Chapter 20: A Day To Remember

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Daniel stared down at me as he approached my shaking figure. He towered over me on a daily basis, but now with him having the stairs add to his height... I am truly afraid. A smirk crossed Daniel's lips. "Did you really think you could just leave?" The step creaked under his weight as he took a step closer to me. "I'm doing this for you, Alex. Did you forget that? I want you to see how much I love you..."

"I would never love you... y-you FREAK!" I screamed at him. Hurt filled his features and I prepared for his strike.

Daniel threw his fist at me and I caught his arm. I used the stairs to my advantage, pulling him off balance. I wasn't prepared for what he did as he tried to catch himself. He caught my arm, in attempt to steady himself. Me being in my weak state, could hardly keep myself upright, let alone support us both... Daniel pulled me down the stairs with him.

We tumbled down the basement stairs, Daniel tried to stop his fall but couldn't. My head smacked the bottom step, hard as Daniel's weight fell on me. I groaned in pain. I tried to get up but Daniel was unconscious on top of me. A nasty gash was now on his forehead.

I tried to push him off of me, but my right hand protested all movement. I tried everything I could, but nothing seemed to work. I dropped back, sighing in defeat. Suddenly I felt something on my leg vibrate. I looked up to see Daniel's cell phone, sticking out of his pocket. I licked my dry lips and considered my options... Grab the phone... Wait for him to wake up...

I think I will try for the phone.

Slowly I raised myself up as much as I could, under Daniel's weight and tried to get a grip on his phone. My fingers barely grazed the top of his cell. Come on... Come on... I tried again, managing to pinch the phone with two fingers. I tried to pull it out of his pocket, but I lost my grip.

Daniel stirred and I looked at his changing features nervously. I gave up on getting the phone and laid back, pretending to be unconscious. I felt the weight above me disappear as Daniel stood up. A pair of arms lifted me off of the ground and I was thrown down unto the mattress. I held in the cry of pain that tried to pass by my lips.

A shoe hit my rib cage and I couldn't hold back the cry. Everything hurt too much... Daniel knelt down beside me, gripping my chin aggressively. "You are more trouble than you're worth!" He spat in my face. His shoe connected with my ribs again.

Daniel walked away and pulled something off his work table. "You are gonna die... Just Like Daddy!" A cruel smirk filled his face as he held the gun in front of him. I stared down the barrel of the gun and before I could even plead for my life he fired the gun.

Three bullets tore through my chest and my body went numb...


*3rd Person POV*

Hotch awoke from his restless sleep and reached for his ringing phone. He rubbed his tired eyes as he checked the caller ID, an unknown number was displayed across his phone and he pressed the answer button. "Agent Hotchner."

"She's dead..." A deep voice rasped on the other end of the phone.

Hotch jumped out of the bed, suddenly very alert. "Who is this?" He crossed the room, rushing as he changed.

"Her body is located at 45th and Pike..." Came the raspy reply.

The line went dead and Hotch looked down at his phone just to make sure. "Rossi! Get up!" Hotch called out as he pulled on his black shoes.

"HM?" Rossi's head popped up off of his pillow, revealing his crazed hair. Not that Hotch looked any better. "What's going on?"

"Just hurry up and get ready, I'll explain everything after I get the others up." Hotch called as he jogged out of their hotel room. Grabbing his badge and gun on his way out.

Hotch crossed the hall and practically beat Morgan and Reid's hotel room door down with his bare fists. The door opened revealing a very agitated Morgan, he looked as though he hadn't fallen asleep at all. "Get Reid up! We need to go, now!"

Hotch jogged to the girl's room and knocked just as he had earlier. After about two minutes, JJ opened the door, with a sleepy eyed Blake standing behind her. "What is it, Hotch?"

"You need to get ready, now!"

Without question, the two girls disappeared into the room. After about five minutes, everyone had gathered in the hall, ready to go. Hotch led them all outside as he explained. "I got a call from our UNSUB..."

"Did Garcia trace it?" Morgan asked, his eyes lighting up with hope.

Hotch shook his head and continued. "He wasn't on the line long enough for that, but I sent her the number to check it... I also alerted the local police... He said that Alex is dead..."

Morgan's eyes became cold as ice and he looked away from his boss in anger. This was exactly what he feared would happen if they stopped looking.

Hotch sighed. "There was nothing we could do, we are going to where he said her body is..."

The team split into two groups of three. Morgan, Reid, and Rossi taking one SUV, Hotch, JJ, Blake taking the other. They all rushed off to the address that Hotch had been given....


Heyoo my wonderful readers.

I know this was not the longest of chapters... I apologize for that.

Other then that let me know what you guys think of the story so far. Your feed back is greatly appreciated guys and gals :)

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