Chapter 4: To Trust or Not to Trust...

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My mind wandered as I weaved through the morning Indiana traffic. I had a long drive ahead of me. It takes at least an hour to get to Indianapolis from Shelbyville. I don't mind the long drive. It gives me a good time to clear my head and think.

The scenery along the sides of the highway flew by in a blur. They were a colorful mix of green and brown. I switched into the far left lane, using it to pass by an older woman who was driving slow. One thing that is for sure is that I don't go crazy when I am on my bike. I have to think of Michael and what would happen to him if I was hurt.

The bright, green sign stating my exit number came into view and I switched into the proper lane so that I could get off on the ramp. I'm not a big city person, mainly because of how crowded it was. Of course my low tolerance for people had an effect on my outlook of the city. Though, that doesn't change the fact that it's still crowded.

I weaved through traffic until I got near my work place. It was nothing fancy, just a small book store that had internet access. The small establishment was ran by an older gentleman named Marcus Goodwin and paid good money. It got a fair amount of customers here and there, enough to pay the bills and keep the shelves stocked. I personally like this job because I can read and work on my online classes when we don't have customers around.

I pulled into the alley beside my work place, Goodwin Books, and parked my bike. Off to my right, Daniel and Mr.Goodwin were both arriving as well. I waved to Mr. Goodwin and Daniel as I slipped off my bike. Mr. Goodwin sent a small nod back and went to unlock the store, Daniel on the other hand rushed over to say hi.

"Hey, Alex!" He called out as he jogged to me.

I locked my helmet into the case attached to the back of my bike and greeted Daniel back. "Hi, Dan..." Don't get me wrong, Daniel is a nice guy... He's just... Not for me I guess you could say.

"How is Michael doing in school?" He asked, making small talk as we entered the store.

I tried to hide my agitation. I'm not really in the mood to discuss small talk with anyone right now... "He's doing good. Mary has helped him pull his grades up."

"Oh. That's good. If you ever need anymore help tutoring him you can let me know, okay?" He stated with a smile.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, dismissing him. It wasn't going to happen. Michael could get all the help he needed from Mary and that was enough. I walked away from Daniel and started my daily routine.

I went around the stock room first, making sure that everything was in order. I found a couple of boxes that must have been delivered over night and carried them over to a table. I pulled the box cutter out from one of the table drawers and opened the new boxes up to see what had been sent in. The first box contained the shipment of James Patterson books and the second one had the Stephan King novels we ordered.

I gathered a few copies of the books in the boxes and carried them into the front of the store. "Need any help?" A male voice behind me asked, I nearly jumped out of my skin causing a few books to fall off the stack I was carrying. A slender arm reached down from behind me, catching the falling books.

I turned around to glare at the man, but I froze when I came face to face with a handsome gentleman. I opened my mouth to speak, but I could not form any words.

"My bad..." He said with a shy smile, running a hand through his hair. That is too cute... Wait what? "I didn't mean to scare you, I just didn't want you to strain yourself."

"I can handle my own." I retorted plainly. I could not think of better words to say, so I went with my natural defense. Sarcasm and bluntness.

The man smiled his shy smile, revealing his beautiful white teeth. "I'm sure you can." He sighed and followed me as I started to stack the books on the shelves. "You want to know the real reason I wanted to help you?"

I stopped dead in my tracks. Does he know? Does he know what my father did? "Um... Sure..."

He rocked on his feet nervously and shoved his hands into his cargo shorts. "I wanted an excuse to say hi..." His eyes filled with nervousness and soon dread followed as I struggled to reply to his words.

"Oh... Hi." I replied dumbly. I mentally slapped myself and started to organize the books.

The man chuckled and slipped a book off the shelf. I think he just wanted something to do so he didn't feel awkward. "Hey." His greeting came out smooth and self assured. He stuck out his right hand, holding the book with his left. "I'm Oliver."

I hesitantly took his hand and shook it. "I'm Alexandra, but you can call me Alex." I gave him a small smile, trying to break the tension.

The man returned the smile with his own shy grin. "Pleased to meet you."

I looked over the man's shoulder. I had the strange feeling that I was being watched. Sure enough Daniel was standing at the counter, his hand clutching the edge in anger. What the hell is his problem? Daniel looked away from me and glared at the man I was talking with. "I have to get back to work..."

"Oh, right! Here let me give you my number. Maybe we could hang out sometime?" He held out his phone expectantly.

I dug my own cellphone out of my pocket and handed it to him as I took his. I typed my information into his phone and he did the same with mine. "Here you go." We traded cells again and he grinned.

"Thanks! I'll call later?" He started to walk out of the store but waited by the door for my reply.

I nodded my head as I put my phone away. "Yeah, okay." I watched as he left, still wearing his shy smile.

I walked past the counter and started to make my way back to the stock room. My retreat was prevented when Daniel called me over to him. I turned on my heels, deciding it would be rude if I acted like I didn't hear him. It would be pointless because the store is currently empty, therefore I had no reason not to hear him. "Yeah?"

Daniel looked down on me, towering over my 5' 7" frame. He had to be at least six foot tall. Daniel slid his long bangs out of his eyes, I can't remember the last time he cut his jet black hair. Daniel really had that bad boy look about him, and I'm honestly not looking for that. "Who the hell was that?" He demanded dryly like an over protective boyfriend.

"Oh him?" I asked pretending the encounter with the nice guy didn't matter. When in all actuality I was mesmerized by his shy yet smooth manner. "That was just Oliver."

Daniel's gray eyes darkened at the sound of Oliver's name. "I don't like that guy." Daniel replied coldly, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the counter top in his hands.

"Why not? He was nice." I leaned against the counter and watched Daniel's every move. Watching people has become a habit of mine. My therapist says it is progress, that I will eventually get to talking more openly. Wait until she hears of my spur of the moment encounter with the handsome Oliver.

"He is too nice. Guys like him are dangerous. They will get you wrapped around their finger with their shy act and then break your heart." Daniel stepped around the counter and placed his hands on my shoulders. His grip was a little too tight for comfort, turning what was supposed to be a kind gesture into a display of dominance.

I cringed sliently at Daniel's action, frightened by the look on his face. I said what he wanted me to say, just to get him away from me. "Okay... I'll stay away from him..." I felt like I had a rock in my stomach.

Daniel watched me for a moment before stepping away. "Good." He walked back behind the counter and acted as if our conversation never happened. Though I did feel his eyes on me as I reentered the stock room.

Just Like Daddy *Sequel to Daddy Did It*Where stories live. Discover now