Chapter 17: Root of All Evil

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After my encounter with Agent Morgan, I seemed to get a blast from the past. Everything that had happened back then seemed so much more real then it had before. I remember when I was not so willing to tell the agents what was going on. I of course confessed everything, had I not I don't think Michael and I would still be alive. Of course these now more vivid memories are harder to deal with because it all seems so much more real compared to before.

I just need out of the apartment and away from everyone else. Oliver offered to take Michael and I out to a dinner and movie, but I needed space to just clear my head... What better way to do that then to go to work right? I would have an actual reason to think about something other then all this crap that has been going on.

I convinced Oliver to let me go to work and that I was capable of driving myself. Thus I am now weaving my way through traffic on my motorcycle. The usual green and brown blurs clouded and mixed in my peripheral vision. Though I was more concerned with the cars around me then taking the time to pay much attention to them. I don't exactly want to get run over by a car...again...

When I finally entered the parking lot of Goodwin's Books I saw a few familiar faces stepping out of the store. They glanced at me, but of course couldn't tell who I was with my helmet on. I slipped off my bike and placed my helmet into it's lock box on the back of the bike. I jogged to catch up to the duo and stopped them as they got into their black SUV.

"Hotch! JJ!" I called as I jogged up.

JJ gave me a soft smile and Hotch stared at me a bit confused. Hell it has been three years. "Hey, I just talked to Morgan at my apartment... What are you guys doing here?"

Hotch's eyes filled with recognition, though he did not smile like JJ. Something tells me that he never smiles. "We were looking for you, but I am sure Morgan covered everything."

"Yeah, he was pretty thorough... I wish I could have been a little more help though." I slapped myself mentally. These people have a job to do... "Well, I should get going..."

Hotch and JJ nodded. I gave them a nod and ran inside the store, not wanting to embarrass myself anymore then I already had. I walked right into Daniel and his eyes widened in shock. "Hey, Alex..."

"Oh hi, Dan... Wasn't today your day off?" I asked confused.

Daniel smiled and nodded. Okay that is weird... "Yeah, but Mr. Goodwin called and said you weren't going to be coming in and asked if I could cover your shift. I figured I could use a few extra bucks..."

"Oh, thanks..." I side stepped around him, entering the store and Danial trailed behind me... Wasn't he just leaving?

"A couple of FBI Agents came to talk with you..." Daniel stated.

I nodded as I picked up the all too familiar box cutter. "Yeah, I know. I ran into them in the parking lot and another came by my apartment not too long ago..."

"Any idea why they would want to talk to you?" Daniel leaned against the wall as I worked on the box on the table.

"Well, they just wanted to ask me a few questions. Nothing too special..."

Daniel looked a little offended, but the look soon disappeared. "Oh, okay..."

I lifted the books out of the box, not bothering to check the title and placed them on the table. I shoved the box to the floor and picked up another one. I dropped it on to the table in front of me and began to cut it open. "Shouldn't you be heading home...?"

"Well... Yeah... I... I just..." Daniel looked at me with his cold, black eyes.

I turned away from him, jumping as I nicked my palm with the box cutter. "Son of biscuit!" I yelped in shock.

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