Chapter 21: The Body

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The crime scene was swarming with police. Red and blue flashed across the sky in a crazy manner. Several police cars were parked along the side of the road, blocking the flow of traffic. They were attempting to preserve the evidence. Not that they would find anything useful.

The two black SUV's pulled up next to the line of police cars and the six agents jogged to the side of the road. None of them were ready to accept that this could be happening, how could Alex be dead?

A single ambulance sat in the center of the road. It's lights were on, flashing bright red and blues across the early morning sky. A paramedic ran towards the side of road, carrying a medical bag. The team all exchanged a look of hope and confusion. They joined the growing chaos, pushing their way through the forming crowd.

Two paramedics were hovering over a bloodied and beaten form, it was a truly heart breaking sight. The six Agents held their breath as they awaited what the paramedics would say. They exchanged a few words, working quickly, doing god knows what. They slipped a board underneath the body of the unidentified girl and lifted her off the grass.

The paramedics moved in a quick and steady pace as they rushed back to their ambulance, with the girl. They lowered her unto a stretcher and moved her into the ambulance. One of the paramedics stepped out of the back of the ambulance, and closed the rear doors. He rushed around to the front and the ambulance took off for the nearest hospital.

Hotch rushed to the nearest police officer, wanting to get an explanation for all the craziness surrounding them. "What's going on?"

"OH! Agent Hotchner! We got here and the girl was still breathing! We called the ambulance in and they got here in the blink of an eye!" The Officer said in a rush.

Alex was still alive... At least for now...

Hotch turned and gave the good news to his team. As if on cue, Hotch's phone began to ring. He answered the cell quickly. "Hello?"

"Hey, Hotch. I ran a trace on that number you sent me... It belongs to a Daniel Stone... The weird thing is that Daniel went missing seven years ago in Ohio. I ran a search on him and found that he owns a summer home in Indiana..." Garcia stated over the phone.

"What's the address, Garcia?"

After a few clicks Garcia said. "529 Trenton."

"Thanks, Garcia." Hotch hung up his phone and stuffed it in his pocket. "We got an address! 529 Trenton!" Hotch stated to his team and the Officers.

Everyone rushed to their vehicles and raced off to the address. It took them all only twenty minutes to get to the older, two story home. They all split up, Morgan, Reid, and JJ taking the back, and Rossi, Blake, and Hotch taking the front entrance.

Morgan kicked in the back door, while Hotch busted in the front door. "FBI!" They both called out at the same time. The team and Officers began to search the house. Hotch and Blake took the upstairs, Morgan and Reid took the basement, JJ and Rossi took the first floor.

After a few painfully silent moments everyone called out their status.

"First floor, clear!" JJ called.

"Second floor, clear!" Hotch stated as he and Blake made their way down the stairs. Hotch's eyes fell on the photographs of Alex that lined the wall of the staircase. He looked away when Morgan called out.

"Guys! Come check this out!" Morgan's voice came from the basement.

They all piled down the basement stairs, entering the dark area. They all took in the gruesome sight that surrounded them. Blood covered the floor and walls. The walls were lined with tools and several of them where covered in blood.




It was everywhere, there was no getting away from it. Morgan was standing by a mattress that had blood stained wire, bits of skin and flesh clung to the wire here and there. "Jesus." Morgan muttered. "We found his killing site..."


Daniel Stone laughed to himself as he slipped through the crowded airport terminal. He knew that it would not be safe to remain in Indiana any longer and currently a trip to Canada sounded like a pretty good idea to him. He gripped his plane ticket tightly as he took his seat, waiting for his flight to board.

His leg start to shake on it's own. He had never felt this nervous before, not since he was a kid. His deed was done, he did what he set out to do and now he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Daniel looked around at those sitting around him, they all seemed to be staring... whispering... One was talking quickly into her cell phone. Daniel's eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to figure out what was going on. He looked up at the television screen that hung from the ceiling a few feet away and his eyes widened.

On the local News 6 channel, a mug shot of Daniel was being displayed. His grip on the ticket tightened as he quickly stood up, though his body froze as a woman reporter started to speak. "It has just been reported, that the missing nineteen year old Alexandra Wright has been located. She is alive and currently undergoing intensive surgery. Her attacker has now been identified as Daniel Stone, a man who had supposedly gone missing seven years ago... Tune in later for more on this story."

Daniel stared at the television screen a moment longer and then turned back to the scared faces of those around him. He spun on his heels and started to rush through the airport, he needed to disappear. Everyone stared at him in horror and shock as he passed them... Several pulled out their  phones and dialed the police.

This was not good for Daniel...


One of the Officers rushed up to the Agents and informed them of Daniel's current whereabouts. The team hurried out of the house, leaving the evidence to the locals. They jumped into their SUV's and burned rubber to get to the airport. They knew they should have seen a move like this coming. Daniel probably wasn't expecting to be identified.

No criminal plans on getting caught, but they get cocky and screw up or in this case, the police get lucky....

The six Agents split up as they entered the crowded airport and began their search for Daniel.


Hey guy and gals... I am really sorry for the short chapters, but it is all I can do at the moment. I  have a lot of school work and my brother let the cat out the other day... She has been gone for two weeks now and it has not been easy... Sorry.

Let me know what you guys think of the story. All your comments and opinions are greatly appreciated .

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