. Oliver pulled away and gave me his shy smile. I felt cold, no longer having his arms around me.

"Call me optimistic, but I believe that everything happens for a reason... What this man did was awful, but it has brought us both here. His actions are what led to our meeting and I think that says something..." Oliver spoke softly, his voice smooth and low.

I looked up at him dumbfounded by his evaluation of the situation. How could he be okay with all of this...? How he could be so positive after what happened to his family? I felt guilty for my negative outlook on the world and made a mental promise to Oliver. I promised myself that I would do this for him because of his strength. I would look more positively on people and try to move past what my father did. I now understood what my therapist was trying to teach me. "You're right. We did meet for a reason, a reason so complicated I couldn't even begin to explain it."

Oliver's smile finally reached his eyes as he heard my words. "A reason none the less..." His words were slow and calm as he looked down at me.

My stomach flipped as I stared at his handsome features. Oliver gave me a reason to be hopeful again and he gave me a reason to not be afraid.


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